February 28, 2019

Did Someone Say Waffles?

Earlier today, while Shelby's daddy was eating waffles, she fell asleep instead of 
begging for a bite. She woke up though when asked if she wanted a bite.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 27, 2019

My Precious Girl

My precious girl. ❤️love her to the moon and back!
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo taken on 24 February 2019
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 26, 2019

World Spay Day 2019

Today is World Spay Day 2019

World Spay Day was launched in 1995; and is an annual campaign that aims to encourage 
people to save animal lives by spaying and neutering companion animals and feral cats. 

World Spay Day itself is celebrated annually on the fourth Tuesday in February.

Please spay or neuter your pets!  By doing so, the euthanasia rates will be
lower and there will be way less animals in overcrowded shelters and rescues.

February 25, 2019

Stuck In My Head: Push It by Static-X

Tainted by my sin
I'm spilling blood
And I can hardly contain it
Hallowing the hand
I eat away
Eat into the surface

Yeah, you push it
Yeah, you push it
Yeah, you push it

More violent more violent
All consuming
Straight to the circle
Move on reaction
I slow it down
I slow it
Down down down down

Yeah, you push it
Yeah, you push it
Yeah, you push it

I see it, I need it
I see it, I need it

My mind is corrosive
I trip on corrosive
I freak
See through me
My eyes are explosive
I feed on it
Black out
Crucify me

Yeah, you push it

February 24, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Compassion Questions

1. What is the most fun thing you have ever done? A trip to Six Flags many years ago, with my kids, husband, brother, sister-in-laws, niece and two nephews.

2. Are you left-handed or right-handed? I am right-handed.

3. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you? All kinds of things stand out in my mind....too many to pick just one.

4. What is the biggest animal you’ve seen in the wild? A dolphin.

5. What is the smallest animal you’ve seen in the wild? A mouse

6. Do you ever have funny dreams at night? Sometimes

7. If you could make a law for your country, what would it be? I would make it illegal for any type of abuse of people or animals.

8. What would you do if you were invisible for a day? Sleep!

9. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be? My dog.  I want to see the world through her eyes.

10. What would you like to change about yourself? My weight.

11. What is your daily routine. Sleep, work, eat and play video games.

12. What would your perfect day be like? Stay in bed all day and watch movies, while snuggle with my dog.

13. How old were you when you learned to read? Around 4 (yes, I mean four years old).

14. What is the most interesting thing you know? The letter "Q" is the only letter that does not appear in any of the United States' state names.

15. What makes you nervous? Ice covered roads

16. What is your favorite flower? Lilacs

17. Have you ever ridden on a horse or any other animal? I have ridden a horse.

18. What time do you go to bed? I try to get into bed by 8:00PM on a work night and no later than 10:00PM.

19. What time do you get up? 4:30AM is when my alarm is set.  But I wake up around 2:30AM nearly every night.  Sometimes I can fall back asleep, sometimes not.

20. Do you know how to swim? I do know how to swim.

February 20, 2019

Happy National Love Your Pet Day 2019

Happy National Love Your Pet Day
(Shelby and I think every day is love your pet day 
but we don't mind having national recognition.)

February 19, 2019

Forever The Last Hug

Photo taken on 18 February 2016
Three years ago, on 19 February 2016, I gave my son the last hug I would ever give him. 
It was the last day I saw him in person. The last day we were in the same room together. 

I should have never left that day.  Colt and I both knew cancer would kill him. 
I should have stayed until the end...no matter when the end would be.

I love you son, forever and always.
Photo take 16 February 2016

February 17, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Aesthetic Themed List

1. when did you last sing to yourself? Earlier this morning.

2. if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know? I want to know if my son knew that he really was loved and that he was not alone.

3. what is the greatest accomplishment of your life? My children.

4. what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise? Phone calls from my son. He would always say, "I love you Mama".

5. if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? I would spend more time with my family and spend some time traveling.

6. do you feel you had a happy childhood? No.

7. would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them? No.

8. what would you title the autobiography of your life so far? Searching For Peace and Happiness

9. how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain. I think both are an individual choice. I see nothing wrong with either.

10. do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not? No. I have never liked a lot of makeup. I just wear a little to cover up my scars/zits.

11.The world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.  I would say, "stop the violence and learn to be peaceful".

12. who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say? I would like to receive a letter from my daughter and I would like for her to say that she is doing well.

13. do you have a desk/work space and how is it organised/not organised? I have a desk in my office, both of which are organized.  I have to keep my work space organized, otherwise I will forget what I am doing and where stuff is.

14. what’s your Starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone? I trust my husband to order my Mocha Latte for me.

15. what is the most important thing to you in your life right now? My dog.

February 16, 2019

Shelby's Searching

Every time Shelby went outside today, she would search the yard for bunnies and squirrels.  
When she spots one, she woofs one time at them then just watches.
If she thinks the bunnies or squirrels are coming her way, she runs!
Photo (c) 2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo (c) 2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
This post is linked to Camera Critters

February 15, 2019

I Love My Shelby!

I love my Shelby so very much. She brightens my day!
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day 2019

Happy Valentine's Day from Shelby and I to all of 
our family and friends! We love you all!!

February 13, 2019

Too Tired To Wait For Mama

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Waiting for Mama to get home from work.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Too tired.  Can't stay awake. Hopefully Mama is home soon.
Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 12, 2019

Shelby Takes The Plunge

Today it snowed all day!  We ended up with over a foot of snow here.
 Every time Shelby went outside to potty, she had to "take the plunge"
 into the deep snow to go potty.  The following photos are her last 
plunge for the day. After this she decided it was bed time!
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby deciding where to potty.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby took the plunge!

Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 11, 2019

February 10, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Book Questions

1. Which book do you irrationally cringe away from reading, despite seeing only positive reviews? None that I can think of.

2. If you could bring three characters to life for a social event (afternoon tea, a night of clubbing, perhaps a world cruise), who would they be and what would the event be? The event would be staying at home, dining on pizza and watching movies.  The invitation list would include Scarlet O'Hara, Deadpool and Groot.

3. You are told you can't die until you read the most boring novel on the planet. While this immortality is great for awhile, eventually you realize it's past time to die. Which book would you expect to get you a nice grave? Any of the Harlequin romance novels.

4. Which book have you pretended, or at least hinted, that you've read, when in fact you've been nowhere near it? None that I can think of.

5. As an addition to the last question, has there been a book that you really thought you had read, only to realize when you read a review about it/go to 'reread' it that you haven't? Which book? I recently read a Lee Child book that I swore I had read a few times before.  For some reason (old age maybe), I just could not remember the plot line.  Halfway through the book, I remembered the ending but read it all the way through anyway.

6. You've been appointed Book Advisor to a VIP (who's not a big reader). What's the first book you'd recommend and why? Gone With The Wind is the first book I would recommend.  It is my favorite book and I can speak about it without going back to read it again. 

7. A good fairy comes and grants you one wish: you will have perfect reading comprehension in the foreign language of your choice. Which language do you go with? Spanish

8. A mischievous fairy comes and says that you must choose one book that you will reread once a year for the rest of your life (you can read other books as well). Which book would you pick? My favorite book of course, Gone With The Wind.

9. What's one bookish thing you 'discovered' from book blogging (maybe a new genre, or author, or new appreciation for cover art-anything)? New friends.

10. That good fairy is back for one final visit. Now, she's granting you your dream library! Describe it. Is everything leather bound? Is it full of first edition hardcovers? Pristine trade paperbacks? Perhaps a few favorite authors have inscribed their works? Go ahead-let your imagination run free. My library will be a huge room full of books from ceiling to floor.  All wall space will be covered in books; a wide variety of book in various covers.  in the middle of the room I will have a few comfy chairs and a couch with plenty of lighting!

February 8, 2019

Colt Was Diagnosed Three Years Ago Today...

Three years ago today.....
Colt was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
The doctor's gave him and us hope....false hope, in my opinion.
They gave Colt a five year plan....Colt only lived 31 more days.
I love you son! Forever and always.

February 7, 2019

eCard of the Week #283: Your Password Must Contain...

Sorry, but your password must contain an 
uppercase letter, a number, a haiku, a gang sign, 
a hieroglyph and the blood of a virgin.

February 6, 2019

What To Do When Mama Is At Work.....

Shelby’s idea of what to do during the day
when her Mama is at work.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 5, 2019

No Trip To Town and Disappearing Snow

Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby wanted to go to town with me.
 I had to tell her no.
Photo (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby trying to figure out where the snow went.
Shelby still trying to figure out where the snow went.
 Photos (c)2019 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 4, 2019

World Cancer Day 2019: In Memory of Richard Colt Hazlett

Today is World Cancer Day and this post is in memory of my son,
Richard Colt Hazlett.
Colt was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on February 8, 2016.
Colt passed away on March 10, 2016.
His is always on my mind and forever in my heart.
I miss this boy so very much...more than words can every express.
I love you son, forever and always.

February 3, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Three Wishes Part 2

16.) What is your favorite wild animal? It is really hard to pick just one.  I enjoy watching the squirrel (George T. Squirrel) and the bunnies, that hang out in my yard. I also enjoy watching deer, turkeys, bear, and birds.  

17.) Name 3 of your favorite childhood shows: Dukes of Hazzard, M*A*S*H and The Smurfs

18.) If you could live as a character in a movie who would it be? Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy 

19.) Favorite vegetable? Green Beans

20.) Favorite Fruit? Apple

21.) If you had a dragon what would you name it? Bella Lynn

22.) What do you put on hot dogs? Mustard and pickle relish

23.) Do you play online games? Every day.

24.) What's your favorite way to get inspired? Listening to good music.

25.) Do you have a middle name? I do have a middle name, Gayle.  It was also my dad's middle name but his was spelled Gale.

26.) If you had to order from a kid's menu, what would you get? Chicken nuggets.

27.) Do you speak any other languages? Just some occasional sarcasm.

28.) Do you use Twitter? Yes

29.) Do you go onto YouTube? Every day.

30.) Do you play Angry Birds? Not any more. I played it for a few weeks when it first came out. I got bored with the game and moved on.

February 1, 2019

Just A Dream Away

I have seen this poem passed around all over social media with different names attributed to it. 
 I am not really sure who wrote it, but I do know that it hits me hard.  
I miss my son more than words can really describe.  
I love him forever and always.
Just A Dream Away

I would give my life to have you back,
Said the Mom
I know you would, said her child.

I cry each night for you, said the Mom
And I catch all of your tears said her child

I pray for the day
That I can see you again,
Said the Mom
Just close your eyes and you can see me,
Said her child
I am always just a dream away.............

You are the first person who loved me,
And you are the first person I loved.

You were always there
when I needed you,
And you always knew
when I needed a hug.

I am here for you now, mom
In your heart and in your soul.

I did not take your heart with me
Instead I left mine with you to hold.

One day I will take your hand
And lead you to paradise,
But until then my beautiful mother,
When you want to see me
You only need to close your eyes.

I am always just a dream away....