July 2, 2008

Wednesday Mind Hump: Canada

Wednesday Mind Hump: Canada
Hosted by RFDuck at Blogdrive Insanity

RFDuck asks us "Have you ever been to Canada?" and "What/who are your favorite Canadian musician, actor, actress and athlete".

My Response: I have never been to Canada but I would like to visit there someday. I know a few people from Canada and I love their accents! But they tell me I am the one with the accent! LOL

My favorite Canadian musician is Bryan Adams. I also like Shania Twain and John Kay. I have several favorite Canadian actors, such as Michael J. Fox,
John Candy, Kiefer Sutherland, Keanu Reeves, Mike Meyers and Jim Carey. One of my favorite Canadian actresses is Catherine O'Hare, and I also like Pamela Anderson. Lastly, my favorite Canadian athlete is Wayne Gretzky...such a hottie!


  1. I would love to go to Canada too. I also love Bryan Adams.

  2. I think Canada would be a great place to visit.

  3. Do you have room for Neil Young on your list? I know he can't sing or play guitar, but I have always loved his music...

  4. Yes I have room for Neil Young! I forgot about him.


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