October 16, 2015

30 Days of Love - Day 12: Teddy

Day 12 is dedicated to Teddy.

One year for Christmas (many, many, many years ago), I received a teddy bear.  She was beautiful and of course I named her Teddy.  Teddy had a music box inside her and a "key" sticking out of her back.  At night I would wind up the music box over and over until I feel asleep.  I was (and still am) scared of the dark.  Teddy's soothing music helped me forget about what lurked in the dark.  

When the music box broke, Mom performed "surgery" on Teddy and removed the box.  Mom did a great job sewing Teddy back up.  Teddy was my best friend for many years...until 1994.  That year I was moving from one town to another and Teddy, along with most of my personal belonging were left behind. Yes, I was an adult and yes I know people think I am silly BUT I was devastated to lose my friend.  Even now I am sure people will judge me but I don't care.  As the old saying goes "walk a mile in my shoes".  

Anyway, Teddy brought me peace and helped me through some very rough times.  Maybe someday I will find another Teddy that looks just like her (I search the internet weekly)...but none will replace her.  

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