August 13, 2008

Things I Like

I appropriated this fun meme/survey thing from Gina at Gina's Public Diary.
Feel free to play along :)

Sport: Football
Game: World of Warcraft
Color: Blue
Movie: Gone With The Wind
Broadway play I have seen:
Broadway Musical I have seen: None
Song: Angel Eyes by the Jeff Healey Band
American city I have visited: St. Louis, Missouri
Foreign city I have visited:
Book: Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Children’s Book: The Boxcar Children
Classic television show: MASH, Leave it to Beaver
Recent television show: Heroes
Actor: Vin Diesel, Michael Keaton
Actress: Drew Barrymore
Perfume: Imari or Tommy Girl
Food: Mexican
Dessert: Chocolate
Chain Restaurant: Applebee's
Local Restaurant: El Jimador
Car: Mustang
Condiment: Ketchup
Kitchen Appliance: Toaster
Home Appliance: Television
Beauty Product: Liquid foundation
Piece of clothing: tee-shirt
HGTV Show: House Hunters
Food Network show: Good Eats
Author: Stephen King
Male Songwriter: Steven Tyler
Female Songwriter:
Holiday: Christmas
Ballet I have seen:
Disney character: Eeyore
Flower: Roses, Lilacs
Alcoholic drink: Daiquiri
Non-Alcoholic drink: Pepsi
Magazine: Good Housekeeping
Animated movie: The Lion King
Television network miniseries: "V"
Season: Spring
Male vocalist: Steven Tyler (lol)
Female vocalist: Enya
Day of the week: Friday
Household Chore: Cooking
Ice Cream: Black Walnut
Candy: Chocolate
Artist: Van Gogh

1 comment:

  1. I loved your answers. I should have said Boxcar Children because it was my favorite children's book when I was young. You like Steven Tyler, don't you? hehe I do too!


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