June 24, 2008

Heads or Tails: Lines

Heads or Tails
Hosted by Skittles
This week's theme/prompt is: HEADS - Line

Lines by Martha Collins

Draw a line. Write a line. There.
Stay in line, hold the line, a glance
between the lines is fine but don't
turn corners, cross, cut in, go over
or out, between two points of no
return's a line of flight, between
two points of view's a line of vision.
But a line of thought is rarely
straight, an open line's no party
line, however fine your point.
A line of fire communicates, but drop
your weapons and drop your line,
consider the shortest distance from x
to y, let x be me, let y be you.

From Some Things Words Can Do, 1998
The Sheep Meadows Press, Riverdale-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Copyright 1988 by Martha Collins.


  1. i like the poem.
    mine is up! drop by if you have time. thanks.

  2. A line of thought is rarely straight...that is so true.

    Great poem Shannon.

    My HoT is up at my place:

  3. Excellent idea for H o T!!!

    My favorite part of this [tho it's fabulous as a whole] is:

    between two points of view's a line of vision

  4. Thank you Milet.

    Thanks a bunch Bevies.

    Mine to Anni!

  5. I love seeing all the different ways a theme can be interpreted. Good job :)

    Our hunters have made it to lvl 42. We play a couple others too so it takes soooo long. Are you having fun with the festival? :)

  6. "consider the shortest distance from x
    to y, let x be me, let y be you."
    love the way you ended the poem

  7. Thanks Skittles! You are doing great with the leveling. I am still collecting blossoms on my main toon :)

    It is a great poem Rambler :)

  8. I like the poem. It's just perfect for Heads or Tails.

    I like that line about the line of thought. My thoughts certainly never seem to travel in a straight line.

  9. Anna...my thoughts are never straight! LOL I blame my kids.

  10. And sometimes . . . it's just fun to scribble outside the lines.


    MANATEE OF VANITY, at Nickers and Ink


    PS: Don't forget to play at SIMPLY SNICKERS this week . . . posting new poetry prompts every Sunday.

  11. That is a great poem!
    I have never heard it before so thanks for sharing.


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