April 28, 2008

Monday Musings: Originality

This is my most favorite quote and has been for many years.

“You've gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for?”
Said by Bernadette Peters


  1. I'd never heard this one, but I love it! Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week.

  2. I like this one! Definitely words to live by. Thank you for joining in. :)

  3. That's an excellent quote! I'm stealing it - I mean, borrowing it. Doesn't it sound like something a mother would tell her kids?

  4. Thank Tamy!

    You are very welcome Barbara.

    Gracie...it is borrowing :) and yes I tell my kids that hehe.

    Thanks for visiting everyone!

  5. Hi! I think you linked your Camera Critter post to this post instead when you signed Mr.Linky.


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