September 29, 2013

Sunday Stealing: Random Randomness

This week's questions come from My Random Randomness.

How did you choose your baby's or pet's names? My daughter is named after her grandmothers.  My son is named after his father as his first name and his middle name is a name I liked for a long time.  My dog, Shelby is named after Carroll Shelby.  My angel dog, Annabelle was named after "Annabelle's Wish".

Have you ever been fishing? Yes, and I enjoy fishing as it is very relaxing.

Have you ever had your national flag painted on your face? No

What was the last social faux pas you made? Who knows.

What makes you nostalgic? Smells that remind me of home.

What's the scariest thing you've ever done? Gave birth

What fairy tale character would you most associate with? None of them really.

How much do you tend to swear in public? Depends on how mad  I am.

If you ruled your own country, who would you get to write your national anthem? Steven Tyler from Aerosmith

Who is the most intelligent person you know? My husband.

What's the craziest thing you've ever done for someone? Nothing I can think of.

What's the worst piece of advice anyone has ever given you? "He will change if you marry him."

If you had to describe yourself as a flavor, what would it be? Something nice, that is not super pretty.

If you had to describe yourself as a car, what would it be? Something big like an SUV since I am overweight.

If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be? A lazy cat.

Do you think laughing at someone else's misfortune is wrong? Yes

If a loved one was to serenade you, what song would you most like them to sing? Something they picked out that described our life.

Would you ever let your parents pick out a partner for you? No

Have you ever tried spam? (the meat product) Yes, and I like it.


  1. Glad I'm not the only one who likes Spam! I think it is nice that you think your husband is the most intelligent person you know.

  2. Nice to see how many people like Spam!

  3. Now THAT would be a memorable national anthem!!!

  4. I'm surprised so many people have said they like Spam. Even if I ate meat, I'm not sure I'd want to try that stuff. :-) I think I might agree that giving birth the first time was pretty scary--just the unknown of how much it would hurt. Boy, did it hurt but I still had another one.

  5. Tyler would probably do a great job as well.


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