May 12, 2008

Manic Monday: May 12, 2008

Manic Monday #116
Hosted by Lisa -

If the statement, 'You are what you eat' was true, I would be a large Hershey's Kiss with a center made out of Pepsi!

If you had to have one piece of music (softly) playing in your mind for the rest of your life, what would you want it to be? I would like it to be Angel Eyes by the Jeff Healey Band!

What is the most important thing in any relationship?
I think the most important thing in a relationship is trust, along with honestly, faithfulness an open communication.


  1. I used to love Pepsi but since I've switched to diet soda, I've gone over to Coke Zero for some reason!

  2. Nice post, Shannon. We have the same #3...

    I too favour Coke Zero over Diet Pepsi. It's a religion thing...

    Here is my post. Happy MM!

  3. Great answers! But I think I would have a Cherry Coke Zero center :)

  4. Michael...I drink diet soda too, just as much as I drink Pepsi LOL.

    Gabriel...I have not tried Coke Zero yet. I will soon.

    Angela...I like Cherry Coke! But I have not tried Cherry Coke Zero.

    Looks like I have some new things to try! Happy Monday everyone!

  5. I see you om lots of memes, which means we are both meme addicted, lol. We seem to have a lot in common. Great answers.

  6. Hi Sandy :) Yes, I am a meme addict!

    Happy Monday!


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