June 30, 2008

Give Me 5 Monday: Topics

Give Me 5 Monday
Hosted by BeccaGirl at BeccA's Buzz

Becca has asked us to Give her Five topics for future Give Me Five's!

1. Five ways to keep your family or other travel companions happy during long trips.
2. Five snacks that your children enjoy.
3. Five of the best places to visit in your country.
4. Five of the worst places to visit in your country.
5. Five of your favorite desserts.


  1. Well, as stated in #2 on the list of guidelines to follow, I try to stay away from 'children-type' topics since not everyone (including me) has kids....but I like the ideas behind them like things to keep anyone entertained while on long trips or just favorite snacks in your house...see what I mean? I do like your list, am marking them down right now!!! :-) Great GM5!

  2. I can't wait to read your #4. That would be entertaining. :)

    Also, just wanted to say I like your puppy badge with your blog name on it. Did you make it yourself?

  3. Oops sorry about that Becca! I will fix it.

    Thanks Joyce. Yes, I made the puppy badge myself :)

  4. I could totally go for the 5 favorite dessert one. Especially if we got a few good recipes out of the deal. :-)

  5. I love #3 & 4 especially. LOL!

    P.S. The comp book badge came from Meredith.

  6. MMMM. Desserts! I could definitely do that one. Great ideas. Mine are up now.


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