November 5, 2023

Sunday Stealing: ABC

:Welcome to this week's Sunday Stealing!
A - Ambition: To achieve inner peace

B - Birthday: October 13th

C - Computer: Hewlett Packard    

D - Dream: Be 100% debt free

E - Exercise: I do not exercise much, which is part of the reason I am very overweight.
F - Favorite Food: Mexican

G - Garden: Flowers, plants, sometimes tomatoes

H - Hobby: Plastic Canvas Project, and crocheting

I - Idol:  I do not have any idols.

J - Job:  Supervisor
K - Kids: Two

L - Location: Wisconsin, USA

M - Military: Civil Servant

N - Name or Nickname: Shannon, Shay

O - Optimist or Pessimist: Optimist for the most part

P - Pets: One dog, Riley Bean

Q - Quote: "Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

R - Reads: Kindle, hard copy book and paperback books

S - School: South Iron Elementary, South Iron High, Mineral Area College and Park University

T - Travel: Ireland

U - Unfulfilled ambition: Travel to Ireland
V - Vacation spot: Daytona Beach, Florida

W - Wardrobe: Comfortable, stretchy and oversized

X - X-tra facts about me: I am tall (six feet) and I am a picker (zits, scabs, etc).

Y - Years online: 30+

Z - Zodiac sign: Libra


  1. I'm not convinced exercise helps with weight loss. It might help with things like heart health and depression, but I don't think it helps with weight loss. Otherwise sick people who are stuck in bed wouldn't lose weight, you know?

  2. I love your ambition. ever thought of inner peace in terms of ambition.


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