September 16, 2008

Heads or Tails: Recipe

Heads or Tails
Hosted by Barb aka Skittles

Today's prompt is:
HEADS - Recipe

I have decided to post a basic Sausage Gravy recipe for Buscuits & Gravy. This recipe was prompted by a post from yesterday...."Give Me 5: Breakfast"

3/4 pound of sausage (fatty sausage works best for this)
4 cups of milk
4-6 tablespoons of flour

Brown sausage in skillet. As soon as sausage is completely brown, turn to medium heat. Add flour by the tablespoon, stirring constantly. Let the flour turn BROWN before adding another tablespoon (if you don't, your gravy will taste like flour). After you have added enough flour to make the gravy as thick as you like, add milk and stir with whisk. Serve over biscuits.


  1. Sounds yummy! My Mom used to make us breakfast sausages on weekends, and I have continued that tradition :) Happy HOT day :)

  2. OMG...that sounds delicious!

    Pass the Lipitor please!

  3. Oh, yummy, yummy, yummy! Biscuits and gravy is a favorite breakfast of mine. So decadent and so warm and comfy.

  4. Yummy. Great HorT recipe, mine is up at The Cafe.

  5. Thanks for visiting everyone! I am off to visit each of you now :)

  6. What a decadent weekend breakfast!!! I need to amend my grocery list. LOL!

    I will also plan a long walk for afterward. ;)

  7. is good food :)


    Skittles...LOL I always need to walk afterwards.

  8. Oh yummy, yummy. I love sausage gravy. Not a big biscuit eater so I put mine over sourdough toast! So good.

  9. Vixen...sourdough toast? Hummm I need to try that.

    Bud...dinner is served at 5:30pm each night.

  10. Being from New England I never heard of sausage gravy until I was an adult yet never till now found out what it is! It sounds good.


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