July 26, 2008

Saturday Special: Summer Favorites

The Saturday Special
~Summer Favorites~
Hosted by Toni

1. Favorite Summer Activity: Swimming, camping, and fishing.

2. Favorite Summer Meal: Barbecue, Potato Salad, Corn on the Cob and Watermelon

3. Favorite Thirst Quencher: Sweet Iced Tea

4. Favorite Summer Weather: Warm (not too hot) Sunny Days or a day of slow, rain.


  1. Hi, Shannon!!
    Hope you're having a good weekend! How's that laundry coming??? I did mine yesterday.
    Hop on over when ya get a chance!
    Take Care!

  2. Mmm, gotta love summer. I love the food and outdoor cooking.

  3. I love watermelon on a hot summer day ;0)

  4. Southpaw...I have not even started yet. I am being lazy plus I am not feeling well.

    Me...Summer is a great time of year.

    Knitter..me too!

  5. Sounds good to me!! LOL Have a great weekend!


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