November 1, 2019

November Is National Adopt A Senior Pet Month

November Is National Adopt A Senior Pet Month!
Have you been thinking about adding a four-legged-friend to your family?
Then please consider opening your home and your heart to an older dog or cat in need.
It is a sad fact that senior pets are often the last to be adopted 
from shelters,  putting them at an increased risk for euthanasia.
When you adopt a senior pet, you welcome a lifetime of love into your home!
You also save that animal's precious life.
Visit your local shelter or animal rescue group today!
You can also visit and for more info.


  1. Charlee: "Dada thinks that first picture might be a vizsla and he is getting all swoony over it."
    Chaplin: "So am I, it reminds me of Dennis!"


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