September 4, 2008

Thursday Threesome - Two Weeks

The Thursday Threesome
Hosted by Dan at "The Back Porch"

::Greenwaste Disposal Facility::

Onesome: Greenwaste-- containers: we're using full sized 'toters' (those cans the trunks can automatically dump); are you using anything special in your city? Does anyplace in the US still let you burn leaves in the Autumn? The town I currently live in does not have special containers for waste/recycling. Yes, there are places in the USA that allow us to burn our leaves.

Twosome: Disposal-- systems for electronics: out here in CaliLand you just can't 'dump' the old computer or stereo with the trash; they need to go to an 'electronics recycling center'. Do have anything like that where you are? Not that I am aware of.

Threesome: Facility--, facilitate, faculty, faculties... Do you ever get any of those a little mixed up? Just curious...No, not really.


::The end of Summer?::

Onesome: The-- best part of the pudding? I'm teaching the youngest to leave his pudding in the 'fridge for a couple of days (much to his mother's chagrin ) to allow the top to 'skim over'. He's thinking I may be right about that adding an extra taste treat to the process. Mom disagrees. What do you think?
I dont usually allow it to skim over. I remember my mom use to do that and I would get upset because I wanted my pudding as soon as it was ready.

Twosome: end of-- da' road? Just for the fun of it, is there a road in your area that you're pretty sure 'goes nowhere' and just ends there? No, but that would be cool! LOL I could use it to hide from the "real world".

Threesome: Summer-- is over? Really? Just because it's Labor Day? Heck, the kids have been back in school for a week or two; the weather hasn't gotten any cooler out here; and the trees haven't even thought about turning. least where I am: how about at your place?
The weather has been changing here in Missouri, USA. It is starting to get a "fall feel" to it.

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