August 31, 2008

Scrumptious Sunday: Frozen Treats

Scrumptious Sunday Week #27
Hosted by Mercedes Rocks

Kool-Aid Sherbet
1 cup sugar
1 (.13 ounce) envelope unsweetened orange soft drink mix or flavor of your choice
3 cups milk

1. In a bowl, stir sugar, soft drink mix and milk until sugar is dissolved. Pour into a shallow freezer container; cover and freeze for 1 hour or until slightly thickened. Transfer to a mixing bowl, beat until smooth. Return to freezer container; cover and freeze until firm. Remove from the freezer 20 minutes before serving.


  1. How interesting - sounds yummy! I'll have to try this soon - I love sherbet.

  2. am with Tamy~very interesting! I love Kool-Aid and I love sherbet-yummy! Thanks for sharing! (((HUGS)))



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