April 27, 2008

Situation Sunday - April 27, 2008

Situation Sunday # 55

Situation # 1
Georgia, Texas and Virginia announced plans to execute a handful of convicted killers in May. Thus ending a de facto eight month nation moratorium on Capital punishment. You have a siblings that is among them. They truly are Innocent and have been framed. The real killer walks among you daily. What do you do?

I would try to find evidence to prove the my sibling is innocent. I would also talk to the lawyers involved and even do some investigating of my own.

Situation # 2

You have been surfing the net, and you come across a blog from a old flame. On it they have posted pictures that you gave them for their eye's only. They also have let a few dark secrets out that you never wanted any one to know but them. What do you do?

I would contact that individual and ask them to remove the pictures and the posts containing the dark secrets. If they do not remove these items I will report them to the blog host and see about having charges drawn against them.

Situation # 3
You have 2 friends that have had a fallen out between them selves. It was caused by a 3rd party and the evil of rumors and gossip. Try as you may to invite these two people to do something together, and get over their ill feelings, nothing works. You are a very positive person and realize life is to short and precious to let the little things take over like they have. What do you do?

If they cannot see past their anger and come to a compromise then I would give up trying. I would do my best to see them separately and not force them to interact with each other. Someday (hopefully) they will be friends again.

Situation Sunday: http://helena-skyblue.blogspot.com/2008/04/situation-sunday-55.html


  1. Shannon, You are one smart cookie :>) You always have great answers. I must try harder to come up with harder questions for you! Have a great week!

  2. Helena you are too kind :) thanks hun.


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