May 31, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 31 in 2010). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War (it is celebrated near the day of reunification after the Civil War), it was expanded after World War I.

May 30, 2010

Unconscious Mutterings Week 383

Hosted by Luna Nina

LunaNina says ... and I think ... ?

1. Fresh air :: Spring Time
2. Bodyguard :: Super Star
3. Wedding :: Chapel
4. Remind :: Decide
5. Wicked :: Evil
6. Crawling :: Creeping
7. Gasoline :: Automobile
8. Anyone :: Everyone
9. Dancing :: Laughing
10. Wall :: Pink Floyd

Sunday Stealing: The Just Because Meme

Hosted by Judd Corizan

1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up. Both dogs, two TV's, my Jeep and Van.

2. How do you style your hair? How often do you cut it? I dont really style my hair...just brush it and put a little hair spray on. I get it cut two or three times a year.

3. What are you wearing now? Nothing...oh wait better keep this G rated.

4. What's your occupation? Do you like it?
I support our Military. I really like my job no matter how much stress it causes me.

5. When was the last time that you took a nap? Was there a special reason? Last weekend. No special reason other than I love to take naps!

6. Who was the last person you hugged romantically? Steve

8. What was the last full meal that you ate? A taco salad.

9. What was the last email that you received? Something from Facebook.

10. What one website do you always visit when you go online?

11. What was the last significant thing you bought? A new laptop

12. What musical artist did you not get at first, but then became a fan? The Crash Test Dummies

13. What do you think about before you go to bed last night? EVERYTHING!!! Which is why it is so hard to sleep

14. What was the last CD you bought? It was something for my son but I cant remember which one!

15. What is your favorite weather, and why? What's the weather like today? It is sunny and hot today. I like it to be sunny but not so hot. Around 65 degrees is good for me.

16. If you could have a special artistic talent, what would it be? Does playing the drums count?

17. Did you watch the Idol 9 finale? If yes, what are your thoughts? No and BLAH!

18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now? "Hey Fool!"

19. Any special plans for this (holiday in the States) weekend? None

20. Besides your current S/O, who was the last person that you loved romantically? Wow...I have been with the S/O for nine years. So the last person was over 10 years ago! LOL I dont miss Tom at all.

May 29, 2010

Saturday 9: Midnight Confessions

Hosted by Crazy Sam

1. Have you ever had to confess something to a lover or friend? I had to confess to someone once how much I loved them. And at the time he felt the same way.

2. How well do you handle rejection?
I cry, I hurt and I move on.

3. What makes you feel old? My kids growing up and having children of their own.

4. What makes you feel young? Running around the yard with my dogs.

5. What’s something you are old school about? I believe teenagers should have a curfew on school nights and should be home in bed by a certain time.

6. What TV show's seasons would you buy on DVD? Tell us why it rocks. M*A*S*H because I can watch it for hours!

7. If you could create your own TV channel, what would it be? Something for fat people like me, instead of gearing things to all the skinny people in life!

8. Where do you like to go for a day trip? The Wisconsin Dells to ride the Original Wisconsin Ducks.

9. Name some things that you still want to do in your life.
I want to travel to Hawaii and Ireland.

May 28, 2010

Friday Follow - BeginsToday!!!!!


Check out the new and improved Friday Follow!
Looks like it is going to be fun!

Friday Fill-In #178


Hosted by Janet

1. Watermelon -- the best food to take on a picnic.
2. Summer time, summer time, sum sum summertime.
3. I cannot wear flip flops because psoriasis covers most of the surface area on my feet.
4. To love someone is a game of trial and error.
5. I get out of breath when I go on a long hike.
6. When I crave food, it's usually Chocolate.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to reading, tomorrow my plans include sleeping and Sunday, I want to do some yard work!

Tag by

May 27, 2010

Thursday Thunks

Thursday Thunks
Hosted by StraitJacketMom (Berleen)

1. Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself? "I am so glad I have the day off."

2. Where's your picket fence? At the store, waiting to be built.

3. With a big smile on your face, you do what? I tell me ex what a fucktard he is.

4. If I was to walk up to you, you'd do what? Buy you a drink

5. The list goes on and on. What list? The list of never ending songs.

6. Does every rose have a thorn or does every thorn have a rose? Every rose has a shit ton of thorns!

7. Talk dirty to me. What kind of mop/vacuum/dust thingymabob do you use? Swifer!

8. Your Mamma don't drive a Harley and your Daddy don't walk like an Egyptian.

9. Ever had a suitcase packed by your feet, and if so where were you going? Rock Island, Illinois for job training.

10. Have you ever ridden in a limousine? No

11. I went to bed too soon and got up to the sound of my dog whining because she needed to go outside.

12. "And this last mile I travel with you ", to where? Fort Walton Beach, Florida

May 25, 2010

Happy Birthday RoseAnn!


Happy Birthday



May 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Steve!



Love Hugs and Kisses
Shannon, Colt


May 20, 2010

Thursday Thunks: ABC's

Thursday Thunks
Hosted by StraitJacketMom (Berleen)
Take each letter of the alphabet and describe something in your life... don't skip any!

A = Annabelle, my black lab; Amy, my niece
= Brian, my brother; Brandon, my nephew
= Colt, my Son; Christina, my sister-in-law;
= Dad, always in my thoughts
= Extended family
= Family
= Great friends
= House
= Insomnia
= Johnny, my best friend; Joseph, my nephew
= Kindness
= Love and laughter
= Mom, always in my thoughts
= Nancy Joe, my best friend
= Ovaries that have fibroid and cysts
= Pinkley's all around me
= Quiet when the kids are sleeping
= Richard, my stupid ex
= Steve, my other half and Shelby, my boxer.
= Trees in my yard
= Umbrella
= Vickie, my daughter
= World of Warcraft
= X-rays before my surgery last year
= Young birds in nests in the trees
= Zaftig figure

May 17, 2010

Under The Covers Meme


1. Name 2 things you have done under the covers in the last week. Slept and watched TV

2. Do you know what a woobie is? Do you have a special one? My teddy bear from when I was a kid. I took that teddy every where!

3. What prompts you to pull the covers over your head and hide from the world? Stupidity and liars,

4. Firm or soft? Firm

5. Silk or flannel? Flannel

6. Lights on or off? Lights Off

7. Fan or no air? Fan

8. Completely dark or nite light? Nite Light

9. Windows open or shut Windows shut

10. Sweet dreams or nightmares? Nightmares

11. PJ's or…… PJ's

12. Set bedtime? 10:00pm

13. What do sheep count when they can't sleep? No

14. What does your alarm clock sound like? BEEEEP BEEEEEEP BEEEEP

15. White noise or music? Music

16. TV or IPod? TV

17. Can you recall a pleasant dream you'd like to share? No

18. Under the covers or outside the covers? Under the covers

19. Insomniac or sleep angel? Insomniac

20. What is your favorite sleep aid for those tossin' and turnin' nights? Ice Cream

21. Morning person or night person? Night Person

22. Bedtime snack?
Ice Cream

23. Hot or cold room? Cold Room

24. Bedtime ritual? Take the dogs outside, lock the doors, use the bathroom.

25. Twin, Queen, King, Bunk or Futon? Queen

26. Socks or naked feet? Socks

27. Bedroom door locked or unlocked? Unlocked

28. Tent or hotel room? Hotel Room

29. If you could be bored to sleep, what would bore you? People speaking in monotone

30. Prayers or mantra? Prayers

31. What was the worst nightmare you ever had? Dreaming of dying or those I love dying.

32. Please share any ideas on how to stop a person from snoring. Put a pillow over their face.

33. If one purely pleasant thought could ensure fast and sound deep sleep for you every night, what would your one thought be? Chocolate

34. How many hours do you normally sleep? Six

35. Thunderstorms or quiet starry night? Thunderstorms

36. Warm bath or hot shower? Hot shower.

37. What is the craziest thing that ever happened in your bed? HAHA!! Nothing that I can think of!

38. Name a song you could fall asleep to. Anything by Enya

39. Who last told you a bedtime story? My mother, 34 years ago

May 16, 2010

Sunday Stealing: The Speed Dating Meme, Part 2

Hosted by Judd Corizan

26. Have you ever been stung by a bee? I have stepped on a bee before and it hurt horribly...thought I was going to die!

27. What's the sickest you've ever been?
I spent Christmas day in the hospital about 10 years ago. I had the flu, bronchitis, sinus acting up and who knows what else.

28. What's your favorite form of exercise?
I enjoy typing on the keyboard and channel surfing.

29. What's your favorite Cyndi Lauper song?
Time After Time

30. What did you do for your 13th birthday?
I dont remember, that was 26 years ago.

31. Are you afraid of heights?
Not really.

32. Have you ever taken dance lessons?
I took Line Dancing lessons many years ago.

33. What's your favorite newspaper?
The Mountain Echo from Ironton, MO

34. What's your favorite Broadway / West End musical?

35. What's the most memorable class you've ever taken?
Biology in College

36. What's your favorite knock-knock joke?
Knock Knock, Who's there? Interupting Cow!, Interupting (MOOOO) cow (MOOOO) Who (MOOOO)?

37. What's your least favorite commercial?
The Enterprise Rent-A-Car commericial with the whining man and his pain in the ass mother.

38. If you could go to Disney World with any celebrity alive today, who would it be?
Drew Barrymore

39. Do you prefer baths or showers?

40. What's your favorite newspaper comic strip?

41. What's your favorite breakfast food?
Scrambled Eggs

42. Who's your favorite game show host?
Peter Tomarken of Press Your Luck

43. If you could have a super power, what would it be?
Mind Reading

44. Do you like guacamole?

45. Have you ever been in a food fight?

46. Name five songs to which you know all the lyrics.
Angels Eyes by the Jeff Healey Band; Paradise City by Guns n' Roses; Eat The Rich by Aerosmith; The Thunder Rolls by Garth Brooks and Fireflies by Owl City.

47. What's your favorite infomercial?

48. What's the longest you've ever waited in line?
two hours (or more) at Six Flags in St. Louis

49. What's on the cover of your address book or day planner?
Black leather

50. Have you ever taken a picture in one of those little booths?
Yes, with my children when they were babies.

May 15, 2010

Six Word Saturday #7

Here's what you do: Describe your life (or something) in just six words. For more information, try clicking here.

My six words: Work too much and need sleep!

May 10, 2010

Monday Mayhem - Mom

Join Us for Monday Mayhem

1. How old is your Mom? If she has passed away, how old would she be? Mom would have been 60 years old on May 1st.

2. What is/was your Moms worst habit? Yelling at me.

3. What famous person does/did your Mom resemble? I need to research this one...not sure who she looked like.

4. What would be one meal that you would love for your Mom to cook for you right now? Chicken & Dumplings with Mississippi Mud Cake for dessert!

5. Was your Mom a Stay at Home Mom or did she have to go to a work/job (and yes, Mayhem understands and knows that being a Stay at Home Mom is work/job) when you were growing up? Mom was a stay at home mom until I started high school. Then she started working to have "fun money".

6. If you could change one thing about your Mom what would it be? She would be here beside me.

7. Did you ever make your mom cry? if so, explain. All the time and still does. I miss her very much!

8. Have you ever told a lie to your Mom to protect yourself or someone else? If yes, have you come clean and told your Mom the truth? I told a lot of lies but I also told her the truth about a few things.

9. What is the one thing that you most admire about your Mom? She put up with my father!

10. In 10 words or less, describe your Mom. Beautiful, smart, gone, lovely, sad at times and never forgotten.

May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

My mom, Vickie Sue Henson-Pinkley, was born on May 1, 1950 and passed away on April 3, 1991. She was killed in a nearly head-on automobile accident, five miles from home. Mom and I did not get along very well as I was growing up BUT she was a great mother. I just wish that I had listened to some of her advice at the time she offered it to me. But I thought I was right and that she was just trying to run my life. I know better now. I miss her and love her very much.

I have two children, Vickie (age 21) and Colt (age 17). Vickie is married and she has a very handsome son, Jeremiah.
I really wish Mom was still with us to see these three beautiful people.

For this Mother's Day give your mom, grandmother, aunt, cousin, friend...whoever has been a mom to you in your life, a big kiss, lots of hug and all your love unconditionally.

NEVER forget to say "I LOVE YOU" to your mother. You never know when you will no longer be able to. Life can be over in an instant and all you are left with is a grave to talk to.

Happy 18th Birthday Brandon!

Happy Birthday



Sunday Stealing: The Speed Dating Meme

Hosted by Judd Corizan

1. What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book? "How The Grinch Stole Christmas"

2. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be? The Ewing Family home on Dallas

3. What's the longest you've gone without sleep? 36 hours

4. What's your favorite Barry Manilow song? None that I can think of

5. Who's your favorite Muppet? I have two actually, Fozie Bear and Beaker

6. What's the habit you're proudest of breaking? Drinking regular soda

7. What's your favorite website?

8. What's your favorite school supply? Elmers Glue

9. Who's your favorite TV attorney? None

10. What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles? We went to the casino.

11. What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or junk shop? Nothing I can think of

12. Where were you on September 11, 2001? Took my children to school then went home to take a nap. My sister-in-law woke me up around 9:00am so we could watch the news together.

13. What's your favorite tree? Weeping Willow

14. What's the most interesting biography you've read? None

15. What do you order when you eat Chinese food? Shrimp Fried Rice

16. What's the best costume you've ever worn?

17. What's your least favorite word? Frigging

18. If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be? Missouri

19. Who's your favorite bear? The Snuggle fabric softener bear

20. Describe something that's happened to you for which you have no explanation. My parents dying so young.

21. If you could travel anywhere in Africa, where would it be? Moracco

22. What did you have for lunch yesterday? Chicken Noodle Soup

23. Where do you go for advice? No one

24. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? Dictionary

25. Have you ever been snorkeling? Scuba diving? Neither but I would love to go at least once!

May 8, 2010

Mother's Day Poem

"Forever Mother"

I think as little girls
We are all born to be a Mother
The same as all the rest
Yet different from one another
We cuddle dolls and puppies
We fix boo boos and small aches
We have this built in nurse
And do whatever it takes
We all have our little quirks
But the love I remember best
Mom wasn’t there all the time
But when she was it was filled with zest
She’s take me to the beauty parlor
Her hair done , I’d get nails
Being with her , in her special place
Put the wind right into my sails
So now I’m grown and have kids
Two of my own grown and finding their way
I reflect back to the time
When I shared that same kind of day
Once a little girl
And now I am another
I’ll never forget , and my memories I’ll keep
Of my forever Mother

(c) 2007 Debi Fisher