July 17, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Guys and Dolls

Thursday Threesome: Guys and Dolls
Hosted by Dan at The Back Porch

Onesome: Guys-- do the darnedest things, -right? What's the darnedest thing you've had a male acquaintance do that you just know a gal would never even think of? (Okay, girls, toilet seats do not count on this one !) I think guys tend to ogle the opposite sex way too much in front of their wife/girlfriend/significant other way too often. Women look at others but do it in a more "you don't know I am looking" way.

Twosome: and-- to turn it around, what's the darnedest thing you've had a female acquaintance do that you just know a guy would never even think of? (Okay, guys, that hair-flip move doesn't count either...)
I think some women babble on too much. Guys don't talk nearly as much as women do most of the time. Women also seem to be really obsessive about a lot of things that guys don't even think about.

Threesome: Doll--ing yourself up? What is your idea of dress-up? Hmmm... Let's go with Summer wear for now!
In the summer I like to dress-up by wearing a thin pant suit and flat shoes (not flip flops or sandals). I like my hair to be in a french braid but since I am not able to braid it, I just let it hang loose.

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