May 31, 2016

Some Dogs Like Ice Cream

Last Sunday (29 May 2016), we went to town to get fast food
 for dinner, and Shelby came along for the ride.  At the gas station 
she sat  in the truck with me and barked at everyone going by.
The best part of the day was going to Dairy Queen.  The server
gave Shelby her very own Doggie Dish of Ice Cream. 
Shelby enjoyed it and licked up every last drop.

May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Is Not The First Day Of Summer

Memorial Day is not the first day of summer. 
Memorial Day does not mean a weekend filled with 
BBQ's and parties. Memorial Day is the time to pay homage
 to the men and women who died while serving our country. 
Memorial Day is a day to honor those who died to give 
us our freedom.....“Freedom isn’t free.”

May 29, 2016

Sunday Stealing: Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter

When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? Six or seven years ago.

Can you change the oil on a car? Yes.

Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Yes.

Run out of gas? Yes.

Favorite kind of sandwich? Subway melt on flatbread from Subway

Best thing to eat for breakfast? Biscuits and gravy, bacon, scrambled eggs and orange juice.

What is your usual bedtime? Between 9:00PM and 10:00PM

Are you lazy? Yes.

When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? I dressed up in costumes that were either easy to make or were purchased from the local Ben Franklin.  Mostly witches, ghosts, etc.

Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Yes...Reader's Digest

Which are better, legos or lincoln logs? As a kid I loved Lincoln Logs but as an adult I prefer Legos.

Are you stubborn? Sometimes

Who is better…Leno or Letterman? Letterman.

Ever watch soap operas? Yes, when I was a lot younger.

Afraid of heights? Sometimes

Sing in the car? Yes.

Dance in the shower? Yes.

Dance in the car? Yes.

Ever used a gun? Yes.

Do you think musicals are cheesy? Sometimes

Is Christmas stressful? Yes.

Ever eat a pierogi? Yes.

Major annoyance right now? All the stupidity in the world.

Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Computer programmer and be a member of the U.S. Air Force!

Do you believe in ghosts? Yes.

May 25, 2016

Happy Geek Pride Day!

“These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” 
– Obi-Wan, Star Wars

May 24, 2016

May 22, 2016

Sunday Stealing: Ask Questions

1. What type of criminal would you be? I would not be very good at being any type of crimnal.

2. What are you listening to right now? 6th Avenue Heartache by The Wallflowers.

3. If you had to choose a stripper name, what would it be? Big Bertha

4. If your phone started ringing, who would you hope is calling? My son but I know that can never happen again :(

5. Do you drink alcohol? Not very often...maybe once mixed drink per year.

6. Do you smoke? No.

7. What is the first thing you notice in someone? Physically...their eyes.  Otherwise I notice how kind they are to others.

8. Do you get attached easily? Yes

9. Do you like your eye color? Yes

10. Have any stupid human tricks? No.

11. Humor me. What physical ideal do you imagine in a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner? Pretty eyes works for me.

12. Any other essential quirks/interests/other you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner? 
Kindness, faithfulness, honesty, trustworthiness.

13. Have you ever stolen anything? When I was a kid I stole some bubblegum.  My dad made me take it back into the embarrassing!

14. Any romantic gestures you really like? Giving/Sending thoughtful gifts....even if it is just a cute little note.

15. What’s your favorite color and why? My favorite color has always been blue because I find blue to be very calming and relaxing.

16. What were you like when you were a kid? Hyperactive and annoying.

17. What would your dream house be like? A cute little cabin in the woods by a lake.

18. What last made you laugh? My dog being silly.

19. Do you have a place you like to go to collect your thoughts? Yes

20. What is your favorite word? "Indeed"

21. What is your least favorite word? The C**T word....most disgusting word ever.

22. Would you go bungee jumping/sky diving if given the chance? Yes, and parasailing!

23. Do you have any siblings? Yes, one brother (Brian)

24. Do you like to dance? Yes but I am not very good at it.

25. What is your definition of cheating?  Someone that: kisses; becomes intimate with; engages in cyber sex; gets emotionally attached to; engages in text sex; joins online dating sites; or has sex with anyone other that his or her spouse/significant other/committed relationship.  Also a cheater is someone that denies they are married/in a committed relationship and they tell a lot of lies to cover up their adultery.

May 21, 2016

Camera Critters: Watching Birds and Squirrels

Shelby likes to hang out on the front deck and 
watch the squirrels and birds in the yard.
Photos (c)2016 Shannon G. Wamsley
This post is linked to Camera Critters.

May 20, 2016

eCard of the Week #140: Reaching An Age Where....

Congratulations on reaching an age 
where you wake up at the time you 
used to go to sleep on a Saturday.

May 19, 2016

Thursday Favorites and Stuff

Age: 45
Birthday: October 13
Relationship status: Married
Biggest fear: Death
Dream Job: Animal Rescue Farm
Dream Car: 1964 1/2 Mustang
Dream House: A farm in the country, surrounded by woods

Artist: Ralph Horsley Art
Movie: Gone With The Wind
Song: Eat the Rich by Aerosmith
TV series: The Big Bang Theory
Animal: Dogs
Book: Gone with the Wind
Color: Blue

Twitter or Facebook: Facebook
Snapchat or Instagram: Instagram
Pandora or YouTube: YouTube
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Tea or Coffee: Tea
Tacos or Pizza: Tacos
Winter or summer: Summer

Get married: Yes and I am married.
Have Kids: Yes and I have two.
Swim with sharks: Yes
Daredevil Stunts: Yes
Jump out of a Helicopter: Yes

May 18, 2016

Sweet Precious Shelby

Yesterday I was taking photos of my new fish tank (and fish), 
and Shelby was following me around trying to figure out what 
I was doing. As she was trying to figure it out, she allowed
me to take her photo.  Shelby is such a sweet, precious soul!

May 17, 2016

Fish Tanks Invoke Relaxation

My mother-in-law gave us her fish tank and cute little fish. 
Last night we set up the tank...
So today, I took a few photos.  
Hopefully you can see the fish.

May 16, 2016

Never-Gone Memorial for Colt Hazlett

Family and Friends of Richard Colt Hazlett.

An online memorial has been created for Colt.
 Please visit and share your memories, stories and photos.

May 15, 2016

Sunday Stealing: Doodley-Do

This weeks Sunday Stealing was stolen from "I Take Surveys".
Do you keep notes, drawings or letters that people give you?  Sometimes.  Depends on what it is and how special it is.  

How many true best friends are present in your life? Five or so.

Do you currently have a significant other? Yes.

Would you be able to stand being in the same room as someone you hate? Yes.  I have been forced to many times. I put on my "professional face" and deal with the situation.

Do you depend on people at all, in any way? Not really.  I am rather independent.

Have you ever lost a close friend? Yes.

Has anybody ever held a grudge against you for a dumb reason? Yes.

Have you ever stayed up late talking to someone you like on the phone or online? Yes.

Have you ever felt back stabbed by a close friend? Yes.

Have you ever regretted ignoring anybody? No.

Has a friend of yours ever confessed their love to you? No.

Have you written or drawn anything for somebody else? Yes.

Do you tend to hide your emotions from certain people? How do you hide them? Yes.But I hide how I feel from nearly everyone.  As a young child I learned that no one really cares how I feel.  So through the years, that lesson has stuck with me.  

Do your friends know how to make you smile in tough times? Yes.

Could you picture yourself on a reality TV show? No.

Are you better at drawing or coloring? Coloring

Do you prefer meat or seafood? Both! Steak and shrimp please.

Have you ever read the Bill of Rights / Declaration of Independence? Yes in high school and in college.

Would you rather become a police officer or a firefighter? Police officer.

May 14, 2016

Campground Fun

Last Sunday (May 8th) was Mother's Day so Shelby and I spent the afternoon at the local campground with my husband and my in-laws.  Shelby loves being spending time with her Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Tami, Uncle Mike and fur cousins (Ruby and Buddy).
Photos (c)2016 Shannon G. Wamsley

This post is linked to Camera Critters.

May 12, 2016

Five Factor Personality Test

You are Conscientious, Agreeable and Neurotic


You have low extroversion.
You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.
A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.
You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.

You have high conscientiousness.
Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.
Most things in your life are organized and planned well.
But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.

You have high agreeableness.
You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly.
Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone.
You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance.

You have medium neuroticism.
You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.
Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.
Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.

Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is low.
You're a pretty conservative person, and you favor what's socially acceptable.
You think that change for novelty's sake is a very bad idea.
While some may see this as boring, many see you as dependable and wise.

May 11, 2016

Introvert Strength: Selflessness

Your Introvert Strength: Selflessness

You are a generous and compassionate person. Whenever possible, you think of what you can do for others.

You never give because you feel like you have to; it's something you want to do. You like to be helpful.

You often notice the little ways that you can help and quietly put that help into action. You prefer not to be noticed or even thanked.

Sometimes people wonder how you can be so selfless, but for you it's easy. Making someone else's day makes your day a little brighter.

What's Your Introvert Strength?
Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes!

May 10, 2016

Sideways Birds and Dogs

This cute little woodpecker was pecking the tree last Saturday. He was rather quiet
 about it but I was still able to find him and take a photo.  So cute!
I even managed to get a photo of Shelby last Saturday. The photo
is sideways but that is ok.  Shelby is cute on all angles!
Both photos (c)2016 Shannon G. Wamsley

May 9, 2016

Last Mother's Day Message

This screenshot is a photo of the last 
Mother's Day message I received from my son.
It is dated May 9, 2015
I miss him so very much.  Some day's the pain is unbearable.

In case the photo is not showing up...the message says:
"Happy Mother's Day Mother.  Through thick and thin,
you will always be my day one.  Happy Mother's Day".

May 8, 2016

Sunday Stealing: Monsters in the Closet

Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed?  Currently I sleep with the closet door open because I cannot reach it over the pile of bins/totes in my bedroom.  Someday I will clean out all the bins/totes and close the closet door.

Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? No, I use them while I am staying there.

Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room? Yes.

Where is your next vacation? Sometime within the next year.  I plan to go to Missouri for a "Celebration of Life" for my son.

Have you ever stolen a street sign before Yes.?

Who do you think reads these? Anyone that stops by my blog.

Do you have a calendar in your room? Yes.

Where are you? At home.

What’s your plan for the day? Dinner with the in-laws for Mother's Day.

Are you reading any books right now? No.

Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Yes...all the time.  I am OCD about it.

Have you ever peed in the woods? Yes.

Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Yes.

Do you chew your pens and pencils? Yes.

What is your “Song of the Week”? "Mad World" by Gary Jules has been stuck in my head for a few days.

Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yes.

Do you still watch cartoons? Yes.

Whats your favorite love movie? Gone With The Wind

What do you drink with dinner? Water

What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in? Honey or BBQ sauce

What is your favorite food/cuisine? Mexican

What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Gone With The Wind; Twister; The Lion King; Finding Nemo; The Shawshank Redemption and a few others.

Last person you hugged/kissed? My husband.

Were you ever a boy/girl scout? Yes.

Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? No.

May 7, 2016

Shelby Listening to the Outside

We have a few windows open in the house, so
Shelby was listening to the sounds coming in
from the outside.  I love my Shelby!

Video (c) 2016 Shannon G. Wamsley
This post is linked to Camera Critters.

May 6, 2016

eCard of the Week #138: Hello There...

Well hello there, you self-centered,
 narcissistic douche canoe.
How can I help the world revolve 
around you today?

May 2, 2016

Stuck in My Head: "Young & Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey

"Young & Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey is one song that instantly brings me to tears.  
It is the last song my son, Colt sang to me before cancer killed him.
Colt just wanted to be loved no matter what the cancer did to him.  
I miss Colt so much. :(

I've seen the world
Done it all
Had my cake now
Diamonds, brilliant
And Bel Air now
Hot summer nights, mid July
When you and I were forever wild
The crazy days, city lights
The way you'd play with me like a child

Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?

[Verse 2]
I've seen the world, lit it up
As my stage now
Channeling angels in the new age now
Hot summer days, rock 'n' roll
The way you play for me at your show
And all the ways I got to know
Your pretty face and electric soul

Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?

Dear lord, when I get to heaven
Please let me bring my man
When he comes tell me that you'll let him in
Father tell me if you can
Oh that grace, oh that body
Oh that face makes me wanna party
He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds

Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will
I know that you will
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
Will you still love me when I'm not young and beautiful?

May 1, 2016

Sunday Stealing: A to Z

This weeks Sunday Stealing was stolen from "I Take Surveys".
A) What does the last text you sent say? And to whom?  My last text was to my brother-in-law and it said, "Okie Dokie".

B) What does the last text you received say? And from whom? My last text was from my brother-in-law and it said, "Park in the driveway".

C) What time do you wake up most mornings? 4:30AM

D) Are you afraid of walking alone at night? Yes

E) What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day? Play video games.

F) Where did your last kiss take place and with whom? Yesterday with my husband.

G) Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school? Not really.

H) Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so? Yes I enjoy my job.  I just hate all the "red tape" and bullshit.  I would not be happy being unemployed.

I) Do you often pick up on double entendres and innuendos? Sometimes.

J) Have you ever been offered drugs but declined?  Yes, I have been offered drugs before and  I said no.  The strongest drug I have ever taken is caffeine.

K) Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking?  Yes

L) Have you ever been offered drugs and accepted? I have been offered drugs before and I did not accept them. The strongest drug I have ever taken is caffeine.

M) Tell us something weird that turns you on. The smell of leather.

N) When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual? My husband and yes, the feeling was/is mutual.

O) What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? Music and how it helps me get through each day.

P) When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Last week.

Q) Do you usually initiate hugs? No.

R) Are you a very affectionate person? Sometimes.  Depends on who I being affectionate towards.

S) Can you roll your own cigarettes? I do not smoke and I do not know how to roll cigarettes.

T) What are you looking forward to? Summer! I am tired of wearing a coat.

U) Do you have any tattoos. Do you want any/more? I do not have any tattoos but I would love to get one or two.

V) Are you mentally strong? Yes for the most part.

W) Are you physically strong? Not really

X) Do you think you’re a good person? I know I am a good person.

Y) Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now. My weight.

Z) What do you usually eat for breakfast? An apple.