May 31, 2015

Sunday Stealing: Swiped

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from Get It All Down.

Do you need to write down things to remember them? Yes, and the older I get the more I have to write things down.

Do you keep a diary/journal?  Yes, several.

Are you scared of thunderstorms? Not really, I just don't like the loud booms of thunder.

Do you have any unusual fears or phobias?  Yes, I am scared of death.

Whats your favorite Disney movie? The Lion King

Have you ever painted a house?  Yes.

What's the tallest tree you've ever climbed? I am not least 40 feet.

Do you always wear identical socks? Yes.

Do you live by any motto or philosophy? Not really.  

Do you lick the yogurt or dessert lid? Yes.

Do you lick the spoon clean after making something sweet? Yes.

Have you ever played the bongos? Yes.

Have you ever handled a snake? Yes.

Have you ever assembled furniture by yourself? Yes.

When did you last go to the beach? June 2011 and I want to go back!

When if ever did you last go to London? I have not yet been to London.

What do you do to cool down when its hot? Crank up the air conditioner and stay in the house.

What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Chocolate covered ant

Do you have a favorite mug? No.

Do you know any self-defense or martial arts?  Yes.

Who's your favorite movie action hero? Captain Jack Sparrow and Iron Man

Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?  Yes.

Do you collect anything?  Yes.

Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion? I would like kindness to come back.  The world needs more kindness.

Do you stick to conventional fashions or like to try and be original? I stick to fashion that is comfortable and clothing that fits me.

Have you ever given someone a handmade present?  Yes.

If you could have any feature from an animal what would you want? Wings from a bird so that I can fly.

May 30, 2015

Camera Critters: Ruby And I

Ruby is my sister-in-law/brother-in-law's dog. She is so sweet!
 photo 636DB47B-A797-47CD-97A2-0421C1A69901_zpsk5kd62ju.jpg
She loves belly rubs.
 photo 1CA884DD-CC47-4CFF-8F35-ED22BD9BB54D_zpsd32unvc2.jpg
                                          **This post is linked to Camera Critters.**

May 29, 2015

Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun for 29 May 2015

Feeling Beachie
Each week, Hilary list four statements with a blank for us to fill in on our own blogs.  My answers are underlined and bold.  If you want to play along click the graphic above!
  1. I used to be much thinner and happier but now I am way less than thin and not too happy about it.
  2. I have too much debt and not enough money.
  3. When I am bored or stressed I eat.
  4. I wanted to be a computer programmer in the United States Air Force when I was younger.

May 28, 2015

eCard of the Week #89: Skill in Dealing With Stupid People

I've decided to add "extensive experience in dealing with stupid
people" to my resume.  That has got to be a marketable skill.

May 26, 2015

Dirt Cake

Dirt Cake Ingredients:

1 lb. package of Oreo cookies
1 8-oz. package of cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
3 cups milk
1 12-oz. tub of Cool Whip
2 3 1/2-oz. packages of instant chocolate or vanilla pudding
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Gummy worms
Plastic flowers

In a blender, crush Oreos into a powder. Place 1/3 of the crushed Oreos into a new, clean flower pot or small plastic beach bucket (if your pot has a hole in the bottom, you will need to plug it up first). Set aside. Combine butter, cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla.

In a separate mixing bowl, combine the milk and pudding mix, and fold the Cool Whip into the pudding. Fold the pudding mixture into butter and cream cheese mixture. Layer 1/2 of the mixture over the crushed cookies in the pot. Cover the pudding mixture with 1/3 of the crushed cookies, then add the rest of the pudding mixture. Push a few gummy worms partway into the pudding mixture and top with the remaining cookie crumbs.

Chill in refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours. Before serving, “plant” a few plastic flowers and/or fresh mint sprigs in the soil. You may want to serve it with a new, clean garden trowel or plastic shovel.


May 25, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

Memorial Day is not the first day of summer. 
Memorial Day does not mean a weekend filled with BBQ's and parties. 
Memorial Day is the time to pay homage to the men and women who died while serving our country. Memorial Day is a day to honor those who died to give us our freedom.....
“Freedom isn’t free.”
“The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. 
And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.”
 -- John F. Kennedy

May 24, 2015

Sunday Stealing: Very Much Questions

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from Lots of Questions.

1. What was the last clothing item that you bought? A pair of black yoga pants.

2. If you could stay one age forever, what age would you choose? Age 30...I was thinner, healthier, and had finally reached maturity.

3. When you say “lol”, are you really laughing? Most of the time I am actually laughing.

4. What is the most interesting thing you’ve done in the past year? Nothing yet.  But it is only May and I have many months left in the year to do something interesting.

5. If you started a business, what would it be? An animal rescue.

6. Do your friends/family/coworkers know about your blog? I think most of my family and friends know.  I don't know if any coworkers know about my blogs.

7. How long does it take you to write an average blog post? 15 minutes 

8. How do you keep up with the blogs you follow? I use a RSS reader and I visit blogs as much as possible.

9. What is your bedtime? 10:00PM

10. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert

11. What is your biggest wish? I would love to live for every but I know that cannot happen so, I wish to be healthier and thinner.

12. What is the best job you ever had? The one I have now, even though it does stress me out.

13. Dog person/cat person/both/neither? Dog person.

14. If you had $1,000 to spend any way you wanted, what would you do with it?

15. How do you “dress” your toast? I dress my toast with butter and honey.

16. How do you feel about snow?  I always say I hate snow but the truth I just don't like how cold it gets outside when it is snowing.  I hate shoveling snow.

17. What was the worst job you ever had? A hat factory I worked in many years ago.  

18. What song can you not stop listening to? "I Wanna Be Sedated" by the Ramones

19. Love your name or hate it? Love it

20. How did you choose your blog/twitter handle? Moments of Introspection was inspired by a friend of mine.  He and I were discussing introspection while gaming (World of Warcraft) that day and I immediately changed my blog name.

May 23, 2015

Camera Critters: Door Greeter

This is the beautiful face that greets me at the door everyday.
love, love love!!!
**This post is linked to Camera Critters.**

May 22, 2015

More Spring Time Photos

Enjoying the weather.
Buddy (my mother-in-laws dog)
New lilacs to plant.
My mother-in-laws house.
My mother-in-laws peonies.
Silly dorky dog.
Shelby wants a banana.

May 20, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: Photo Collages

                                          This post is linked up to: Wordless Wednesday.
Photo Collages created with photos taken by me.

May 19, 2015

May 18, 2015

Monday Randomness

1. Name - Shannon
2. Nickname - Shay, Mom, Aunt Shay, Mama, Sis
3. Elementary school - South Iron
4. Tall or short - Tall
5. Sweats or jeans - Jeans
6. Orange or apple - Apple
7. Do you have a crush on someone - No
8. Eat or drink - Eat
9. Piercings - Ears
10. Pepsi or coke - Pepsi

Have you ever...
11. Been in an airplane- Yes
12. Been in a relationship- Yes
13. Been in a car accident- Yes
14. Been in a fist fight- Yes

Firsts & lasts
15. First piercing - Ears
16. First best friend - Marsha
17. First award - Perfect attendance in grade school.
18. First crush - Jimmy Rainey
19. First word - Mama
20. Last person you talked to in person - My husband
21. Last person you texted - Rose S.
22. Last friend you watched a movie with - My husband
23. Last food you ate - Payday candy bar
24. Last movie you watched in theaters - Guardians of the Galaxy
25. Last song you listened to - "Beat on the Brat" by the Ramones
26. Last thing you bought - Groceries
27. Last person you hugged - My dog.

28. Food - Chocolate
29. Drink - Water
30. Flower - Lilacs and blue roses
31. Animal - Dog
32. Color - Blue
33. Place - My bed
34. Movie - Gone With The Wind
35. Subject - Sleeping

Have you ever ...
36. Fallen in love with someone - Yes
37. Celebrated Halloween - Yes
38. Went over the minutes/texts on your phone - Yes
39. Wanted to smack someone upside the head - Yes
40. Eaten a whole pizza - Yes
41. Did something you regret -Yes
42. Broke a promise - Yes
43. Hid a secret - Yes
44. Pretend to be happy - Yes

May 17, 2015

Sunday Stealing: Random Meme

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from Lots of Questions.

1. If you were to attend a costume party tonight, what or whom would you go as?

I really do not like parties so I probably would not even go.  Also, I am not very creative.  So if I did go to the party, my costume would be something simple like a "gamer chick".

2. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger?

Cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles and little mustard.

3. You are chosen to have lunch with the President. The condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask?

My one question would only be one word...."why".  Then he can choose what ever topic he likes and explain why he did or did not do something related to that topic.

4. It’s your first day of vacation, what are you doing?

Sleeping in late and relaxing all day.

5. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies?

A large drink, buttered popcorn and chocolate.

6. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email?

I dislike pop-up ads the very annoying.

7. What do you think Captain Hook’s name was before he had a hook for a hand?

I think he was named after the author so his name before lost his hand may have been James Barrie.

8. Rock, paper, or scissors?

I prefer Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock (yes, from The Big Bang Theory). 

9. Let's say a brick fell on your foot, and your kid is standing right next to you, what is your 'cleaned up’ swear word?

"Son of a biscuit eater!!"

10. Which is worse, being in a place that is too loud, or too quiet?

I think being in a place that is too loud is the worse.  Specifically if all that loudness is from a large crowd.  

11. What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person?

Honesty first.  I also appreciate loyalty and faithfulness.

12. At the good old general store, what particular kind of candy would you expect to be in the big jar at the counter?

A variety of jaw breakers, bubble gum and chocolate.

13. What is the most distinguishing landmark in your city?

In the small town I live in there is nothing to really distinguish it from other small towns.  

14. Everyone hears discussions that they consider boring. What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other?

Any topic that does not interest me.  

15. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test?

Once for the written test and once for the driving test.

16. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose?

Hershey's chocolate syrup.

17. What food item would need to be removed from the market altogether in order for you to live a healthier, longer life?


18. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may contain $500 or may be empty. Do you keep the first envelope, or do you take your chances with the second?

Since, I didn't have anything to begin with, I take my chances with the second envelope.

19. If you had to choose, which would you give up: cable TV, or DSL/cable internet?

I would give up cable TV.

20. What is your highest level of education?

I have a Bachelor's Degree in Management/Human Resource Management.  (I also have an Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice/Computer Science.)

21. How much is a gallon of gas in your city? What was the highest it’s been?

Currently gas is $2.58 per gallon.  The most I have paid has been $3.89.

22. What kind of lunch box did you have as a kid?

I had a Dukes of Hazzard lunch box. I should have kept it!

23. What would you rather have, a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur?

I would rather have a housekeeper. I despise cleaning house.

24. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic?

I would rather be stuck in traffic.  I am claustrophobic and being stuck in an elevator would be the worse!

May 16, 2015

Camera Critters: Shelby Saturday

Just some photos of my dog, Shelby that I have taken over the last few weeks.
I love this girl to the moon and back a zillion times.
**This post is linked to Camera Critters.**

May 15, 2015

The Friday Five: Food
Today's Friday Five is brought to you by catyah, the letter F, and the number 5!

1. What was your favorite childhood meal?

Homemade chicken & dumplings with Mississippi Mud Cake for dessert.

2. What is the best holiday for eating in your family?


3. If someone could fix you a meal, and you didn't have to worry about cost or calorie count, what would you ask them to make?
BBQ ribs, corn-on-the-cob, baked beans, coleslaw, iced tea and ice cream for dessert.

4. What food(s) do you truly dislike/hate/have allergies to?

I do not have allergies to any food.  I dislike cooked spinach, asparagus and Brussels sprouts.

5. Could you give up eating meat if you wanted/needed to?

I would give up meat is I needed to.  I would not want to and I would not be happy about it though.

May 14, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Dad, Brian and Shannon

My Mom took this photo at home many years ago (late 1980's).
My brother, Brian is on my right and my Dad in on my left.
I think I was sticking out my tongue LOL but I cant remember that far back.
 photo BrianShannonDad_zps38fc8c03.jpg

May 13, 2015

May 12, 2015

May 11, 2015

Caramel Apple Crisp Bars

2 cups old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats
1-1/4 cups flour, divided
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 pkg. (11 oz.) KRAFT Caramels
2 Tbsp. milk
2 large apples, chopped (about 2 cups)

Heat oven to 350ºF.
Line 13x9-inch pan with foil, with ends of foil extending over sides; spray with cooking spray. Mix oats, 1 cup flour, baking soda and spices until blended.
Beat butter and sugar in large bowl with mixer until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in flour mixture until blended. Reserve 1 cup oat mixture; press remaining onto bottom of prepared pan. Bake 15 min.
Meanwhile, microwave caramels and milk in microwaveable bowl on HIGH 2 min. or until caramels are completely melted and mixture is well blended, stirring every 30 sec. Stir in remaining flour.
Sprinkle apples over crust; drizzle with caramel sauce. Crumble remaining oat mixture over caramel sauce.
Bake 20 to 25 min. or until golden brown. Cool completely. Use foil handles to lift dessert from pan before cutting into bars.


May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my mom....I miss you and love you very much.

"Forever Mother"

I think as little girls
We are all born to be a Mother
The same as all the rest
Yet different from one another
We cuddle dolls and puppies
We fix boo boos and small aches
We have this built in nurse
And do whatever it takes
We all have our little quirks
But the love I remember best
Mom wasn’t there all the time
But when she was it was filled with zest
She’s take me to the beauty parlor
Her hair done , I’d get nails
Being with her , in her special place
Put the wind right into my sails
So now I’m grown and have kids
Two of my own grown and finding their way
I reflect back to the time
When I shared that same kind of day
Once a little girl
And now I am another
I’ll never forget , and my memories I’ll keep
Of my forever Mother

(c) 2007 Debi Fisher

Sunday Stealing: Caps Lock Meme

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from Very Much Questions.


A bottle of water, a Butterfingers, nachos & cheese and a cheap sandwich.


A dog.


My daughter.


Scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, biscuit and gravy.


Ready Player One by Ernest Cline


Paddington (watch is last night)


Granny briefs (nice and comfortable)


I scraped my knee on my desk last week.


A teleportation device so that I could get to work (or where ever I need to go) much faster.


Rock Concert


This photo of my dog.







I have a few buttons but no blinkies.


Over all the blogs I have, at least 500.


Socks for my husband.

May 9, 2015

Saturday 9: Harper Valley PTA (1968)

Unfamiliar with "Harper Valley PTA"? Hear it here.

1) This week's featured artist uses her middle initial (C. for Carolyn) all the time. Do you use your middle initial very often?

I use my middle initial all time at work as it is part of my official signature.

2) In this song, a mother tells off the local PTA. What's the most recent school event you attended -- whether as a parent, a teacher or a student?

In a few weeks I will be attending a high school nephew is graduating.

3) The lyrics reference the mom's miniskirts, which were trendy in the 1960s. The website Popsugar reports that gingham checks are trendy for 2015. Tell us about the most recent addition to your wardrobe.

I do not get into the whole fashion trend thing.  I purchase items that are comfortable and help me hide my fat.  My most recent purchase was a cute layered spring shirt.

4) Thinking of moms, Access Hollywood named Carol Brady of The Brady Bunch TV's #1 mom. Who is your favorite TV mom?

Mama from "Mama's Family".

5) Mother Winters always gave Sam peppermint tea to calm her stomach. Do you have any tried-and-true home remedies to share?

My grandfather use to made a hot toddy for toothaches...makes you totally forget the toothache.

6) Sam's mother always tips 15% in restaurants. Sam has worked in food service and is more judgmental, tipping between 10% and 25%, depending on the quality of the service. What's your tipping policy? Are you more like Sam or her mother?

I am more like Sam.  I like to give 20% if the service is good and 10% to 15% if the service was not so great.

7) When the tip of her shoelace becomes frayed, Sam's mother snips off the end and then paints the tip with clear nail polish. Good as new! Sam thinks that's crazy because you can just buy new laces for less than $2. Are you more frugal like mother or spendthrift like daughter?

When it comes to something like shoelaces, I would rather spend the money to buy new ones.  Some things I can be frugal about but for the most part things in today's world are rather disposable and easy to replace.  

8) Mother Winters loves how french vanilla smells and burns her Yankee Candles all year around. Do you use scented candles or air fresheners?

I love scented candles and air fresheners.  I have Yankee Candles all over the house (Lilac Blossom, Cranberry Chutney, Clean Cotton) and I have Glade air fresheners in strategic places throughout the house.

9) Sam is celebrating Mother's Day with her mother's favorite, Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or chocolate with almonds?

All the above!  LOL  The type of chocolate I eat depends on my mood.  For example: I just ate a Snickers but yesterday I had a Hershey's with almonds.  Tomorrow....who know!