February 26, 2017

Sunday Stealing: My-New-Favorite-Author Questions

Where do you go to decompress from the world? To my computer to get lost in cyberspace.

If given $10,000, what would you do with it? Pay off my Jeep

What is one major renovation you would love to make on your house? I would love to renovate the kitchen.

What is one movie that you love and didn’t expect to love? None that I can think of.

What is the oldest knick-knack you own and what is its sentimental value? I have two items that belonged to my Mom...she passed away in April 1991 and these are all I have left from her.

Do you own any books you keep out of obligation, but actually hate? No.

How many countries have you visited outside of the one you live in now? None

Have you ever read only part of a book, but claimed you’ve read the whole thing? No.

Have you ever spent a lot of money on something? What was it? Yes...computers and vehicles.

If you could change your name, what would it be? Shay

What is a nickname a former (or present) lover gave you? None that I can think of.

How do you style your hair? If you just would say "cut" what style is it? Just below my shoulders...layered

How many colors are you wearing now? Three....dark gray, light gray, and blue

What's one piece of fiction that changed your life? None that I can think of.

Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently? Yes, several things

Tell us about the job that you did before your current one or last one. Desk job...pencil pusher.

What was the last song to get stuck in your head? "Rebel, Rebel" by David Bowie

What is your least favorite thing to do that you have to do everyday? Get out of bed.

Best time of your life? When I was younger and my children were still at home.

What are you most looking forward to in the coming year? Nothing I know of.

February 25, 2017

"Lucky" Tags

Today I was working in Paint Shop Pro on some tags for St. Patrick's Day.
I used the "Lucky" Scrap Kit by Designz By Shelly (which I 
purchased from Designer Scrapsto create the following:

February 24, 2017

"The Baby" by Blake Shelton

"The Baby"

My brother said that I
was rotten to the core.
I was the youngest child,
so I got by with more.

I guess she was tired by
the time I came along.
She'd laugh until she cried,
I could do no wrong.
She would always save me,
because I was her baby.

I worked a factory in Ohio,
a shrimp boat in the Bayou,
I drove a truck in Birmingham.
Turned 21 in Cincinnati,
I called home to mom and daddy,
I said "Your boy is now a man."
She said "I don't care if you're 80,
you'll always be my baby."

She loved that photograph,
of our whole family.
She'd always point us out,
for all her friends to see.

That's Greg he's doing great,
he really loves his job.
And Ronnie with his 2 kids,
how 'bout that wife he's got.
And that one's kinda crazy,
but that one is my baby.

I got a call in Alabama,
said come on home to Louisianna
and come as fast as you can fly.
Cause your momma really needs you,
and says she's got to see you,
she might not make it through the night.
The whole way I drove 80
so she could see her baby.

She looked like she was sleepin'
and my family had been weepin'
by the time that I got to her side.
And I knew that she'd been taken,
and my heart it was breakin',
I never got to say goodbye.

I softly kissed that lady
and cried just like a baby.

February 23, 2017

Upside Down Silly Dog

Shelby was resting next to me this evening. When I called
to her to see if she was ok, she gave me this look. Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 22, 2017

eCard of the Week #180: In Loving Memory Of....

In loving memory of every cancer patient, family member 
and friend  who has lost the battle with cancer and the
ones who continue to conquer it!

February 21, 2017

Sunday Stealing (on a Tuesday): The Bungalow 26 Questions

1. Which living person do you admire the most, and why? I admire a few folks due to their professionalism, and some for their ability to not gossip.

2. When were you the happiest? I am happiest when my brain is occupied and not thinking about sad, upsetting, depressing things.

3. Besides property, automobile or furniture, what is the most expensive thing you have bought? My very first computer was expensive...about $3,000.00

4. What is your most treasured possession? My son ashes and my dog Annabelle's ashes.

5. Where would you like to live? Ireland

6. Who would you get to play you in a film of your life? Drew Barrymore

7. What is your favorite book? Gone With The Wind

8. What is your most unappealing habit? Picking scabs and zits

9. Twitter or Facebook? (Or if both share the differences in your opinion.) I use both but prefer Facebook because it is easier to follow and navigate.

10. What would be your fancy dress costume of choice? My pajamas.

11. What is your earliest memory? From when I was about 3 to 4 years old.

12. What is your guiltiest pleasure? Watching "My 600 Pound Life"

13. What do you owe your parents? Nothing

14. To whom would you most like to say sorry, and why? My son...I should have been with him when he died.

15. What or who is the greatest love of your life? My children, my dog, my brother, my husband, family and friends.

16. What does love feel like to you? Love to me is an unconditional caring for another person or animal.

17. What was the best kiss of your life? The first kiss on the cheek from each of my children.

18. Which words or phrases do you overuse? "Indeed", and "It is what it is"

19. What's the worst job you have done? Telemarketer

20. If you could edit your past, what would you change? The title

21. What is the closest you have came to death? Very close.

22. What do you consider your greatest achievement? Having my children.

23. When did you cry last? Earlier today.

24. How do you relax? Play video games, and sleep

25. What single thing would improve the quality of your life? Losing weight.

26. What is the most important lesson life has taught you? I have learned that bad things happen to good people, while the bad people get away with being bad.

February 20, 2017

Happy National Love Your Pet Day

I love my Shelby with all my heart!
Share a photo or a link to a photo of your pet in the comments :)
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
 Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 19, 2017

The Last Hug

One year ago today, I gave my son the last hug I would ever give him. 
It was the last day I saw him in person. 
The last day we were in the same room together. 

I should have never left that day. 
Colt and I both knew cancer would kill him. 
I should have stayed until the end...no matter when the end would be.

February 18, 2017

Groot is Awesome

Yesterday, my husband gave me a new Groot for my Groot collection.
This one is "Angry Groot", and is so cute!
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Here are a few of my Groot's. 
 Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 17, 2017

In Loving Memory.....

In loving Memory of Richard Colt Hazlett November 8, 1992 to March 10, 2016
In loving Memory of Richard Colt Hazlett
November 8, 1992 to March 10, 2016

Photo (c)2016 Shannon G. Wamsley
Teddy Bears & Ribbon (c) Kristy Scraps

February 16, 2017

Queen Shelby is a Chair Thief

Queen Shelby is a Chair Thief!  
But since she is so cute, I don't mind. :)
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day To Those That Celebrate....

Personally I do not like Valentine's Day and I think it is a bullshit holiday. Every store you go to displays Valentine related stuff in your face. Advertisements, cards, treats, gifts and more offer promises of everlasting love.

I think my dislike for Valentine’s Day began many, many years ago in Elementary School. Each year the teacher would force all students to bring in a decorated shoe box for our Valentine’s Day party. Students would be given a list of names of every student in their class and were expected to make a Valentine to give to each one on the list. I would work hours to pick out the perfect little valentine card for each person. I was always so excited to give them out as school…only to be disappointed at peoples comments about my cards. Kids can say some really mean and hateful things. While I don’t remember the exact words, I do remember how much they hurt and how totally alone I always felt.

My dislike for Valentine's Day has gotten worse through the years thanks to worthless ex-boyfriends and an ex-husband. Maybe someday this stupid holiday will be wiped off the calendar.

Anyway, from Shelby and I ....

February 13, 2017

Shelby AKA The Bed Invader

Last Saturday, at bedtime, Shelby decided to invade my bed.
So I took the opportunity to take a few photos of her! :)
 Photo (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley
Photos (c)2017 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 12, 2017

Sunday Stealing: The Disappearing Questions

1. Last movie you saw in a theater? I don't remember. I have not been to a theater in a few years.

2. What book are you reading? I just finished reading "The Collector" by Nora Roberts

3. Favorite board game? Yahtzee

4. Favorite magazine? Reader's Digest

5. Favorite smells? Lilacs, Roses, rain when it first starts falling, puppy breath, fresh baked bread, fresh baked cookies, and clean laundry.

6. Favorite sounds? My children's voices, the sounds of rain falling, and sometimes I enjoy no sound.

7. Worst feeling in the world? Losing someone you love.

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? "I have to pee."

9. Favorite fast food place? Taco Bell

10. Future child’s name? I will not be having any more children.  

11. Finish this statement. “If I had lot of money I’d….? If I had a lot of money, I would be out of debt.

12. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? I have many stuffed animals and every now and then I sleep with my one of my teddy bears.

13. Storms – cool or scary? Cool and sometimes cool & scary.

14. Favorite drink? Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper

15. Finish this statement, “If I had the time I would….”? If I had the time I would travel the world.

16. Do you eat the stems on broccoli? Yes

17. If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice? Black

18. Name all the different cities/towns you’ve lived in? Annapolis, Ironton, Piedmont, Vulcan, Pilot Knob, Leadington, Doe Run, Farmington, Desloge, Bonne Terre, De Soto, Dixon, St. Robert, Bangor.

19. Favorite sports to watch? Football

20. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you? They provide fun Sunday entertainment.

21. What’s under your bed? Dirty clothes, dog toys and dust.

22. Would you like to be born as yourself again? Yes.

23. Morning person, or night owl? Night owl

24. Over easy, or sunny side up? Over easy

25. Favorite place to relax? My bed

26. Favorite pie? Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

27. Favorite ice cream flavor? Black Walnut

28. Of all the people who play, how many of the posts do you usually read? All of them, though I don't always leave a comment.

February 11, 2017

Big Creek By Pint & A Half

I was born and raised not too far from Sam A. Baker State Park and spent a lot of time there.
Also, Big Creek ran by my house.  My brother, cousins and I played in and around that creek every day.

February 10, 2017

11 Months Ago....

Eleven months ago today... Eleven long months....
Colt left this world.
And it still feels like it happened today.
And one year ago, Colt was on Day 3 of Chemo.
I miss you Colt so very much. 
I love you forever and always.

February 8, 2017

One Year Ago...The Worse News Ever...

One year ago today.....
Colt was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. 
The doctor's gave him and us hope....false hope, in my opinion. 
They gave Colt a five year plan....Colt only lived 31 more days.

February 7, 2017

Colt's Swearing In 2011....

Colt swearing in on 08 February 2011 to be a United States Army soldier.
I miss my son.
Photo (c)2011 Shannon G. Wamsley

February 6, 2017

February 5, 2017

Sunday Stealing: The Racquet Questions

01 What is the worst nickname that anyone has ever called you? None that I can think of.  I can think of a few horrible bad names I have been called. :(

02 Have you got a favorite flower? Lilac

03 Do you add a sauce, ketchup or other artificial flavorings to your food? Sometimes.

04 Describe yourself using only words that begin with the letter 'T'. Terrific

05 What is/was your lover's pet name for you? I don't have a pet name.

06 What is your least favorite color? Yellow

07 Who did you vote for in the last election, and did they win? My vote is my vote and not to be discussed.

08 What is/was your grandfathers’ names? Hummm...I don't remember, I will have to look it up.

09 What is the best present you ever received? Other than my children....all the pets I have ever owned.

10 What is 17 1/2% of 97 + 42 x (6 / 2) – 137? My brain hurts too much to figure this one out right now.

11 What would be the best possible way you could die? Peacefully in my sleep.

12 Given the choice of absolutely anything, what would be your dream job? Other than a stay at home millionaire?  Something within the Criminal Justice realm and computers.

13 What position do you sleep in at night? On my right side, which my hand under my face.

14 What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? Falling face first into a snowbank a few years ago.

15 Who is your favorite fictional character? Scarlet O'Hara from Gone With The Wind

16 What food do you hate most in the world? Brussel Sprouts

17 When was the last time you were ill? At home.

18 If you were transformed into a wild creature, what would it be? Siberian Tiger

19 What was your favorite toy as a child, and whatever happened to it? A teddy bear.  I lost while moving in 1994. :(

20 What's the most amazing thing you've ever seen? The birth of my children.

February 4, 2017

World Cancer Day 2017

World Cancer Day unites the world’s population in the fight against cancer.  It aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising awareness and education about the disease, pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action.

World Cancer Day, an annual event aimed at raising awareness about the disease and inspiring people to work together to take action against it. This year, last year and next year are themed around the campaign "We can. I can," which hopes to involve everyone to help prevent cancer, shape policy, support patients and more.

Read more about World Cancer Day:

February 2, 2017

My Child Did Exist...and Still Does!

My child did exist and I am NOT sorry for talking about him. 
Richard Colt Hazlett was and is very loved and will always be remembered!!!