August 22, 2008

What is Your First Response?

Give your First Response to the words below. My answers are in red.

BUBBLE :: Wrap! I love bubble wrap!
HISTORY :: Mr. Howell, our teacher in High School
CLOCK :: Time to go to work
GAME :: World of Warcraft
WOOD :: Bridge
BUSH :: Baked Beans
CHRISTMAS :: Family, Friends, fun
HAPPY :: Sad
WORLD :: Dominance
DUCK :: Goose
POPSICLE :: Cherry
SCHOOL :: Books and Teachers
HORN :: Blows? hehe
BLOW :: Hard
WORK :: Play
LONG :: Day
TURKEY :: Thanksgiving
SPIT :: Gross
POWER RANGERS :: Pink and Black
HUMAN :: Nature
FRIEND :: Foe, Enemy
FAMILY :: Feud
SMILE :: Grin
WATCH :: Clock
COOK :: Eat
KEY :: Door
DRIVE :: Run
HAND :: Over Fist

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Brought to you by Bzoink

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