September 11, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Memories

Thursday Threesome
::Memories from the Past::
Hosted by Dan at "The Back Porch"

Onesome: Memories from-- a few years back: what were you doing on 9-11? I had driven my children to school and was at home trying to take a nap. My sister-in-law came in a little after 9:00am and woke me. She and I spent the morning watching the news. We also picked up our kids early from school and came back home to watch the news the rest of the day/night. My brother was over the road driving at the time and Steve was at work on Post. Post was locked down.

Twosome: the-- thought occurs: Should this be a holiday? ...or perhaps a day of remembrance with a moment of silence nationwide?
I think it should be a Day of Remembrance. Everyone should remember it as they see fit.

Threesome: Past-- 'days that will live in infamy': do you recall any other days of tragedy that have a placeholder on your mental calendar?
I have several days of tragedy marked on my mental calendar but they are mostly personal. Such as my mom's death, dad's death and my grandparents' deaths.

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