March 31, 2019

Thought Provoking Questions, Part 2 - From Sunday Stealing

Sunrise in Wisconsin, July 2018. Photo (c)2018 Shannon G. Wamsley
Sunrise in Wisconsin, July 2018. Photo (c)2018 Shannon G. Wamsley
1. If you had to teach something, what would you teach? How to love people and animals unconditionally.

2. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life? Lots of things.

3. Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of? Yes, several things.

4. When you are 80-years-old, what will matter to you the most? Family.

5. When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards and just do what you know is right? It is always the right time to do what is right. So the time is now.

6. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 60

7. Would you break the law to save a loved one? This is very hard to answer. It would depend on the situation. 

8. What makes you smile? My dog.

9. When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? Yes

10. If you had the opportunity to get a message across to a large group of people, what would your message be? I would tell them to stop being do damn judgmental. 

11. If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently? I am not sure, other than spending more time with my loved ones.

12. What do we all have in common besides our genes that makes us human? Our compassion.

13. If you could choose one book as a mandatory read for all high school students, which book would you choose? Gone With The Wind

14. Would you rather have less work or more work you actually enjoy doing? More work that I actually enjoy doing.

15. What is important enough to go to war over? Several things.

16. Which is worse, failing or never trying? Never trying.

17. When was the last time you listened to the sound of your own breathing? Earlier this morning.

18. What’s something you know you do differently than most people? I think about death differently than most people do.

19. What does ‘The American Dream’ mean to you? Peace, happiness, freedom and debt free.

20. Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? A worried genius.

March 30, 2019

Saturday With Shelby

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Patiently waiting for her humans to get ready to go to Grandmas
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Hoping the humans put the cameras away.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Being at Grandma's is awesome!

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Asking Aunt Tami for a treat.

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Smiling at Aunt Tami.

Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
This post is linked to Camera Critters and to Saturday Critters.

March 27, 2019

eCard of the Week #290: Already Been Through Hell

I have already been though hell. So give it your best shot.
Not only will I survive, I will win.

March 25, 2019

Mama Misses You Son

I missed Colt yesterday. I miss Colt today, and I will miss Colt tomorrow. At various times during the day missing him hits me like a ton of bricks and life becomes very overwhelming. I am really not sure how I have made it this far since his death. I have been waking around in a fog, in “robot” mode since he died.  My life is BCD (before Colt died) and ACD (after Colt died). This pain will never go away...and I don't want it to. Why? Because I want Colt to always be remembered.
Mama misses you son and loves you forever and always.

March 24, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Thought Provoking Questions, Part 1
1. When was the last time you tried something new? I have not tried anything new in a very long time. 

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to? Everyone...and it just depresses me more, so I try to avoid doing that.

3. What’s the most sensible thing you’ve ever heard someone say? "Sometimes, you just need to let it go."

4. What gets you excited about life? Waking up each day.

5. What life lesson did you learn the hard way? Too many to list.

6. What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago? I wish I has spent more time with my son.

7. Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know? Depends on the subject.

8. Who do you love and what are you doing about it? I love my family and I tell them often.

9. What’s a belief that you hold with which many people disagree? My thoughts and opinion on God and death are different than most, so I keep those thoughts and opinions to myself.

10. What can you do today that you were not capable of a year ago? I can look through photos of my son and not cry every time.

11. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength? It is a sign of strength.

12. What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you? Nothing I can think of.

13. Do you celebrate the things you do have? I celebrate the people I have in my life. 

14. What is the difference between living and existing? Existing is what I have been doing since my son died.  I go through each day like a robot. I am on auto pilot for the most part.  Living is what I did before Colt died. I enjoyed life as best I could and had some happy times.

15. If not now, then when? Soon....very soon.

16. Have you done anything lately worth remembering? I cannot think of anything so I will say no, I have not.

17. What does your joy look like today? I am still trying to find it.

18. Is it possible to lie without saying a word? Yes!

19. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow this person to be your friend? I would break off the friendship before it even got started.

20. Which activities make you lose track of time? Reading, adult coloring, social media and sometimes work.

March 21, 2019

Warm Weather and Kisses

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby is enjoying the warmer
weather here in Wisconsin!
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby giving me kisses when I came
home from work the other day.

March 20, 2019

Happy First Day of Spring 2019

“The promise of spring’s arrival is enough to get anyone through the bitter winter!”
— Jen Selinsky

March 19, 2019

eCard of the Week #289: Lying Liar Hole

I'm sorry that I'm having a hard time believing you 
due to your track record of being a lying liar that 
constantly lies out of your lying liar hole.

March 18, 2019

Blankets, Scarves and Dinner Time!

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Hanging out in her favorite spot, being adorable.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Laying on the human's bed while wearing her Mama's green scarf.

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby asking me if it is time to go to Grandma's house.

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
She is "talking" to me and explaining that it is her dinner time.

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Still explaining to me that it is dinner time...
she got tired of standing.

Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

March 17, 2019

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2019

To all my family and friends....Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Tag made with "Little Irish Blessings" scrap kit from
 AWS @ Five Little Loves

March 16, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Cookie Questions
1. Do you eat Oreos? I do eat Oreo cookies and I always eat too many.

2. If you eat Oreos, which are your favorite – original, double stuff, golden original, golden double stuff, Oreo brownies, Oreo ice cream? Currently, my favorite Oreos are the Oreo Thins Orginal

3. Do you twist your Oreos apart? No

4. Are you able to pass by a plate of cookies and not take one or are you a bit of a 'Cookie Monster'? I am a cookie monster.

5. Tell us about your favorite cookie. Crunchy, soft, chewy, crumbly, other? My favorite cookie is a homemade chocolate chip cookie. I like them to be a bit soft and I like to eat them within minutes of coming out of the oven.

6. Have your tastes changed since you were a kid? There are a few things I ate as as kid that I won't eat now, like rabbit and squirrel.

7. Inquiring minds want to know if you are a dunker and, if so, do you dunk in milk, coffee, or tea? I am a dunker and I like to dunk my cookies in ice cold milk.

8. It is that time of year and they are selling them on every corner and in front of every store! Do you buy Girl Scout cookies and if you do, which is your favorite? Of course I buy Girl Scout cookies!  My recent purchase was Thin Mints, Trefoils and Savannah Smiles.

9. Raw cookie dough. Yay or Nay? Hell yes!!

10. Do you like cookies with filling? Some of them are ok.

11. Do you prefer organic cookies? Not really

12. Large cookies, or small cookies? I have to choose? They are all good!!!

13. Do you like familiar flavors in cookies?  Yes.

14. Do you make your own cookies, or buy them? Mostly I buy them already made. Baking my own takes way to much time and I usually mess them up.

15. Please tell us something random about your week!! The snow here is Wisconsin has started to melt due to rain and warmer temperatures; which is causing many areas to become flooded.  Standing water on the roads makes for a not so fun drive to work each day!

March 15, 2019

George T. Squirrel Eating Dinner

George T. Squirrel is enjoying the corn I put out for him. 
He has his own table and chairs to enjoy his dinner on.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. WamsleyPhoto (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

March 11, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Popular Queen Songs
Bohemian Rhapsody - What matters to you more than anything in the world? My loved ones.

Don’t Stop Me Now - What makes you feel unstoppable? Not much.

Another One Bites The Dust - What one thing would you wipe off the face of the earth? Cancer!

Under Pressure - How stressed are you currently? Very stressed

We Will Rock You - What was the last concert you went to? Caroline's Spine

Somebody To Love - Are you looking for somebody to love? No

We Are The Champions - What achievement are you most proud of? Having two beautiful children

Radio GaGa - What do you think of today’s popular music? I like it for the most part.

I Want To Break Free - If you could move to any part of the world, where would you want to live?  Ireland

Love Of My Life - Have you ever had your heart broken? Many time.

Killer Queen - What is your favorite thing about yourself? The ability to be kind to everyone, even the assholes.

The Show Must Go On - What is something you will never give up? My values and morals.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Name some of your favorite musicians. Disturbed, Aerosmith, Linkin Park, Guns N Roses, and a few others.

Who Wants To Live Forever - If you could be immortal, would you? Hell yes!

Fat Bottomed Girls - What are some traits you look for in a partner? Trustworthiness, honesty, faithfulness.

I Want It All - If you could have anything in the world, what would it be? Happiness

March 10, 2019

Three Years Since Colt Left Us

On March 10, 2016 at 2:40AM, my handsome, loving, kind, caring and wonderful son, passed away. Acute Myeloid Leukemia ripped him from this world at the age of 23.

Colt and I both thought he would beat cancer and that he would be here for many more years. But no, cancer decided it wanted to win...and it won in 31 days. Colt died only 31 days after being diagnosed. 31 DAYS! All the medical technology and medicine and treatments could not save him. I feel the doctors gave us false hope and that makes me angry.

The pain of losing him is so deeper than anything I have ever felt. There are no words to even begin to describe how I feel. A large piece of my heart and soul died in Dallas when Colt died. I am so very sorry I did not get there in time to say good bye...regret and guilt eat me alive some days.
I miss Colt so damn much. Every day life is hard without Colt. I miss his wonderful smile and his laugh. I miss hearing him say "Hi Mama". I miss talking to him and I miss hearing his voice. I miss hearing "I love Mama!". I miss the "good morning", "good night" and "I miss you Mama", text. Hell I miss everything about my precious son.

Most days, I feel like a robot, just going through the motions of each day. I do my best stay busy to keep the overwhelming emotions from taking me over. My heart and soul ache to the core.

March 8, 2019

I Hate My Shoes

I am wearing a pair of shoes.
They are ugly shoes.
Uncomfortable shoes.
I hate my shoes.

Each day I wear them, and each day I wish I had another pair.
Some days my shoes hurt so bad that I do not think I can take another step.
Yet, I continue to wear them.

I get funny looks wearing these shoes.
They are looks of sympathy.
I can tell in others eyes that they are glad they are my shoes and not theirs.
They never talk about my shoes.

To learn how awful my shoes are might make them uncomfortable.
To truly understand these shoes you must walk in them.
But, once you put them on, you can never take them off.
I now realize that I am not the only one who wears these shoes.
There are many pairs in this world.

Some women are like me and ache daily as they try and walk in them.
Some have learned how to walk in them so they don't hurt quite as much.
Some have worn the shoes so long that days will go by before they think about how much they hurt.

No woman deserves to wear these shoes.
Yet, because of these shoes I am a stronger woman.
These shoes have given me the strength to face anything.
They have made me who I am.
I will forever walk in the shoes of a woman who has lost a child.

- Author Unknown

March 6, 2019

March 3, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Curious As A Cat
1. I wish I had enough money to pay off all my debt and travel to Ireland.

2. If you had to enter a competition for the "Most Uselessly Unique Talent," what would your talent be? None that I can think of.  Unless you count my talent for worrying about anything and everything!

3. When it might hurt their feelings, how do you feel about telling your friends the truth? I should and will tell them the truth.  Less heartache later by telling the truth now.

4. Peanut or plain? Peanut

5. Is there someone you would like to take your place in life for one day? Who and why? My daughter.  I want her to know how I really feel and how much each day is a struggle for me. 

6. Who was your favorite teacher and why? Ms. Taylor.  She supported me and was not judgmental.

7. What do you think is the ugliest thing or event on Earth? All the evilness in the world.

8. What is your least favorite of your personality traits or quirks? I pick my scabs and zits all the time.  I have many, many scars and open wounds because of this.

9. I wish I could see my son because I really, really, really miss him.

10. Tell us your favorite children's story. Where The Wild Things Are

11. Explain how to play your favorite game. My favorite game is an online MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) called World of Warcraft. Read more about it at and

12. What do you keep in the trunk of your car? I do not own any vehicles that have a trunk.

13. Tell us about your favorite way to get lost in a simple activity — running, chopping vegetables, folding laundry, whatever. What’s it like when you’re in "the zone"? I like to lay in bed with the tv on for background noise, while I play games on my phone or iPad.

14. What’s your dream tourist destination — either a place you’ve been and loved, or a place you’d love to visit? What about it speaks to you? I would love to go to Ireland...the land of my ancestors.

15. What parts of nature do you like best? Seeing animals in their natural habitats. 

16. What kind of program do you enjoy most on TV--detective shows, comedies, game shows--and why? I enjoy a wide variety of programs.  This keeps me from getting bored while watching tv.

17. Do you know any professional athletes? No.

18. What will the next must-have technological innovation be? Jetpacks? Hoverboards? Wind-powered calculators? Flying cars would be nice.  

19. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? Yes, several times.

20. What if you woke up tomorrow with the ability to understand animals. What do you think you’d hear from them? I think I would hear them say that some humans are very cruel.

21.What is something that makes you melancholy? Certain songs make me melancholy.

March 2, 2019

Camera Critters: Wading Through The Snow

Silly Shelby chooses to wade through the deep snow to go 
potty rather than going in the areas I shoveled clear for her.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
This post is linked to Camera Critters and to Saturday Critters.