September 5, 2008

Friday Five: Sticky Orange

Friday Five - Hosted by

I missed last week's Friday 5,
so I will be answering last week's and this weeks questions below.

Questions for September 5, 2008 - Orange
1. What’s your favorite orange-colored food? Oranges of course :)
2. What’s the best way to drink orange juice? In a glass with lots of ice.
3. Which candy’s orange-colored pieces taste best? Butterscotch disks
4. What are your feelings about orange soda? I like it, especially orange Crush
5. When did you last wear an orange item of clothing? Last Halloween.

Questions for August 29, 2008 - Sticky
1. What was the last song that stuck in your brain and wouldn’t go away? "I Kissed A Girl" by Katy Perry
2. What’s something that sticks around long after you wish it would leave? My feelings of mistrust in others.
3. To what use did you put your last sticky note? To leave myself a reminder on what needed to be done at work.
4. When did you last have Pixy Stix? Last Week.
5. What is something you are a stickler for? Ice Cream, Peace and Quiet.

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