August 21, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Friends

Thursday Threesome
::"You find out who your Friends are..."::
Hosted by Dan at "The Back Porch"

Onesome: You find out-- all sorts of interesting stuff here on the net. How's about serving up a factoid or site link you've found lately that you are pretty sure no one but you found interesting ... I visit a lot but I get email letters from them to keep me current on facts/fiction circulating the web. I don't know of anyone else that likes Snopes. Maybe people will become interested after reading this :)

Twosome: who your-- information sources are can be interesting: who/what are you looking to for information this political season? I surf the Internet (CNN, MSNBC, Fox) or watch television to get information on this years political stuff. I don't do it often because I find politics to be rather boring.

Threesome: Friends are-- the people who bail you out when you need it? ...or maybe they're the ones waiting in line after you to use the phone looking for bail saying, "Man, that was fun!"? My two best friends (NJ and Johnny) would be waiting in line after me to use the phone looking for bail :) They have stood by me and my family through thick and thin and I will/would do the same for them.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of Snopes...going there now. :)


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