June 26, 2008

Thursday Threesome: Guts and Determination

Thursday Threesome: Guts and Determination
Hosted by Dan at The Back Porch

Onesome: "Guts"-- sometimes can determine the outcome: whoever digs in and plays through the injuries and circumstances. What is your favorite memory of someone or a team driving past adversity to win the big one? I really cannot think of anything right now. Unless I quote a movie or the news :)

Twosome: ...and-- what brought that question on? The local team won the College World Series last night, winning every elimination game possible to advance as the lowest seed ever to win a National Title. No question, just kudos to them. Okay, easy question: did you hear anything about the games where you are?
It depends on what games. We get local, state and national news here in Missouri, USA. It usually covers sports and teams. I read more about games online though...better coverage.

Threesome: Determination-- helps in life: what have you accomplished through sheer determination that will remain with you as a bright spot in your life?
When I graduated High School I had a one month old baby. Then as a single parent, I have gotten an Associate's Degree and Bachelor's Degree. And I plan on getting a Master's Degree soon.


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