July 6, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings: July 6, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings
Hosted by Luna Nina

Luna Nina says ... and I think ... ?

01. Notification :: Memo, Closing down the shop
02. Cheat :: Cheating, Cheater, Liar
03. Top Ten :: Movies, Games, Songs
04. Draft :: Draw
05. Unbelievable :: Amazing
06. Cheap :: Easy
07. Spontaneous :: Crazy fun
08. Harass :: Bother
09. Lipstick :: Nail polish
10. Transpire :: Happen


  1. #5....unbelievable and amazing. So simple yet so perfect. Good one.

    I've muttered. Stop by if you can.

  2. Hi. My 1st muttering is up.

    Have a great day.

  3. We matched on one. Great mutterings. Have a happy Sunday!

  4. Thank you all three for visiting! Have a great Sunday!

  5. Interesting mutterings today (as always). I especially enjoyed the ‘draw’ response to ‘draft.’ Mine are at Small Reflections.
    Hugs and blessings,


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