August 7, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Leggo' My Eggos!

The Thursday Threesome: "Leggo' my Eggos!"
Hosted by Dan at The Back Porch

Onesome: Leggo'-- of that! Okay, is there something (sure, food works!) that shows up from time to time that you'd really like to have and someone else usually makes a grab for it? I'm thinking Christmas is coming and maybe those 'special' cookies need to be planned for...Nothing that I can think of right now. I usually hide the treats that I want to eat OR I eat them as soon as I get them LOL

Twosome: my-- how time flies: Back to School sales are already over and I'm seeing Thanksgiving stuff in the stores! Whaddayathink: are you ready for Summertime to be over and done with?
In a way I am glad summer is almost over because it has been so hot. I wish the temperatures would stay around 70 degrees all year long and the trees would always be green! The grayness of winter annoys me and I always look forward to Spring and Summer.

Threesome: Eggos-- and the like: do you have a frozen food you keep around just because you actually like the darned thing? Ice Cream, TV Dinners, Pot Pies, and meatballs.

Please visit Dan and other participants at "The Thursday Threesome"!

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