February 27, 2020

eCard of the Week #348: Hardest Thing About Drinking Water

The hardest thing about drinking enough water
is constantly waiting in line for the bathroom.

February 25, 2020

February 23, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Getting to Know You

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from 9gag.

1. What is your favorite color? Blue

2. If you could get on a plane tomorrow and travel anywhere, where would you go? Ireland

3. Were you closer to your mother or to your father? Neither

4. What is your favorite meal (savory and dessert)?  Homemade chicken and dumpling, and Mississippi Mud Cake for dessert.

5. Can you wink with each eye? (How about curl your tongue) I can wink with each eye and curl my tongue.

6. Beach or forest? Beach

7. City or farm? City

8. Would you rather be blind from birth or turn blind as a teenager? Blind as a teenager

9. Would you rather always be overdressed or underdressed? Overdressed

10. If you could pass along one of your attributes to your children, which would it be?  None that I can think of.

11. What are you most insecure about? Everything!  Lots of things.

12. What are you afraid people see when they look at you? I am afraid they will see how fat I am and judge me based on my weight.

13. What is the saddest you’ve ever felt?  Words cannot even begin to describe the sadness I have felt in my life.  My son died four years ago; my dog, Shelby died a few weeks ago; my other dog died seven years ago; my mom died in 1991 and my dad died in 1992....the list goes on.

14. Would you rather have your own private island, or your own private jet? Private island

15. How do you think you will die? I can even begin to think about this. If I do, I will go down a deep, dark tunnel that ends in a severe panic attack. Death is my greatest fear.

February 21, 2020

I Miss My Shelby and Annabelle (AKA Bella)

Photo (c)Shannon G. Wamsley
Annabelle (aka Bella) was born November 22, 2000 and passed away on August 02, 2012. Bella was 1/2 Cocker Spaniel and 1/2 Black Labrador. Bella loved her babies (stuffed animals) and loved to play with tennis balls.

Shelby was born November 20, 2004 and passed away on February 08, 2020.  Shelby was 1/2 Boxer, 1/4 Blue Tick Hound and 1/4 Catahoula.  She loved wearing bandannas, snuggling in blankets and relaxing in her favorite chair.
 Photo (c)Shannon G. Wamsley
Bella and Shelby are missed so very much and are forever love.  Rest in Peace my fur-babies.
Photo (c)Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)Shannon G. Wamsley

February 19, 2020

The Last Hug - Four Years Ago

Four years ago today, I gave my son the last hug I would ever give him. 
It was the last day I saw him in person. 
The last day we were in the same room together. 

February 17, 2020

eCard of the Week #347: My Ideal Man

My ideal man is someone who doesn't 
mind if I steal fries off his plate.

February 16, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Birthday Meme

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from a birthday party website.

Have you ever....

1. Broken a bone? No.

2. Broken a window? Yes.

3. Been on TV? Not that I can remember.

4. Had a friend who shared the same birthday as you? No.

5. Locked your keys in the car? Yes.

6. Accidentally sent a text or email to the wrong person? Yes.

7. Sat in the back of a police car? Yes.

8. Fallen asleep at work? Yes.

9. Made a snow angel? Yes.

10. Ridden in an ambulance: Yes.

11. Worst household chore: All of them!

12 .Worst color: Mustard yellow

13. Worst pizza topping: Anchovies

14. Worst weather: Below zero temperatures

15. Worst self-care job (e.g. dressing, washing, shaving, teeth, toe nails): Shaving arm pits

16. Worst game: None that I can think of.

17. Worst school subject: Physical Education

18. Worst animal: None that I can think of.

19. Worst season: Winter

20. Worst TV show: None that I can think of.

February 13, 2020

Colt, Shelby and Annabelle Together Again

My soul is tired and my heart is almost empty.
I got Shelby's ashes back yesterday.
Shelby's ashes are in the black velvet bag/box.
My son, Colt's ashes are in the box in the middle.
My other dog's (Annabelle) ashes are in the purple velvet bag/box.
The three of them are together again.

February 12, 2020

Shelby Is Back Home, Where She Belongs

(c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley
Shelby's ashes, her collar an her paw print.
(c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley
Close up photo of Shelby's paw print.

(c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley
My husband got me this adorable Shelby look-a-alike plushie.

Photos (c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 10, 2020

eCard of the Week #346: They Will Not Go Quietly

They will not go quietly, the pest who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know, their spirit still survives.
Old habits still can make us think we hear them at the door
or step back when we drop a tasty morsel on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place the food dish used to be.
And, sometimes, coming home at night, we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends and a new food dish to fill.
That one place in our hearts belongs to them and always will.

February 9, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Thought Provoking Questions

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from Thought-Provoking Questions.

1. Is it more important to love or be loved? One can be taught how to love, so I think it is more important to be loved.

2. If you had the chance to go back in time and change one thing would you do it? It would depend on what that one thing is. 

3. If a doctor gave you five years to live, what would you try to accomplish? I would want to travel more and visit places on my bucket list.

4. What is the difference between innocence and ignorance? Innocence is the lack of knowledge, while ignorance is having the knowledge but the person chooses to ignore the knowledge. 

5. What is the simplest truth you can express in words? My soul hurts and my heart is nearly empty.

6. What gives your life meaning? I am currently trying to figure that out.

7. Can there be happiness without sadness? Pleasure without pain? Peace without war? Not in my opinion.

8. What’s the one thing you’d like others to remember about you at the end of your life? I want them to remember that I tried my very best.

9. Is there such a thing as perfect? Hell no.

10. What do you love most about yourself? My ability to bounce back.

11. Is it more important to do what you love or to love what you are doing? For me, I need to love what I am doing or I will lose interest.

12. What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now? Pretty much the same things I do now.

13. What small act of kindness were you once shown that you will never forget? My kids and I were at the ice cream shop and had just ordered egg nog shakes. As the shakes were being made I went to the counter to pay for them.  The cashier told me that two U.S. Army soldiers had already paid for our order. My son ran to the soldiers and hugged them both. It had been a very rough month and that kindness made life much more bearable. 

14. To what degree have you controlled the course your life has taken? At least 75%.

15. If you looked into the heart of your enemy, what do you think you would find that is different from what is in your own heart?  I would find a lack of kindness and compassion in their heart.

February 8, 2020

Rest In Peace Shelby. Mama Loves You.

Rainbow Bridge gained another angel today. 
Rest In Peace Shelby.
I love you to the moon and back a million times.
You are already missed and forever loved.

February 6, 2020

eCard of the Week #345: Had Your Vegetables Today?

Chocolate is made from beans.
Coffee is made from beans.
Beans are vegetables.
Have you had your vegetables today?

February 4, 2020

World Cancer Day 2020

Today is World Cancer Day and this post is in memory of my son,
Richard Colt Hazlett.
Colt was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia on February 8, 2016.
Colt passed away on March 10, 2016.
His is always on my mind and forever in my heart.
I miss this boy so very much...more than words can every express.
I love you son, forever and always.

February 2, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Another Food Meme

This week's Sunday Stealing Food meme Stolen from Book Mama, 
who stole it from Jenefur, as a suggestion from The Gal Herself!
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled or over easy.

How do you take your coffee/tea: Coffee must have creamer and sweetener.  Tea must have sweetener but can be iced or hot.

Favorite breakfast foods: Bacon, biscuits & gravy and hash browns.

Peanut butter: smooth or crunchy? Smooth peanut butter.

What kind of dressing on your salad? Ranch

Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi

You feel like cooking. What do you make? Spaghetti and meatballs.

You’re feeling lazy. What do you make? Salad

You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order? Thin crust pizza, with garlic butter as the sauce, topped with lots of mushrooms and bacon.

Is there a food you refuse to eat?  Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cooked spinach.

Favorite fruit & vegetable: I go back and forth on which fruit is my favorite. So it is a toss up between apples and bananas.  My favorite vegetable is green beans.

Favorite junk food: Chocolate

Favorite between meal snack: Chocolate

Do you have any weird food habits: Not that I am aware of.

You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on? All of it! LOL I do horrible on diets.

How spicy do you order Indian/Thai? Not spicy at all.

The perfect nightcap? Tea or water.

February 1, 2020

Camera Critters: No Photos Please

Shelby says......No photos please! Just let me go inside!
Photo take 26 January 2020
(c)2020 Shannon G. Wamsley
This post is linked to Camera Critters