May 8, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Fife and Drum

Thursday Threesome: Fife and Drum
Hosted by The Back Porch -

Onesome: Fife-- Barney? ...a musical instrument? ...the number after 'four'? What came to mind when you saw this week's title? The first thing that came to mind was the Army and music. It took me a minute to remember who Barney Fife was, and I use to watch "The Andy Griffin Show" all the time!

Twosome: and--do you recall a painting of a fife and drum set with a flag? No? Maybe one of our American History majors can link it in... I have seen several paintings and photos of a fife and drum set. Check out the one here:

Threesome: Drum--lines? Do you love them? ...or do you even know they exist? I'm wondering if this is an "Eastern" thing...
I love drum lines! My son plays drums and until this year he played in school. He is an awesome player. "DrumLine" is also a good movie.

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