1. Your phone rings. Who is the most likely caller? My mother-in-law.
2. How long to you chat on the phone each day? Only a few minutes at a time per call for a total of an hour or so a day at work. On my personal phone I use it for about 15 minutes a day.
3. Who do you speak to the most? At work, customers. Personally, I talk to The Man a lot.
4. Do you often not answer if a certain person comes up on your caller id? Sometimes, depends on my mood.
5. Do you phone friends at work? I call The Man at work but no one else.
6. Do you make personal calls at work? Only during a break or during lunch and I use my cell phone.
7. Who do you always say “I love you” at the end of the call? When I am talking to The Man, my son, my daughter or my daughter.
8. Do you use a landline or cell more often? I use a cell phone a lot at work and all the time when I am not at work. I don't even have a landline at home, waste of money.
9. Who in the blogosphere that you haven’t chatted with but would like to? I have not talked to anyone in the blogosphere on the phone or in person but I have talked to many of them through email. There are a few that I would love to meet in person.
Your MIL calls a lot. I mean to me. She must talk to every sucker in the blogosphere! Happy Saturday, Shannon...
ReplyDeleteYou are a naughty man Bud.
ReplyDeleteThis meme reminds me to call the cell phone company AGAIN. My brand new phone keeps going bonkers. I hate it and need to take it back to the store. In a meeting all day Thursday with no way to check my email....it was torture!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day, Shannon!
Thanks Mimi! I hope you have a great Saturday. Good luck with the cell phone company.
ReplyDeleteWho's the man? just curious. hehe! =)
ReplyDeleteit's fun reading yours.