July 28, 2019

Sunday Stealing: For the Queen's Curiosity

This weeks Sunday Stealing is from Durward Discussion.

1. What is the nearest book to you? Your Kindle does not count. "The Twelve" by Justin Cronin

2. When was the last time you took a "me" vacation I have not done this in a very long time, 

3. How many telephone numbers do you have? Three....landline, cell phone and office.

4. If you could fix one thing in the public school system, what is the one thing you would do immediately?  Better assistance to schools in low income areas

5. Are you a big tipper? I usually tip 20%.

6. Do you watch reality shows? Sometimes. 

7. Who is your favorite sports team player? Danny White from the Dallas Cowboys, Tommy Herr from the St. Louis Cardinals.

8. If you could travel in a spaceship to any planet, which planet would you like to visit and why? I would just be happy being in space!  No need to visit any planets on the first trip!

9. When was the last time you sat in a church? It has been a few years.

10. Are there any aspects of blogging that annoy you? Rude comments and spam.

11. When someone follows you on their blog or subscribes to your Facebook page, do you automatically follow and subscribe back? Not always.

July 27, 2019

Happy Dog is Happy!

Shelby loves going to her Grandmas house.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Happy dog is happy!
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
This post is linked to Camera Critters and to Saturday Critters.

July 25, 2019

eCard of the Week #307: Sticks and Stones...

Sticks and stones may break my bones...
but my foot up your ass is really going to hurt!

You can see more Aunty Acid on Facebook.

July 23, 2019

Hanging Out In The Yard

Hanging out in the yard, enjoying the weather before bedtime!
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

July 22, 2019

Checking Out The Front Deck

Shelby checking out the front deck and trying to figure out why 
the road in front of our house is still tore up!
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

July 21, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Book of Questions

This weeks Sunday Stealing is from The Book of Questions.

1. Do you think the world will be a better or worse place 100 years from now? I think the world will be worse in 100 years. Sadly, I won't be around to see the state of the world at that time.

2. Would you accept $1,000,000 to leave the country and never set foot in it again. I would not.

3. If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the body or the mind of a 30 year old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want? I would want the body of a 30 year old. I was much healthier at 30!

4. What would constitute a “perfect” evening for you? A nice quiet dinner at home, then video games for a few hours before going to bed.

5. Whom do you admire most? In what way does that person inspire you? No one I can think of at the moment.

6. Do you prefer being around men or women? Do your closest friends tend to be men or women? Of my two closest friends, a few are women and a few are men. I don't base friendships on whether someone is a male or female. I base friendships on how kind, caring, loving, and honest someone is.

7. If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you? No.

8. What is your most treasured memory? I have several and I prefer to keep them to myself. 

9. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? Is there anything you hope to do that is even better? (Let’s exclude raising children, if you have them) There is plenty I can do better and I am working on those things. My greatest accomplishment (other than having/raising my children) is my current job.

10. If you went to a dinner party and were offered a dish you had never tried, would you want to taste it, even if it sounded strange and not very appealing? I would taste it but I may not eat much of it.

11. Do your close friends tend to be older or younger than you? Around the same age as me.

12. How do you feel when people sing Happy Birthday to you in a restaurant? I get very embarrassed. I do not like being the center of attention.

13. When you tell a story, do you often exaggerate or embellish it? If so, why? No, there is no need to.

14. If a friend were almost always late, would you resent it or simply allow for it? Can you be allowed to be on time? I allow for it and just work around it.

15. If you could have free, unlimited service for five years from an extremely good cook, chauffeur, housekeeper, or personal secretary, which would you choose? Housekeeper!  My house needs a deep clean throughout!

July 20, 2019

Storms Moving In and Wind Picking Up

More storms are rolling through this afternoon.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
And the wind is picking up as the storms move in.

Photos and Video (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

July 19, 2019

Sun Rising Over The Marsh After Strong Storms Rolled Through

Strong storms rolled through last night. The storm clouds and the sun fought for space in the sky.
The sun won!  The sunrise was beautiful and the day turned out to be sunny and bright.
Matter of fact the daytime temps reached mid 90's with a heat index of mid 110's.
Photo taken on July 19, 2019 in Bangor, Wisconsin  Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo taken on July 19, 2019 in Bangor, Wisconsin
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

July 15, 2019

Shelby Gets Vacation Time At Grandmas

Last week my nephew was in the hospital so I went to see him.
Shelby did not get to go since dogs are not allowed in the hospital.
So, Shelby got to stay at her Grandma's house! 
Her Grandma sent me several photos of Shelby....who seemed to be relaxing a lot!
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

July 14, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Sad Sleepy Survey Rambles

This weeks Sunday Stealing comes from Sad Sleepy Survey Rambles.

Have you ever been teased because of the things you like? Yes.

Do you hold grudges? No

Were there any classes you enjoyed because of the teacher? Yes. Math classes in high school were enjoyable thanks to Ms. Taylor.

Was there a dress code at your school? No.

Have you ever been a bad friend? Yes.

Has a friend ever replaced you with somebody else? Yes.

Have you ever disliked something just because it was popular? Yes.

Have you ever watched a movie just because it starred an actor you liked? Yes.

Are there actors/musicians you have met?  Yes.

Do you ever judge people based on the music they listen to? No.

What about your top five music albums? I would have to write this all out then rank them to find my top five.  

Do you remember the first album you ever owned? It was a Christmas album....dogs "singing" Christmas carols!  LOL

Do you still use an mp3 player, or just your phone? I have a mp3 player but is sits in a drawer.  I mostly use my phone for music nowadays.

Do you like Elton John? Yes.

Have any celebrity deaths hit you hard? Which one(s)? Any death hits me hard. It does not matter who the person is.

July 11, 2019

eCard of the Week #305: Some People Are Never Going To Like You.....

Some people are never going to like you for the simple fact
that you're not a miserable fucking cow like they are.

July 9, 2019

Shelby Is Looking for The Green Bug

I told Shelby to find the big green bug. 
She was a bit confused on where the bug was.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

July 8, 2019

Cute Green Bug And Hanging Out In The Sunshine

My mother-in-law gave me this adorable green bug to hang outside.
I put it by the back door so I can see it glow every time I take Shelby out to go potty.
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby enjoying the sunshine and yelling (barking) at the neighbors.
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
This is the look I got when I told her to stop yelling.  LOL
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

July 7, 2019

Sunday Stealing: I Love Questions


1. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now? Not really.

2. Do you drink enough water? No.

3. When was the last time you ate at Burger King?  A few months ago

4. Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Tough decision....for now I choose the beach.

5. How do you usually feel when you wake up on a morning? Sleepy and ready to go back to bed.

6. Would you rather take someone on a date, or be taken on a date? I would rather take someone one a date.

7. When was the last time you wore high heeled shoes? 20+ years ago.

8. Vodka or wine? Neither.

9. How often do you cry? Daily

10. Ever had a crush on a teacher? Yes.

11. Can you wire a plug? A ex-boyfriend taught me how to wire a plug.  Unfortunately I don't really remember how to wire one now.

12. Do you wear socks to bed? No.

13. What is currently bugging you? I worry about everything, all the time. So lots of things are always bugging me.

15. Can you change a car tire? Yes.

16. Have you met more than ten celebrities? No.

17. Do you sleep naked? No.

18. What was the best music gig you’ve ever attended? An outdoor concert in St. Louis, Missouri.

19. Have you ever had sexual feelings for anyone you follow on line? No.

20. Who is someone who has changed your life positively. Several online friends, a few co-workers and a few family remembers. 

21. Favorite city? La Crosse, Wisconsin

22. Can you drive? Yes.

22. Cigarettes or alcohol? Neither

23. Favorite and least favorite accents?

24. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child? Yes.

25. Do you like 1980s fashion? Some of it. I was age 10 to 19 in the 1980's and wore a lot of crazy things during that time.  Some I liked, some I didn't like.

July 5, 2019

eCard of the Week #304: Not Shy, Timid or Quiet. Just.....

Perhaps she isn't shy or timid or quiet.
Perhaps she just doesn't want to engage with idiots.

July 4, 2019

Happy Independence Day 2019

Happy Independence Day from my family to yours! I hope you have a fun but safe Independence Day. 
Please, keep in mind that fireworks are NOT fun for your pets or any animal.
Keep your pets, and all animals safe from harm!

July 3, 2019

July 2, 2019

July is Bereaved Parents Awareness Month

July is Bereaved Parents Awareness Month.
Reach out to the grieving parents in your life and let them know you are there for them
Let them know you realize they are struggling every day just to survive. 
Show them...tell them....let them know their child is not forgotten.
I will always love and remember my son, until the day I day.
I think about him every day and dream about him at night. 
I missed Colt yesterday. 
I miss Colt today, and I will miss Colt tomorrow. 
At various times during the day missing him hits me like a ton of bricks 
and life becomes very overwhelming. I am really not sure how I have made 
it this far since his death. I have been waking around in a fog, in “robot” mode
 since he died. My life is BCD (before Colt died) and ACD (after Colt died). 
This pain will never go away...and I don't want it to. 
Why? Because I want Colt to always be remembered.