January 7, 2024

Sunday Stealing: Favorites

Welcome to this week's Sunday Stealing
1. Favorite food: Mexican

2. Favorite color: Blue

3. Favorite Animal: My dog.
4. Favorite thing to do on a cold day: Being in the house, snuggled up on the couch under a blanket, while binge watching tv and snacking.

5. Favorite vacation spot: Fort Walton Beach, Florida

6. Favorite TV show: M*A*S*H

7. Favorite Mythical creature: Dragons
8. Favorite fairy tale: The Ugly Duckling

9. Favorite thing to draw: Flowers

10. Favorite scent: Lilacs

11. Favorite mode of transportation: My Jeep

12. Favorite vegetable: Green beans

13. Favorite candy: Chocolate 
14. Favorite sport: Football

15. Favorite weather: Warm temps and lots of sunshine


  1. Java Bean: "Hi Riley Bean! No wonder you are your mom's favorite animal, look at that smile!"

  2. Oh, I remember when M*A*S*H was such a huge big deal all us friends would meet at one person's house each week to watch it and comment. Especially the last episode (remember that?). It was a lot of fun.
    Dark chocolate is my fav. A little bite of that cheers me right up if I'm feeling blue.


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