July 27, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings: July 27, 2008

Unconscious Mutterings: July 27, 2008
Hosted by Luna Nina

Luna Nina says... and I think ... ?

1. Memory :: Good and Bad
2. Original :: New and Fresh
3. Exclusively :: Elite
4. Listings :: Television
5. Bucket :: Nails
6. Knight :: Prince
7. Dusty :: Rusty
8. Choice :: Option
9. Sunlight :: Daylight
10. Change of plans :: New house


  1. Great mutterings. Feel free to drop by and see mine.

  2. Hi

    Not a single match.

    Have a great week.

  3. I love the word 'elite'!!!

    My mutterings are posted...hope you can stop by. --They're at the bottom of my Sunday Blog Entry, so scroll down, okay?

  4. No matches, but I enjoyed your mutterings. They were new and fresh ;)

  5. Thank you all for visiting! Happy Sunday!


Thank you for your comment! I appreciate you!