July 3, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Summer in the City

Thursday Threesome: Summer in the City
Hosted by Dan at The Back Porch

Onesome: "Summer--time and the living is easy"... Are you taking it easy at all this Summer? ...or are you grinding along day by day with no "days off" planned? I am just grinding along day by day. The only days off from work that I have planned are holidays...like tomorrow :). I might take a few days off towards the end of summer just so I can enjoy the weather before winter.

Twosome: in the- Onesome is the first line from a song that was taken from a lullaby. Yeah, how about that, Laurie! Do you recognize it or the play it is taken from?
It is from a play? I thought is was something by Janis Joplin.

Threesome: City-- lights? Fireworks tomorrow for you? Do you have a local show to attend? ...or do you kick back with sparklers and and a fountain or two? Have a safe and fun 4th, gang!
We will be attending the local fireworks show. I doubt that we will be setting off any fireworks at home this year. We really need to move somewhere that it is safe to set off fireworks.

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