May 31, 2008

31 Post in 31 Days; May 2008


I did it! I posted in all 31 days of May 2008!

Saturday 6: Charity

This week’s set of questions is about charity. It’s a topic that some of you might be comfortable with and others may not. This week’s quiz is from a religious-oriented website, and the answers you get might raise your eyebrows.

Sounds like an interesting set coming up, right?

1. What was the last organization you gave a monetary donation to? The local Salvation Army.

2. What was the last charitable thing you volunteered to do? I volunteered my time for an upcoming conference.

3. Someone you know comes to you in a bad situation and asks to borrow $10. Do you give them the money even if you think they might not give it back? Yes, I would give them the money. Paying me back would be nice but not necessary.

4. Take the quiz: How Charitable Are You?
scored 21, on a scale of 0 to 36. "Faithful Contributor. Your sense of charity and social justice is very tied to your faith. Your charitable actions spring from both your strong sense of compassion and your religious obligations. You look toward religious leaders for guidance in where to contribute and likely participate in church or house of worship fundraisers and volunteer activities. Read up on what your faith has to say about charity and giving or find a religious service agency."

5. Do you agree with the quiz’s results? Yes, I agree with the quiz results.

6. Should the United States do more to help its own citizens before helping people in other countries? I feel that the United States should do more to help its own citizen but that we should continue to help other countries also...spread the wealth (so to speak).

Camera Critters: May 30 , 2008

Camera Critters

This is Shelby Lynn...our 3 1/2 year old boxer/catahoula mix.
In this first picture she is giving us the "Pathetic Puppy" look.

In the next picture she is doing the "Curious Puppy/Nosy Puppy" look. She ended up barking at the camera LOL



Saturday 9: Another High School Meme

Saturday 9: Another High School Meme
Hosted by Crazy Sam

1. Can you sing the fight song? My school didn't really have one.

2. Who was your favorite teacher? Brenda Taylor

3. What was your school mascot? Panthers

4. Did you go to the Prom? Yes, without a date.

5. If you could go back, would you? Not no, but hell no!

6. What do you remember most about graduation? My six week old daughter was there to see me walk across the stage. I finished High School with a baby and had excellent grades. I hope it is an inspiration to my own children to do their best no matter what!

7. Where were you on Senior Skip Day? In town at the local cafe, drinking too much Pepsi!

8. Did you have a job your senior year? Yes, but I quit because I was pregnant and could not handle being on my feet all day.

9. Where did you go most often for lunch? The school cafeteria...our cooks were awesome!

Saturday Special: Designer's Choice

The Saturday Special: Designer's Choice
Hosted by Toni

1. My home would be in the style of? I would like a Split-Level Ranch home or a Plantation (like Tara in Gone With The Wind).

2. My kind of furniture style is? Anything that is comfortable and looks good in the house.

3. My floors would be covered with? I would love real hardwood flooring throughout the house, except for the bathroom(s) and kitchen (they will be floored with ceramic tiles).

4. My landscaping would look like?
I want lots of rosebushes and a few fish ponds.

Saturday Social: Lottery

Today's Saturday Social Question:

What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

If I won the lottery the first thing I would do would be to get my teeth fixed :) Yes, I have talked about my teeth a lot in my blog...they are a sore spot with me (literally)!

May 30, 2008

Daily Favorites: May 25 to May 30, 2008

Your Favorites - Daily
Hosted by

Sunday, May 25, 2008: Favorite type of Bean = My favorite type of beans are Green Beans.

Monday, May 26, 2008: Favorite type of melon
= My favorite type of melon is Watermelon.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008: Favorite type of berry
= My favorite type of berries are Strawberries!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008: Favorite Time of Day
= My favorite time of the day is 4:00pm during the work is what time I get off work.

Thursday, May 29, 2008: Favorite Day of the Week = My favorite day of the week is Saturday because I get to sleep in late.

Friday, May 20, 2008: Favorite Month of the Year =
My favorite month of the year is May. The temperatures start to get warmer, flowers are blooming and there is a "Freshness" in the air.

The Friday Five: May 30, 2008

This week's set was suggested by
sevenreeds and comes with a bonus question.

"With the following phrases, post a single image of the strongest thought/idea that pops into your head."

1.) Favorite Food: Chocolate

2.) Least Favorite Food: Spinach

3.) Favorite Thing: Teddy Bears
Reading Bear

4.) Least Favorite Thing: Snakes
garter snake

5.) A phobia: Death

6.) An addiction: World of Warcraft
World Of Warcraft

Friday Fun: The Book Edition

1. What are your top five favorite authors? What genres do they write?
Stephen King - Horror
John Sandford - Mystery
Dean Koontz - Suspense, Horror
Jeffery Deaver - Mystery, Crime
Dan Brown - Thriller, Fiction

2. What are your favorite genre(s) to read?
Humorous Fiction
Short Stories
Science Fiction

3. What are you reading right now?
"Blaze" by Richard Bachman (Stephen King)

4. What are the last three you read? What’s next?
"Rules of Prey" by John Sandford"
"The Stone Monkey" by Jeffery Deaver
"The Gunslinger" by Stephen King

Next I will be reading another of the "Prey" series by John Sandford.

5. Name one book you think I should try out! Thanks!
"Rules of Prey" by John Sandford"

Top 5 Fridays: Ways To Die

Top 5 Fridays
Hosted by Martha

Top 5 Ways To Die:
1. Cancer
2. Car Accident
3. Drowning
4. Suicide
5. Alcohol

Top 5 on Friday: Work Related

Top 5 On Friday - Week 177
Hosted by The Meme Mistress

This week's topic brought to you by Malcom
Top 5 songs about work or are work related

01. "Take This Job And Shove It" by Johnny Paycheck
02. "40 Hour Week" by Alabama
03. "Get a Haircut" by George Thorogood
04. "Rain on the Scarecrow" by John Mellencamp
05. "Working 9 to 5" by Dolly Parton

Friday's Feast: May 30, 2008

Hosted by Susie -

The following message was posted on Susie's blog:

The chef is on vacation!
I’ll be back on June 6th with brand new questions.

Friday Fill-in's: May 30, 2008

Questions courtesy of MindFul Mimi who had some thought- provoking ones this week; thank you, Mimi!

1. For me sitting around staring at the tv is the opposite of creativity.
2. Rules of Prey by John Sandford was the last excellent book I read was.
3. I like fill-ins because it is fun and makes my brain work.
4. In nature I like looking at
beautiful flowers, such as roses and lilacs.
I am still not sure who I think should win the US elections.
6. The last time I laughed with all my belly was earlier when I was surfing
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to playing World of Warcraft (as usual)
, tomorrow my plans include sleeping in late and doing nothing all day, and Sunday, I want to get some laundry done!

May 29, 2008

Anhydrous Ammonia and Propane Cylinders

I got the following information today in an email. According to has been confirmed that propane tanks are used to transport anhydrous ammonia, a substance used in the manufacture of meth, and they are dangerous to use because they have been structurally weakened. HOWEVER, has not been able to confirm is such tanks are being returned to stores and resold to the public.


The link below has important information concerning exchanging propane tanks. If you have a propane gas grill or some other use for the small propane tanks, please click on the link below. The Meth Lab operators are now putting us at risk in another way these days.

The Meth Lab operators are now utilizing the propane tanks to store anhydrous ammonia.
The brass valve in a propane cylinder will be damaged if it comes in contact with anhydrous ammonia. This deterioration will lead to cracking of the valve body or its components and can ultimately result in a violent, unexpected expulsion of the valve from the cylinder, causing personal injury or death.



The brass valve in a propane cylinder will be damaged if it comes in contact with anhydrous ammonia. This deterioration will lead to cracking of the valve body or its components and can ultimately result in a violent, unexpected expulsion of the valve from the cylinder, causing personal injury or death.

Background and Recommended Action

It has come to the attention of the National Propane Gas Association that propane cylinders are being used in the manufacturing of Methamphetamines. This drug is commonly referred to as 'crank'. Manufacturers of this illegal substance are using propane cylinders for the storage and the use of anhydrous ammonia. These cylinders have been found in many states at cylinder exchange and refilling locations as well as in hotel rooms and mobile laboratories, where the manufacturing of this illegal substance takes place.

As observed in the illustrations, a blue-green stain on any brass portion of a service valve is evidence that it may have been in contact with anhydrous ammonia*. The pungent odor of ammonia on or near the cylinder is also an indication. If you suspect that a propane cylinder contains or has contained anhydrous ammonia, exercise extreme caution and restrict access to the area.

It can be dangerous to move the cylinder due to the unknown integrity of the cylinder's service valve. If you determine that it must be moved, keep in mind that hazards due to valve expulsion can be reduced by pointing the end of the container in which the valve is placed away from yourself and others and towards the most safe direction.

Immediately contact your Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Unit or the nearest office of the United States Department of Justice's Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for information on properly disposing of the cylinder. If these respondents are not sure what to do, for assistance call 1-800-728-2482, which is the contact number for PERS, an independent hazardous materials information resource.

*Note: Sherwood valves contain a green coated valve stem. Additionally, a green thread sealing compound is used on some valves. These valves should not be confused with those that have been exposed to anhydrous ammonia.

Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney

Song Name: Don't Blink
Artist Name: Kenny Chesney
Songwriter(s): Casey Michael Beathard, Chris Allen Wallin
Release Date: September 9, 2007
Label: RCA

I turned on the evening news
Saw a old man being interviewed
Turning a hundred and two today
Asked him what's the secret to life
He looked up from his old pipe
Laughed and said "All I can say is."

Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink

I was glued to my tv when it looked like he looked at me and said
"Best start putting first things first."
Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can't flip it over and start again
Take every breathe God gives you for what it's worth

Don't Blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink

So I've been tryin' ta slow it down
I've been tryin' ta take it in
In this here today, gone tomorrow world we're livin' in

Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster then you think
So Don't blink

Naw, don't blink, don't blink
Life Goes Faster Than You Think
Don't Blink...

Thursday Threesome: Don't Blink

Thursday Threesome: Life Goes Faster Than You Think
Hosted by Dan at The Back Porch

Onesome: Life Goes Faster-- than you want it to sometimes. Is anything moving just a little too fast for you lately?
Yes, there is something going a little too fast for me in life right now. Well not really something but someone(s). My children are getting older way to fast. My daughter is now 19-years-old, is married and has a child of her own. Seems just like yesterday SHE was the baby and I was trying to figure out how to make bottles, change diapers and keep the baby happy. My son is 15-years-old and will be leaving home in a few years and this makes me sad. I think the "empty nest" thing is starting to hit me really early.

Twosome: (Faster) Than You-- can pull a search? ...anyone know where the subject and title for this week's T-3 came from off the top of their head? No? It's worth a quick search...
Kenny Chesney sings a song titled "Don't Blink. But I will search and see what else I can find.

**See my next post for the lyrics and a video of the song**

Threesome: Think-- ing about Summer? Time at the beach? Vacation plans? ...or not: has the fuel price thing put a hold on some plans? ...or are you thinking of alternate forms of travel for Summer fun?
We will be spending our summer vacation at home. The price of fuel has really dampened any plans we had or would make for the summer. Plus it is really hard to travel with two dogs when it is so hot outside. Maybe next year we will head to the Smokey Mountains for a few least that is what I would like to do.

Booking Through Thursday: Reading, Fundamentally?

What is Reading, Fundamentally?
Suggested by: Thisisnotabookclub

What is reading, anyway? Novels, comics, graphic novels, manga, e-books, audiobooks — which of these is reading these days? Are they all reading? Only some of them? What are your personal qualifications for something to be “reading” — why? If something isn’t reading, why not? Does it matter? Does it impact your desire to sample a source if you find out a premise you liked the sound of is in a format you don’t consider to be reading? Share your personal definition of reading, and how you came to have that stance.

Reading to me is anything that I look at that has words, letters, numbers, etc on it that I am able to understand and comprehend. I don't really consider audio books to be a form of reading because I do not actually read the words and I am not able to absorb the material....and I am not able to "get into" the actually story. I prefer to hold the item I am reading (book, newspaper, etc) in my hand because it helps me to "get a feel" for the story. I don't mind reading stories online such as e-books, or the daily news...because I still feel as if in am in control of the material.

3x Thursday: Your Interests

3x Thursday: Your Interests
Hosted by Hair Metal Queen

1. Do you have an interest in politics? Why/why not? I have never really been interested in politics. I get really tired of the name calling, mud slinging, bull crap that goes on. If politics were actually honest and people gave their true opinions, then I may have more interest.

2. What are 3 things you do for fun when you have down time? I like to play World of Warcraft online or play games on, or any other game site I can find online. I also like to read, watch movies and design signature tags with Paint Shop Pro/Animation Shop

3. If you could go (back, in some cases) to college and get any degree you wanted, what would it be in? Why? I currently have an Associates degree in Criminal Justice and a Bachelors degree in Human Resource Management. I would like to combine the two and work on a Master's Degree.

May 28, 2008

Wednesday Mind Hump: On Vacation

Wednesday Mind Hump
Hosted by RFDuck

Today RFDuck posted this

I can't seem to come up with any good ideas for a Mind Hump this week, so we'll take a break. See you on Monday!"


From Shannon: Have a great break :) See you on Monday!

Hump Day Humor: Ponderisms/Ponderings

Hump Day Humor Fourteenth Edition

This is a weekly meme for Hump Day~Wednesdays. Participants will post anything humorous: email forwards, pictures, happenings, or personal stories that go along with the question(s) and/or theme that is posted for that Wednesday.

Theme for Hump Day Humor

Fourteenth Edition

Wednesday, May 28, 2008



Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

Why did you just try singing the two songs above?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog’s face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?

If the professor on Gilligan’s Island can make a radio out of a coconut, why can’t he fix a hole in a boat?

Why is “bra” singular and “panties” plural?

Why do you have to 'put your two cents in'.. But it's only a 'penny for your thoughts'? Where's that extra penny going to?

Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.

Why is 'bra' singular and 'panties' plural?

If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from?

What's Your Price: May 28, 2008

Where do you live? Dixon, Missouri, USA

How much is/are..

1. Ribeye Steaks per pound?
2. New York Strip Steak per pound? $9.99

3. Instant Tea? $2.99 per jar

4. Cherries? $5.95 per pound

5. Corn On The Cob - Sweet Corn? Three ears for $0.99

May 27, 2008

Tuesday Tunes: Word Association

Tuesday Tunes: Week 34
Hosted by The Meme Mistress

Another word association week. Remember name the first song/artist/album etc that you think of when you see these 10 words.

Country: "We Are The World" written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie
Patriotic: "God Bless The USA" by Lee Greenwood
Summer: "Summertime Blues" by The Who
Heat: "The Heat Is On" by Glenn Frey
Fun: "F.U.N Song" by Spongebob Squarepants
Beach: The Beach Boys
Surf: "Surfer Girl" by The Beach Boys
Park: Linkin Park
Live: Classics Live I and Classics Live II - Aerosmith
South: "A Little South of Sanity" - Aerosmith

Tina's Tuesdays: Fill In The Blanks

Topic: Fill In The Blanks...

1. If I could go on a dream vacation, it would be to Ireland. I would love to visit the home land of my ancestors and see the beautiful countryside.

2. My 3 favorite things to do are: read, watch movies, and playing online games (such as World of Warcraft,, and

3. If I could change the world, I would start with better education of children at home and in the world.

Ten on Tuesday: Time Wasters

10 Favorite Time Wasters
01. Blogging - it is much more fun to blog than to work!
World of Warcraft - on online MMORPG
03. - more online games
04. Reading other people's blogs

Checking out Yahoo Groups and MSN Groups
Myspace, MyYearbook
07. Making signature tags and graphics with Paint Shop Pro/Animation Shop
Watching Movies
Reading books, magazines and other printed material that I have read before

Heads or Tails: Job

This week's theme/prompt is: TAILS - Tell about your job (Or one you've had)

Many years ago I worked in an Onion Ring Factory...we made onion rings, french toast and breaded mushrooms for place like Sonic and McDonald's. I had to quit the job when I was three months pregnant with my son because the smell of the factory made me sick every day. I spent more time in the bathroom then I did working on the production lines.

TMI Tuesday: May 27, 2008

TMI Tuesday #136
Hosted by Professor Fate

1. What lines have you used to let someone down gently.
I have said "Please sit down, I have a few things to discuss with you." I use a lot of "I" statements also.
2. If I gave you $10K to waste, what would you buy.
I would get my teeth fixed so that I can smile again.
3. If I gave you $10K, but you had to spend it all on someone else, what would you buy. I would spend it on my son...a car, some new clothes, maybe a new computer.
4. If your partner brought a double dildo to bed, I would be excited and ready to give it a try.
5. What sounds to you make during sex.
I moan quietly...don't want the kids to hear me.

Bonus (as in optional): Tell your worst break up story.
I was dating a guy named David...he could not be faithful, was abusive and liked to lie a lot. Just when I thought we were working through things, I found out he was sleeping with my best friend. There was a lot of yelling on my part and a lot of bullshit coming out of his mouth when we broke up.

May 26, 2008

Monday Music Mambo: Bob

Hello everyone! Today is Bob Day! Who doesn't like a guy named Bob?

Tell us your three favorite musical Bobs, and a good song by each one.

01. Bob Dylan - "Knocking On Heaven's Door"
02. Bob Marley - "I Shot The Sheriff"
03. Bob Willis - "San Antonio Rose"

Monday's A Bitch: Speaking in Tongues

Thanks to snickerz78 for this week's set!

Speaking in tongues...

1) What languages can you speak other than your native language? I can only speak English.
2) Which languages would you like to learn? I would love to learn Spanish and German.
3) What is your favorite thing to say in another language? Hummmm not sure...nothing I can think of right now.
4) Could you be an interpreter at the United Nations? No, but that would be a cool job.
5) When you get nervous, do you babble? Not always but sometimes. Most of the time I withdraw and become very quiet.

Manic Monday: May 26, 2008

Do good things come to those who wait? I think good things come to those who wait...but they don't come when that person(s) expects them too. The good thing tends to happen when you least expect it and you might not realize just how good it is until it is too late.

Your best friend's spouse is being unfaithful. Would you tell your friend? If so, how?
I would need absolute, undeniable proof that he was cheating on her before I would say a word about it. I think I would confront him first to hear his side of the story and then talk to her about it. I am really not sure how I would approach her...probably is a nice, quiet setting somewhere away from him and their home.

Which part of your body do you like the least? Would you change it through plastic surgery, if possible?
The thing I don't like about my body is my teeth...they are horrible and have been falling out one by one for years. I cannot afford to get them fixed and only get one pulled when I can't take the pain no more. I would love to have a nice smile again. No, plastic surgery would not change it BUT dentures would be awesome!

Monday Musings: Memorial Day

And I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
~*~Lee Greenwood~*~

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.
~*~Joseph Campbell~*~


Memorial Day 2008

They were called
out the door
went to fight for
their country at war

Kissed goodbye by Mom and Dad
hugged by wives
told them don't be sad

All fought hard
some came back
others crossed over
no courage did they lack

On this day we call Memorial Day
remember why they went
and hear what vets say

For they went to war
to fight for us to be free
and that is a lesson
important to me

When you walk down the street
and see our enlisted stand tall
wave to them, cheer them
and give them a call

written by Debi Fisher
May 27, 2006

May 25, 2008

Situation Sunday: May 25, 2008

Situation # 1:
Your brother and his wife are taking a trip out of the country, for a second honeymoon. They are going to be gone 2 weeks and have asked you to watch the 2 boys, ages 12, and 15. The 3rd day there the youngest gets mad for you not letting them spend all there time playing X-box, and storms into their room. You give them time to cool off and go check on them......They have snuck out a window, night comes and they still are not there......What do you do?

I would not wait until night to go looking for the kid. I would search the house entirely inside and outside then call his friends to see if they have seen him. If I am not able to find him I will call the police so that they are aware of the situation.

Situation # 2:
You are out hiking in a State Forest.....You and a friend....Three miles into the woods you come across what looks like a crashed UFO......What do you do?

I would be kind of freaked out at first but then I would calm down and call the local authorities (if I have my cell phone with me). Otherwise I would hike back out and find the local authorities.

Situation # 3:
You are staying out to your brothers watching his children. Your boyfriend gets jealous of the bond family has with you. He refuses to go biking ,hiking or anything. He says he might go boating but refuses to let you bring the kids.....What do you do?

I would tell the boyfriend to piss off. Family comes first and if he can't be a part of the family then he can't be a part of my life. My love comes as a package deal...if you love me you have to love my kids, grandkid, dogs, my brother and my family.

Sunday Seven: Skylines

Sunday Seven
Hosted by Patrick's Place

Of the thirty cities named in the List of Best Skylines, Name the Seven you’d most like to live in.

Paris, France
02. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
03. Melbourne, Australia
04. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
05. Toronto, Canada
06. Seattle,Washington, USA
07. Tokyo, Japan

Scrumptious Sunday: Fruity Drinks

Scrumptious Sunday Thirteenth Edition

This is a weekly meme for Sundays. A theme is given each week. You can include a list of the foods, original pictures, pictures you find, stories, how-to’s, recipes…Participants can also add what kind of scrumptious dinner they had on that Sunday or a previous Sunday. Please add your post link to Mr. Linky and leave a comment about your post here.

Theme for Scrumptious Sunday

Thirteenth Edition

Sunday, May 25, 2008

~Fruity Drinks~


Strawberry Smoothie

2 ice cubes
1 c. milk
1/3 c. cottage cheese
2/3 c. frozen strawberries
1 1/2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract

Pour all of the ingredients into the blender. Put the lid on the blender and blend for 45 to 60 seconds until smooth. Pour your smoothie into a glass and enjoy.

Unconscious Mutterings: May 25, 2008

I say ... and you think ... ?

1. Referral :: New job
2. Indiana :: Missouri
3. Foil :: Tin Foil, Foliage
4. Horizon :: Beautiful sunset
5. Event :: Birthday, Anniversary, Holiday
6. Sailing :: Over the Ocean or on a lake
7. Footage :: Good movie scenes
8. Sunday :: Relax, laundry
9. Breathtaking :: Beautiful
10. Dude! :: "Where Your Car?"

May 24, 2008

How Much Of A Geek Are You?

56% Geek

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Saturday 9: The High School Meme

1. Who was your best friend? Nancy Joe

2. Did you play any sports? I was a cheerleader and played basketball.

3. What kind of car did you drive? I rode the school bus or drove my mom's car (For Tempo)

4. It’s Friday night. Where were you? At home or at a basketball game.

5. Were you a party animal? Not in high school.

6. Were you considered a flirt? No, I was too afraid of rejection.

7. Were you in the band, orchestra or choir?

8. Were you a nerd?

9. Were you ever suspended or expelled?

Saturday 6: Independence

1. At what age did you move out of your parents’ home (or at what age do you plan to do so)? I moved out the first time when I was 18...but I came home a few months later. Then I moved out again a year later.

2. What, in your book, makes someone truly independent?
I think someone is truly independent if they have a job, a car and pay their bills on time.

3. If you had to live for a full year on a deserted island without any other company at all, do you think you would be able to do it?
I think I would be able to do it. I would enjoy the peace and quiet.

4. Take the quiz: How Independent Are You?

Your Independence Level: Medium

In some aspects of your life, you can be very self reliant.

Making your own informed choices feels great.

But you aren't as independent as you could be.

When things get stressful, you sometimes run away from the hard decisions you need to make.

5. When you have a major decision to make, on average, how many people do you talk to before making up your mind?
It depends on what the decision is and if it is personal or something to do with work. At work I make decisions on my own but at times discuss things with my boss or the Board of Directors. At home I make some decisions with the help of my boyfriend and children.

6. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being most important, how important would you rate the approval of those closest to you?
I rate the approval of those closest to me a 10. I prefer that they approve of what I do and if they don't approve I want to be able to discus it with them.

Saturday 6: Refriderator

1. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator door? The oldest thing in my refrigerator door is a jar of pickled habanero peppers...we have had them for a few years.

2. How often do you keep leftovers that end up going bad before you eat them?
The longest I keep leftovers is two or three days. After that they are trashed.

3. How strictly do you follow expiration dates: do you toss things as soon as they go past the date, or have you learned how far something can really go without going bad?
Nothing in this house last past the expiration date and I never purchased anything that has a expiration date within a week or less.

4. Take the quiz: What Do the Contents of Your Refrigerator Say About You?

What Your Fridge Says About You

You aren't greedy, but you don't really deprive yourself either. You strike a good balance with the stuff you buy.
You are a very thrifty person. You don't like to waste money... or food.
You are a very adventurous person. You love to try new things, and you get bored very easily.
You are responsible, together, and mature. You act like an adult, even when you don't feel like it.
You are likely single - and a workaholic.

5. What was the last ingredient in your fridge that you cooked something with? The last ingredient I used was milk...I made Banana Pudding.

6. If you had to make a meal out of one single item in your refrigerator right now, which item would you choose? The Banana Pudding I made :) or maybe the left over brats from our cook out earlier today.

Camera Critters: Animal Quotes

Camera Critters

"The greatest pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself, too." ~ Samuel Butler

"I care not for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it."
~ Abraham Lincoln

"If a dog jumps in your lap, it is because he is fond of you; but if a cat does the same thing, it is because you lap is warmer." ~ Alfred North Whitehead

"...he will be our friend for always and always and always." ~ Rudyard Kipling

"The best thing about animals is that they don't talk much." ~ Thornton Wilder

"Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our life whole." Roger Caras

"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog, it's too dark to read." Groucho Marx

Saturday Social

Today's Saturday Social Question:

It is Memorial Day weekend here in the United States... do you have any big plans or traditions?

My family and I don't have any traditions for Memorial Day. We usually just get together for a family cook out...burgers and brats on the grill, potato salad, watermelon, etc.

Saturday Special: Fill In The Blanks

Fill In The Blanks With As Many Words As You Wish

1. Air...The air in my house is hot today! Time to turn on the air conditioner.

2. Sea
...The sea can be rough at times.

3. Land
...I would love to visit the "land down under"!

4. Below
...Look Out Below!!!!

May 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Steve!



We love you bunches!


The Friday Five: May 23, 2008

The Friday Five
Hosted by

This week's questions were suggested by breath_of_life.

1. What were some of the smells and tastes of your childhood? I remember the lilacs and peonies blooming each spring. I also remember Grandma making Apple Turnovers for all the grandkids. I miss the smells of home cooking at Grandma's and my mom's cooking.

2. What did you have as a child that you do not think children today have?
I had a better imagination that most kids do in today's world. My brother and I played outside most of the time and had grand adventures using our imagination.

3. What elementary grade was your favorite?
My favorite elementary grade was sixth grade...I was no longer a baby and was going to Middle School soon.

4. What summer do you remember the best as a child?
The best summer I remember was the first summer we went to Florida! Florida was like visiting another planet. We spend two weeks in the Daytona area and I loved every minute of it.

5. What one piece of advice would you give to your younger self, and at what age?
I would tell myself to not stress about what others think about me. There is more to life than impressing a bunch of teeagers.

Top 5 Fridays: Smells, Fruits/Vegetable and Game Shows

Top 5 Fridays: Smells, Fruits/Vegetable and Game Shows
Hosted by Martha

Top 5 Smells
01. Fresh cut roses
02. Fresh cut grass
03. Puppy Breath
04. A baby
05. Lilacs blooming

Top 5 Vegetables
01. Potatoes
Corn on the Cob
03. G
reen Beans
05. Okra

Top 5 Fruits
01. Strawberries
02. Apples
03. Oranges
04. Peaches
05. Grapes

Top 5 Game Shows
01. Press Your Luck
02. Wheel of Fortune
03. Family Feud
04. Whammy
05. Who Wants To Be a Millionaire