August 16, 2008

Saturday 9: Children and and Ages of Bloggers

Saturday 9: Hosted by Crazy Sam

1. Do you worry about your next birthday? Every now and then I do. Getting older scares me but dying scares me more.

2. Have you ever lied about your age in the recent past? If yes why? No, I have no reason to lie about my age.

3. Have you ever lied about your age when you were young? If yes why? No. As I said, I had no reason to lie about my age.

4. How much older have you been a person that you were romantically involved? Two years older....and we have been together for 7 years.

5. How much younger have you been a person that you were romantically involved? My daughter's father was/is 12 years old than I am.

6. Have you ever been consider a sibling, rather than parent of your child? No.

7. If you have had children, did you factor in age when deciding to have a sibling?

8. If you have not had children, are you happy with your choice and/or fate? I have two children and I have been happy at times and sad at times. It is part of being a parent I think.

9. Do your siblings have kids? Are you close to them? Their ages? I have one sibling, my brother. He and his wife have three children age 18, 16 and 14. I am close to all of them.

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