September 14, 2008

Sunday Stealing: The Meme About Blogging

1. How long have you been blogging? Five or six years.

2. Any advice to beginners? Don't get caught up in the "OMG I need comments" attitude.

3. What are the good things blogging has brought to your life? New friends.

4. What would you consider the pitfalls? Not having time to post.

5. Tell us about your blog name. Ever think of changing it? If so, to what? Why? I have changed mine several times and I probably won't change it again. I like the name it has now.

6. Knowing what you know now, was starting a blog a good thing for you? Why or why not?
Yes, I have made new friends and found a new hobby.

7. How do you think blogging, bloggers, or the blogosphere has changed since you started?
It has grown to enormous proportions! It seems like everyone is blogging in today's world...moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and even businesses!

8. Ultimately, what would you like your blog to accomplish for you or others? I would like to find more friends and people that like the things I like.


  1. I like the way you refer to blogging as a hobby--I think of it that way too. I'm not a traditional "hobby" type person, but blogging is really fun for me. Have a great Sunday!

  2. I agree with your answer to #8
    Enjoy your day ;0)

  3. The new friends answer is very true. Enjoy your Sunday!

  4. is a hobby I can stick to :)

    Knitter...thank you!

    Bud...and I enjoy them all :)

  5. I so agree with 2. I'd rather have a few real blog friends than hundreds that pop by just for numbers. I was the same on a couple of your answers too.

  6. I love making new friends as well. Great post, Shannon. I'm up (finally!)

    Sunday Stealing ~ The Meme About Blogging

  7. nice answers!

    Happy Sunday!

  8. :) Thanks for stopping by.

    Mimi...Friends make the world a better place.

    Laura...thank you!


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