April 30, 2015

April 29, 2015

April 28, 2015

Soft Minion, Warm Minion...

Soft Minion, Warm Minion.
Little Ball of Drama.
Happy Minion, Loyal Minion.
Banana Banana Banana

April 27, 2015

"Suicide is Painless" - M*A*S*H Theme Song

Of all the TV shows I have watched throughout my lifetime, the M*A*S*H is my most favorite.

Through early morning fog I see
Visions of the things to be
The pains that are withheld for me
I realise that I can see

That suicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can take or leave them if I please

The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card of some delay
So this is all I have to say

That suicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can take or leave them if I please

The sword of time will pierce our skin
It doesn't hurt when it begins
But as it works its way on in
The pain grows stronger watch I bring

That suicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can take or leave them if I please

A brave man once requested me
To answer questions that are key
Is it to be or not to be
And I replied oh why ask me

That suicide is painless
It brings so many changes
And I can take or leave them if I please

Written by Johnny Mandel (music) and Mike Altman (lyrics),

April 26, 2015

Sunday Stealing: Funky Twenty-Five Meme

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from the now defunct,Tense Teacher

1. Most unflattering hairstyle you ever had? What made it so unflattering? I don't think I have ever had a flattering hairstyle.  I tend to pick a style and keep it for years....and I just go with what is easy to take care of.

2. Favorite movie(s) that were made in the 90's? The Shawshank Redemption, The Lion King, The Green Mile, Tombstone, Toy Story and more.

3. Do you rent movies? If so, from where? I rent movies on Xbox One and Xbox.

4. Do you like cookies better when they're just out of the oven or after they've cooled? I like them nice and warm from the oven with a scoop of ice cream on top.

5. Do you still talk to the person who gave you your first kiss? No.

6. Did you go to pre-school? If so, what was the name of it? South Iron

7. How do you take your coffee? I take my coffee with a lot of flavored creamer.

8. Do you like fuzzy things? Yes.

9. Favorite kind of chocolate? All of it!  But Hershey's and Godiva top the list.

10. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? I try my best to be optimistic.

11. What about peopleofwalmart.com? Do you think the site is mean, funny, or both? I think the site has a very funny things but it is mostly just mean.  Life is not about making fun of others.

12. Do you like fat sandwiches? If so, what does your favorite one have on it? Fat sandwiches are the best!  My favorite sandwich has double turkey, double ham, double roast beef, double bacon, lettuce, tomato, black olives and mayo on it.

13. One restaurant you'd never been to but would like to go to? None that I can think of.

14. Last time you got a haircut? Do you need one? My last hair cut was last summer and yes, I need another hair cut.

15. What's your favorite pattern for clothing (stripes, plaid, etc.)? I don't really get into patterns.  I prefer solid colors.

16. What's your age backwards? My age is the same backwards as it is forwards...44.

17. When you see typos in a survey, do you correct them? Sometimes.

18. When was your last vacation? Did you go someplace special? The last vacation I took was in December 2013/January 2014.  I went to Texas to visit my in-laws and had a great time.

19. What's your favorite kind of pancakes? Chocolate chip

20. Do you like movies with computer graphics, like Avatar? Yes.

21. Do you know how to sew? I know how to sew, I am not very good at it.

22. Are you good at wrapping gifts? No.

23. Do you like flavored yogurt? Yes and peach is my favorite.

24. How old will you be in December of 2015? 45

25. What's the age difference between you and your siblings? I only have one sibling and he is nearly three years younger than me.

April 25, 2015

Supervisor Shelby

Earlier this week I dug up some tiger lilies in front of my house and planted three new bushes.
 Shelby decided to supervise from the safe confines of the front porch/deck.

After I was done she was ready to go inside and get a treat.

**This post is linked to Camera Critters.**

April 24, 2015

Rotten eCard of the Week #84: Speak To My Parents

If I had spoken to my parents the way some children do now,
I would not be here to share this status.

April 23, 2015

April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

April is designated as Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month by the ASPCA. The ASPCA website contains checklists of how to report and recognize animal cruelty. This month, take the ASPCA pledge to make all animals in your community live happy and healthy lives.

Support your local animal shelters and animal rescue organizations!

Report any type of animal abuse!

April 22, 2015

Earth Day 2015

2015 is Earth Day’s 45th anniversary!

Earth Day, celebrated in the US on April 22, is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in in 1970 and is celebrated in many countries every year.
The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement. The passage of the landmark Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and many other groundbreaking environmental laws soon followed. Growing out of the first Earth Day, Earth Day Network (EDN) works with over 50,000 partners in 192 countries to broaden, diversify and mobilize the environmental movement. More than 1 billion people now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

In 2015, let's redefine what progress looks like. It’s Our Turn to Lead.

Please visit EarthDay.org for more information.

April 21, 2015

Earth Day Tag By Me

Since tomorrow is Earth Day, I decided to make a cute Earth Day tag/graphic.
The scrap kit I used for this graphic can be found at 

April 20, 2015

Monday Musings: Mondays

Mondays are a lot like getting fat.
They make you feel sad, sometimes angry and there is
not much scope for liking either fat or Mondays for any reason.
~*~ Garry Moll ~*~

April 19, 2015

We Miss You Dad

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On Easter in 1992 (April 19), my father, William Gale Pinkley – better known as Bill, passed away.

We found out Dad had pancreatic and liver cancer about a year before his death. Each day I watched him deteriorate and get sicker and sicker. The few weeks before he died he gave up. He told me he did not have the strength to go on and that he knew I was old enough to take care of myself and my  brother Brian. A few days before Dad passed, he asked my forgiveness on a few different things.

The night/early morning that Dad passed away I was with him. I had spent the night (and a few nights before) in the same room as him…talking, holding his hand and telling him it was ok to let go. In the final hours I begged God to please take Dad now. Dad was in so much pain he was no longer the man I knew and remembered. When Dad took his final breath, my Aunt Alma (dad’s oldest sister) was there with me. It was very hard to let him go. However, the look on his face after he passed on was very peaceful. Dad looked pain free and happy.

Dad never got to meet my son Colt, but I know that Dad would have loved him very much. Dad was a part of my daughter’s (Vickie) life for three years and he loved her and spoiled her rotten! He always called Vickie his little “rug rat”.

23 years later, we miss Dad. We always wonder what life would have been like if he and Mom were still alive.  We love you Dad! Now, Always and Forever!

Sunday Stealing: Book Preference Meme

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from the now defunct, Tense Teacher.

Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror?  I enjoy all three and ready many authors from each category.

Hardback or Trade paperback or Mass market paperback? I prefer mass market paperback for most all authors I read.  And of course I like trade paperbacks (comics).  I enjoy a hardback copy of books now and then but only if I can get them cheap.

Amazon or Brick and Mortar? Brick and mortar for the most part.  But I do purchase from Amazon quite often.

Barnes & Noble or Borders? Barnes & Noble...which I just went too yesterday.  I purchased Johanna Basford's book, "Secret Garden: An Inky Treasure Hunt and Coloring Book".  I also purchased two trade paperbacks (Sandman) for my husband.

Bookmark or Dog-ear? Bookmark

Asimov’s Science Fiction or Fantasy & Science Fiction? Fantasy & Science Fiction

Alphabetize by author, Alphabetize by title, or Random? Random

Keep, Throw away or Sell? Keep

Keep dust-jacket or Toss it? Toss it until I am done reading the book then but it back on the book before putting the book on the shelf.

Read with dust jacket or Remove it? Remove it.

Short story or Novel? Novel

Stop reading when tired or at Chapter breaks? I stop when I am tired....or if I have to go tot he bathroom.

“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time?”: "It was a dark and stormy night"

Buy or Borrow? Buy

Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendation or Browse? Browse

Collection (short stories by the same author) or Anthology (short stories by different authors)? Collection

Tidy ending or Cliffhanger? Tidy Ending

Morning reading, Afternoon reading or Nighttime reading?: Nighttime reading.

Standalone or Series? Series

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? "Gone With the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell is my most favorite book ever.  But I am sure plenty of people have heard of that book.  Another favorite book of mine is "Beulah Land" by Lonnie Coleman

Favorite genre series? The Maximum Ride series by James Patterson.

Currently Reading? "Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline

April 18, 2015

Shelby Strikes A Few Poses

Shelby does not like her photo taken but that does not stop me from taking photos of her!
Earlier this week I pulled out my camera as she was sitting near me and I asked Shelby if I
could take her photo.  As you can see in the first photo, Shelby turned her head away.
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So, I started talking to her to get her attention (and I may have
said the word "bacon" a few times to get her to look at me.
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As you can see in this last photo below, Shelby loves the word bacon.
After this little photo session, Shelby received a bacon treat which
made her smack her lips together happily.
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**This post is linked to Camera Critters.**

April 17, 2015

Rotten eCard of the Week #83: I'll Just Be A Stripper

Sometimes I think, "screw this job.  I'll just quit and be a stripper."
Then I remember I'm fat and can't dance.

April 16, 2015

Happy Birthday Vickie

 Happy Birthday to my beautiful daughter, Vickie.
I love you very much!

April 15, 2015

Wisconsin Winter Weather...in Spring

This is what I woke up to on 10 April 2015, here in Wisconsin.
The rain from the night before turned into very wet, heavy snow.
Thankfully the streets were clear so the drive to work was not too bad.

April 14, 2015

Skating Away By Jethro Tull

Meanwhile back in the year One,
When you belonged to no-one,
You didn't stand a chance son,
If your pants were undone.
'Cause you were bred for humanity
And sold to society
One day you'll wake up
In the Present Day
A million generations removed from expectations of being who you really want to be.
Skating away, skating away,
Skating away on the thin ice of the New Day.

So as you push off from the shore,
Won't you turn your head once more
And make your peace with everyone?
For those who choose to stay,
Will live just one more day
To do the things they should have done.
And as you cross the wilderness,
Spinning in your emptiness:
You feel you have to pray.
Looking for a sign that the Universal Mind has written you into the Passion Play.
Skating away, skating away,
Skating away on the thin ice of the New Day.

And as you cross the circle line,
The ice-wall creaks behind
You're a rabbit on the run.
And the silver splinters fly
In the corner of your eye
Shining in the setting sun.
Well, do you ever get the feeling that the story's too damn real and in the present tense?
Or that everybody's on the stage, and it seems like you're the only person
Sitting in the audience?
Skating away, skating away,
Skating away on the thin ice of the New Day.
Skating away, skating away, skating away

April 13, 2015

Monday Musings: Doubts of Today

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
~*~ Franklin D. Roosevelt ~*~

April 12, 2015

Sunday Stealing: The Sizzle Says Meme

This week's Sunday Stealing was stolen from Ms. Sizzle.

1. If money were no object, what would you be doing with your life? I would be running an animal rescue farm. A place where unwanted animals could escape an abusive life and live in peace and happiness.

2. Money is just that - an object, so why aren't you doing it? I don't have enough money.

3. What’s better: horses or cows? Tough choice....but I choose cows.

4. What do you think the secret to happiness is? Having a pet in your life.  For me, happiness is my dog, Shelby.
5. When was the last time you had a dream that you either remember well or did not want to awake from? Can you share a bit? Last week I had a dream about people from my past and present talking together.  I found it very weird because the people from two people from my past are deceased and would have never met the people in my present.  I woke up a tad confused.

6. When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a Computer Programmer in the United States Air Force.

7. Complete this statement: Love is…painful.

8. Can you tell a good story? Not at all.  

(c) Peanuts WorldWide 20129. Can you remember your last daydream? What was it about? I day dream all the time.  My latest day dream was about being able to teleport to work and how much time it would save.  Plus I could pop home for lunch each day and relax in my own recliner before heading back to work.

10. If you were to thank someone today, who would you thank? I thank my dog for bringing happiness to my life.  Shelby loves me unconditionally and does not care what I look like.  She makes a bad day into a good day and a good day into an even better day. 

11. If you could be anyone's mojo, whose would you want to be, and why? I cannot think of anyone that I would want to being their mojo.  

April 11, 2015

Tullahoma Animal Shelter Shirts

The Tullahoma Animal Shelter is a non-profit/no kill shelter located in Tullahoma, TN. The Friends of Tullahoma Animal Shelter are a group of people that assist with fundraising to raise money for medical and building funds and also assist with dog adoptions.

$5 from each shirt purchased will go directly to help save and enrich the lives of dogs by assisting them with their medical needs.

You can order your shirt at: www.bonfirefunds.com/live-love-rescue-navy-blue
For more information on the dogs your donation is helping, please visit at: www.facebook.com/tullahomaanimalshelter?fref=ts

Please help accomplish the goal of selling 100 shirts with all proceeds benefiting the medical funds for the dogs at the Tullahoma Animal Shelter. Please order a shirt and share this post to raise awareness. Thank you.

April 10, 2015

April 9, 2015

Throwback Thursday: "Footloose" by Kenny Loggins

I've been working so hard
I'm punching my card
Eight hours for what?
Oh, tell me what I got

I've got this feeling
That time's just holding me down
I'll hit the ceiling or else I'll tear up this town
Tonight I gotta cut

Now I gotta cut loose, footloose
Kick off the Sunday shoes
Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees
Jack, get Mack, come on before we crack
Lose your blues, everybody cut footloose

You're playing so cool
Obeying every rule
I dig a way down in your heart
You're burning, yearning for

Somebody to tell you
That life ain't passing you by
I'm trying to tell you
It will if you don't even try
You can fly if you'd only cut

Loose, footloose kick off your Sunday shoes
Oh please, Marie shake it, shake it for me
oh, Milo c'mon, c'mon let's go
Lose your blues everybody cut footloose

Cut footloose ohhhhhhhhhh
Cut footloose ohhhhhhhhhh
Cut footloose ohhhhhhhhhh

You got to turn me around
And put your feet on the ground
Now take a hold of your soul
ah.. ah..ah..ahhhhhhhh, I'm turning it loose!

footloose kick off your Sunday shoes
Please, Louise pull me offa my knees
Jack, get back c'mon before we crack
Lose your blues now everybody cut footloose

Loose, footloose kick off your Sunday shoes
Please, Louise pull me offa my knees
Jack, get back c'mon before we crack
Lose your blues

Everybody cut everybody cut
Everybody cut everybody cut
Everybody cut everybody cut
Everybody everybody cut footloose
Cut footloose

Read more: Kenny Loggins - Footloose Lyrics | MetroLyrics

April 8, 2015

WoWHead Great Noblegarden Egg Hunt 2015

Spring is in the air and Noblegarden has arrived in Azeroth and to Wowhead! .

So grab your Egg Basket and hop around Wowhead's database of a backyard if you want to win!

The contest began on April 6th, 2015 and ends on April 13th, 2015 at 11:59PM PDT. Participants will have ten possible chances to enter the drawing.

Go to www.wowhead.com/news=247065/the-great-noblegarden-tcg-egg-hunt-2015 to enter today!

April 7, 2015

Moments That Take Our Breath Away

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, 
but by the moments that take our breath away.”
― Maya Angelou

April 6, 2015

April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Everyone!

From Shelby and I to all of you...
Please be safe in your travels and don't eat too many eggs.

Sunday Stealing: The More of Less Meme

This week's Sunday Stealing comes from the Sunday Stealing archives!

3 (or more, or less!) things...

1. ...you cannot live without. My dog, job, vehicle, house, and food.

2. ...you CAN live without, but cannot seem to part with. My computer, phone and chocolate.

3. ...you wish to accomplish this COMING week.  I need to clean out my computer room and plan to get it done this week.

4. ...you have accomplished this PAST week.  Not much of anything.

5. ...on your holiday (or non-holiday) 'wish list.'  A new iPhone.

6. ...you would like to change about yourself. I would like to lose a lot of weight.

7. ...you like about yourself. My eyes and my ability to be kind to even the meanest person.

8. ...you should be doing right now instead of what you ARE doing. Cleaning, sleeping, painting my nails.

9. ...in your life that could use a little more organization. My house.
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April 4, 2015

Happy Easter Tags

Below are two cute Easter tags I made using scrap kits from
Tasha's Playground.  Visit her web site at http://tashasplayground.blogspot.com.

This first tag is from the "Blue Spring" scrap kit found at

The second tag is from the "Springtime" scrap kit found at

April 3, 2015

I Miss You Mom

My mom, passed away on April 3, 1991 (24 years ago). She was killed in a nearly head-on automobile accident, five miles from home. It is hard to believe she has been gone for 24 years. I have been motherless for over half of my life...and that beyond sucks. :(

Mom and I did not get along very well as I was growing up BUT she was a great mother. I just wish that I had listened to some of her advice at the time she offered it to me. But I thought I was right and that she was just trying to run my life. I know better now. I miss her and love her very much.

April 2, 2015

World Autism Awareness Day 2015

World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), celebrated each year on April 2, was adopted by the United Nations in 2007 to shine a bright light on autism as a growing global health crisis. Autism is one of only three health issues to be recognized with its own day by the United Nations. WAAD activities increase world knowledge of autism and impart information about the importance of early diagnosis and early intervention. Additionally, WAAD celebrates the unique talents and skills of persons with autism around the world.

Read Autism Facts:

April 1, 2015

April Fools Day

"April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what 
we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four." — Mark Twain