August 7, 2008

3x Thursday: In A Different Universe

3x Thursday: In A Different Universe
Hosted by The Hair Metal Queen

1. If you could be animal, what would it be? Why?
I would love to be a White Tiger. They are so beautiful and free to do as they please.

2. If you could do one nice thing for anyone in the world (money, time, etc are not important here)

I would pay off all my brother's medical bills, buy him a new house and car and take him to the best doctors around. I want him to be happy and his medical needs taken well care of.

3. What are you doing right now? If you could be doing anything else right now, what would it be? Why?
I currently work full time as a Business Manager for a Non-Profit organization. However, I would love to be a Computer Programmer or an Accident Reconstructionalist!

Please visit 3x Thursday and other participants HERE!

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