September 30, 2014

60 Ways 2 Peace: Day 19 through Day 26

Mimi from Mimi Writes says:
There are thousands of peace bloggers in the world today. They come from six continents and 202 countries and territories. Every post, status update, tweet, and peace globe is different. But the message is the same.
Dona nobis pacem ~ Grant us peace
You don't have to be a rabble-rouser, a tree hugger, a hippie or a street protester to speak strongly for peace in the world. All you need is a quiet determination, a blog, a Facebook profile, a Twitter account, an Instagram, or a website! Any other place on the web you call home.
And one more thing.....a belief in the power of words.
We believe that words are powerful. This matters.
Mimi has challenged the world to post 60 Ways 2 Peace. For the 60 days leading up to Blog4Peace on November 4th, we are to post one way to be peaceful each day. People have been using any social media platform available (FB, Twitter, Instagram, Blogging, Tumblr, etc) with the hopes of a peaceful transformation in 60 days.
I have been posting my daily way to peace on Facebook and here are the ones I have posted for day 19 through day 26.

Day 19: Do not try to control others.
Day 20: Learn a new language.
Day 21: Practice tolerance.
Day 22: Never use violence against humans or animals.
Day 23: Act with compassion.
Day 24: Surround yourself with peace as much as possible.
Day 25: Stop and think when in a stressful situation. Learn to respond in a peaceful way.
Day 26: Seek forgiveness, not revenge.

September 29, 2014

MQAM: Bread Pudding and Miniature Golf

Acting Balanced
Heather & Wayne at Acting Balanced gives us four questions each week to answer (and we have the option to add one question of our own for a total of five questions).

Here are today's Questions and my responses:

1. September is Better Breakfast month - so tell us what you had for breakfast today?

Answer: I had small piece of chocolate chip bread pudding, a small piece of baked French Toast and an medium apple.

2. Yesterday was Miniature Golf Day - did you partake? Do you golf, miniature or regular?

Answer: I did not partake in miniature golf and I have not for years.  I should though because it would have been fun.  I do not play regular golf.

3. Today is Elephant Appreciation Day - do you appreciate elephants?

Answer: I do appreciate elephants.  They are beautiful creatures.

4. Next Sunday is "Ask a Stupid Question Day" - what will you ask?

Answer: If the professor on Gilligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why can't he fix a hole in a boat?

September 28, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Ask Away!

This week's Sunday Stealing comes from Stronger.

1. What is your zodiac sign? Libra
2. What is your favorite color? Blue
3. What’s your lucky number? Five
4. What talents do you have? None
5. Are you psychic in any way? No
6. Favorite song? Eat the Rich by Aerosmith

7. How many pillows do you sleep with? Just one, but would love to have more.
8. What position do you usually sleep in? On my right side.
9. Have you ever tried archery? Yes
10. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 48ish
11. Do you have any scars? Yes, many.
12. Have you ever had a secret admirer? No
13. Can you do any other accents other than your own? Yes
14. Are you a good judge of character? Sometimes.
15. Can you curl your tongue? Yes
16. Are you a clean or messy person? Clean at work and messy at home.
17. How long does it take for you to get ready? 15 minutes
18. Do you have much of an ego? No
19. Do you talk to yourself? Yes
20. Do you sing to yourself? Yes
21. Can you name all 50 states of America? Yes
22. Have you ever been scuba diving?  No
23. What makes you nervous? Death
24. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? No
25. Are you ticklish? No
26. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Yes
27. How many piercings do you have? None
28. Can you roll your Rs? Yes
29. How fast can you type? at least 60 words per minute

30. What are you allergic to? Bullshit and stupidity
31. Do you keep a journal? Yes
32. Do you like your age?  No
33. What makes you angry? Liars, thieves and people that abuse animals and children.
34. Were your ancestors royalty?  No sure

September 22, 2014

60 Ways 2 Peace: Day 1 through Day 18

Mimi from Mimi Writes says:
There are thousands of peace bloggers in the world today. They come from six continents and 202 countries and territories. Every post, status update, tweet, and peace globe is different. But the message is the same.
Dona nobis pacem ~ Grant us peace
You don't have to be a rabble-rouser, a tree hugger, a hippie or a street protester to speak strongly for peace in the world. All you need is a quiet determination, a blog, a Facebook profile, a Twitter account, an Instagram, or a website! Any other place on the web you call home.
And one more thing.....a belief in the power of words.
We believe that words are powerful. This matters.
Mimi has challenged the world to post 60 Ways 2 Peace. For the 60 days leading up to Blog4Peace on November 4th, we are to post one way to be peaceful each day. People have been using any social media platform available (FB, Twitter, Instagram, Blogging, Tumblr, etc) with the hopes of a peaceful transformation in 60 days.
I have been posting my daily way to peace on Facebook and here are the ones I have posted for the first 18 days.

Day 1: Volunteer at the local animal shelter.
Day 2: Show love and kindness to all creatures, great and small.
Day 3: Make peace a goal. Strive to meet that goal each day, in some special way.
Day 4: Provide food and shelter to those in need.
Day 5: Always tell the truth.
Day 6: Spend time in nature.
Day 7: All remember the wrong, but focus out how to prevent those wrongs from happening again.
Day 8: Volunteer at the local homeless shelter.
Day 9: Smile at least one per day.
Day 10: Never lose hope.
Day 11: Peace can only penetrate a heart that is truly open to it.
Day 12: Talk to someone you trust.
Day 13: Try to be open minded when listening to others.
Day 14: Volunteer at the local hospital
Day 15: Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Day 16: Finding peace within will allow you to see obstacles with reason.
Day 17: Genuinely care about others.
Day 18: Spread peace across the globe.

September 21, 2014

Happy World Peace Day 2014

Today is World Peace day.  Also known as The International Day of Peace. It is a day dedicated to world peace, and specifically the absence of war and violence, such as might be occasioned by a temporary ceasefire in a combat zone for humanitarian aid access.

The day was first celebrated in 1982, and is kept by many nations, political groups, military groups, and peoples. In 2013, for the first time, the Day was dedicated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations to peace education, the key preventive means to reduce war sustainably.

To inaugurate the day, the United Nations Peace Bell is rung at UN Headquarters (in New York City). The bell is cast from coins donated by children from all continents except Africa, and was a gift from the United Nations Association of Japan, as "a reminder of the human cost of war"; the inscription on its side reads, "Long live absolute world peace".

More information about this day can be found at the following links: 

September 20, 2014

Camera Critters: Buddy Selfie

Camera Critters
Buddy is my mother-in-law's dog and is five pounds of cuteness!
I was trying to teach him how to take selfies with my iPhone.
He refused to look into the camera!  LOL
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September 19, 2014

Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day

Most days are like all of the others,
Go to work, come back home, watch TV,
But, brother, if I had me druthers,
I'd chuck it and head out to sea,
For I dream of the skull and the crossbones,
I dream of the great day to come,
When I dump the mundane for the Old Spanish Main
And trade me computer for rum! ARRR!

T' me,
Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
It's "Talk Like A Pirate" Day!
When laptops are benches God gave us fer wenches,
And a sail ain't a low price ta pay!
When timbers are shivered and lillies are livered
And every last buckle is swashed,
We'll abandon our cars for a shipfull of ARRRs
And pound back the grog till we're sloshed! Yo ho....
Don't pick up yer phone and say "Hello,
Our ten-o-clock meeting's delayed",
Ye scrunch up yer face and ye bellow,
"AVAST! Ye've been bleedin' BELAYED!"
Ye can't keep this fun to yerself, I bet,
So sing "Aye!" "ARRR!" "Ayy!" every man!
We ain't got much grasp of the alphabet,
But a damn good retirement plan!

T' me,
Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
It's "Talk Like A Pirate" Day!
Whatever's in fashion is in for a thrashin'
And bein' polite is passe!
When it's ev'ry man's duty to grab his proud beauty
And let out a hearty YO HO!
And if this offends you, hold y'r breath as we sends you
Ta Davy Jones' Locker ya go! Yo ho....
We'll tell every banker "Heave to and weigh anchor!"
Buy latte with pieces of eight
We'll fight to be chosen as cap'n or bosun
The loser, o' course, is worst mate!
When we hoist Jolly Roger, the landlubbers dodge 'er,
We fill 'em with loathing and fear,
We'll plunder and pillage each city and village,
Or at least clean out Wal-Mart of beer!
There ain't no computin' or morning commutin',
No "Parking Lot Full" signs for me,
No lawns ta be mowin' or bills to be owin',
I'm knowin' the pull of the sea.
The fresh salty brace of the wind on my face
Through hurricane, sunshine or squalls,
I'm keepin' my eyes on the distant horizon,
Verizon can hold all my calls!
To wear a red coat full o' buckles,
To earn a few duelling scars,
Well, at least we can get a few chuckles
By filling the office with ARRRs!
And maybe we'll never get closer,
Than watchin' 'em on the big screen,
So here's to old Errol and Depp as Jack Sparrow,
And every damn one in between!

T' me,
Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho,
It's "Talk Like A Pirate" Day!
That time in September when sea dogs remember
That grown-ups still know how ta play!
When wenches are curvy and dogs are all scurvy
And a soft-wear patch covers your eye,
Ta hell with our jobs, for one day we're all swabs
And buccaneers all till we die!
So hoist up the mainsils and shut down your brain cells,
They only would get in the way,
Avast there, me hearty, we're havin' a party,
It's "Talk... Like... A Pirate" Day

Check out the official "Talk Like A Pirate: web site:

September 18, 2014

Rotten eCard of the Week #54: Restaurant Leftovers

You remind me of restaurant leftovers...
 You become a little less appetizing the longer you stick around.

September 17, 2014

Fall In Wisconsin 2014

Last week I purchased two pretty mum's from the local Hansen's (grocery store).
I put one on each side of my front door and I think they look great.
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September 16, 2014

Iced Coffee vs Mocha Frappuccino

I Am A Mocha Frappuccino

Hyper and driven, you'll take your caffeine any way you can get it. Frappuccinos are good, but you'd probably chew coffee beans in a crunch!

I am an Iced Coffee

At your best, you are: energetic, modern, and athletic
At your worst, you are: too hyper and annoying
You drink coffee when: you're out with friends
Your caffeine addiction level: medium

September 14, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Celebrity Obsession

This week's Sunday Stealing comes from Wednesday's Alice.

01. First Celebrity Obsession or Crush - John Schneider (Bo Duke) from the Dukes of Hazzard.

02. Favorite Celebrity Encounter - Does Jeff Gordon, Rusty Wallace or Kenny Schrader from NASCAR count?  If so then they were my first real celebrity encounter in the 1990's.

03. Most Cherished Celebrity Obsession
 - None.

04. A celebrity you’d love to hang out with
 - None.

05. A celebrity you’d love to sit down and have a conversation with
 - None. 

06. An artist you’d like to see live - Steven Tyler

07. A celebrity you respect purely for talent - Tom Hanks

08. A celebrity you feel you'd be good friends with - None.

09. A celebrity you dislike that others seem to love - Angelina Jolie-Pitt

10. A celebrity you respect for what they've been through in life - Robin Williams

11. A celebrity you share a birthday with - Margaret Thatcher

12. A celebrity you find annoying - Angelina Jolie-Pitt

13. Favorite under-20 celebrity - Maisie Williams

14. Favorite over-60 celebrity - Betty White

15. The celebrity “fandom” that means most to you - Game of Thrones and Dr. Who,

September 13, 2014

September 11, 2014

In Remembrance of September 11, 2001

A sad day for America
As rejoicing rang from hell,
Awakening a mighty giant
On the day the towers fell.

Our hearts were saddened
As we watched this vicious act unfold,
As innocence met a fiery death
And seeds of war were sowed.

Shouts rang out from the middle east
That Allah has done his good
But no god joys in faultless deaths
Through certain cowards could.

America just sort of glides along,
But don't step on her toes ...
For her belief in right and justice
Will stomp out freedom's foes.

~ Author Unknown ~

September 8, 2014

Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin

"Immigrant Song"

Ah, ah,
We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs flow.
The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands,
To fight the horde, singing and crying: Valhalla, I am coming!

On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore.

Ah, ah,
We come from the land of the ice and snow,
From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow.
How soft your fields so green, can whisper tales of gore,
Of how we calmed the tides of war. We are your overlords.

On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore.

So now you'd better stop and rebuild all your ruins,
For peace and trust can win the day despite of all your losing.

September 7, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Alaphabetty

This week's Sunday Stealing comes from FYeah, Surveys!

A. What are your favorite smells?  Fresh cut grass, lilacs blooming, honeysuckle, puppy breath, rain and home baked cookies.

B. Can you go a whole day without caffeine? No!

C. Who knows more about you than anyone else? No one.

D. What song did you last listen to? "Take This Job and Shove It".
E. Do you have a crush on anybody? No

F. Do you like The Beatles? Yes

G. If you could choose one color to wear for a whole year, what color would you choose? Black

H. Do you cook often? Not really.  I am not a very good cook, so I avoid cooking as much as possible.

I. What was the last film you watched? Did you like it?  Guardians of the Galaxy and yes, I liked it.

J. Can you sew? A little bit.

K. What is your favorite fruit? Apples

L. Are you health conscious? Not really.  

M. What is your middle initial? G

N. Do you curse a lot? Not much at home, a bit more at work.  

O. When was the last time you had a beer? I don't like beer and I don't drink beer.  However, I did taste a Corona a few years ago.

P. Are you pro sports fan? Yes!

Q. Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason? Yes, chocolate.

R. What was the last book you purchased? A few comic books from Deaf Ear in La Crosse, WI.

S. Where was your last vacation? We went to Texas for Christmas last year.

T. Do you share your fries? Sometimes.

U. Did you ever play seven minutes in heaven? Yes, many, many years ago.

V. When was the last time you went out without a bra? Yesterday, when I took a shower.

W. What's the longest you've gone "unplugged"? A few days but only because I was in the hospital.

X. Have you ever broken a bone? No.

Y. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled 

Z. What was your last argument about and who with? It was with my son and why he had not called/texted in nearly two weeks.

Are You Ready For Some Football?

 I am so glad it is football season again!
My favorite time of the year!

September 6, 2014

Camera Critters: My Buddy and Me

Camera Critters
Last week Buddy (my mother-in-law's dog) got to come over for a visit.
So he and I took a selfie! 
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September 5, 2014

Rotten eCard of the Week #52: Your Opinions

Listening to your opinions immediately transports me 
to the soothing sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.

September 3, 2014

Pretty New Bracelets

Last week I ordered two bracelets from Florence Scovel Jewelry.

As you can see in the photo below, the brown leather one has a watch on it and is called a Leaf Vintage Wrap Watch. I have not worn a watch in years, but this one is so cute I could not pass it up.
 photo bracelets_03September2014_zpsf1352d67.jpg
The blue one is called Blue Angel and is in memory of my mother.  
Mom loved owls, of which there are two on this bracelet.  
Also, there are angel wings on this bracelet and it is blue (which is my favorite color).

If you get a chance, check out Florence Scovel Jewelry's website
and their Facebook page.

DISCLAIMER:  Yes, I paid for the bracelets I ordered.
No, I did not get paid for posting about these bracelets.
I am just sharing something that makes me happy.

September 2, 2014

Sunrise in Wisconsin

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Sunrise in Wisconsin
This photo was taken on 02 September 2014,
between Bangor, WI and Rockland, WI.
Such a great way to start the work day!

September 1, 2014

Happy Labor Day 2014

It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and
resolute courage,  that we move on to better things.
-- Theodore Roosevelt
"Forty Hour Week " by Alabama

There are people in this country
Who work hard every day
Not for fame or fortune do they strive
But the fruits of their labor
Are worth more than their pay
And it's time a few of them were recognized.

Hello Detroit auto workers,
Let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin',
Just to send it on down the line
Hello Pittsburgh steel mill workers,
Let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin',
Just to send it on down the line.

This is for the one who swings the hammer,
Driving home the nail
Or the one behind the counter,
Ringing up the sale
Or the one who fights the fires,
The one who brings the mail
For everyone who works behind the scenes.

You can see them every morning
In the factories and the fields
In the city streets and the quiet country towns
Working together like spokes inside a wheel
They keep this country turning around.

Hello Kansas wheat field farmer,
Let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin',
Just to send it on down the line
Hello West Virginia coal miner,
Let me thank you for your time
You work a forty hour week for a livin',
Just to send it on down the line.

This is for the one who drives the big rig,
Up and down the road
Or the one out in the warehouse,
Bringing in the load
Or the waitress, the mechanic,
The policeman on patrol
For everyone who works behind the scenes.

With a spirit you can't replace with no machine
Hello America, let me thank you for your time...