September 25, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Yellow Brick Road

The Thursday Threesome: Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road
Hosted by Dan at "The Back Porch"

Onesome: "Goodbye,--Norma Jean"? Hmmm.... Best song ever? ...or did he top himself when he adapted it for Princess Diana? I think it was better in its original form. Adapting it for Princess Diana made is special but it seemed to make it almost too specific to her.

Twosome: Yellow--lights: run 'em or slam on the brakes? ...or do you plan your speed so you never hit them yellow? ...or maybe, "What yellow light, Officer?" !
I usually run the yellow light unless a car ahead of me does...then I slam on the brakes and wait for the red light. I have always been told that "three can go through on yellow" but I am not taking that chance! :)

Threesome: Brick Road--s and flying monkeys? Okay, did those things just creep you out? ...or were you one of those people who really, really, really wanted one for a pet? Just askin'...
I would never want one as a pet. They were a little creepy! I could use them to scare my neighbors away LOL

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