May 16, 2008

Friday Feast #191

Appetizer: What is the nearest big city to your home? Springfield is an hour away, St. Louis is two hours away and Kansas City is three hours away from where I currently live.

Soup: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how well do you keep secrets? I rate myself at an between 9 and 10. I want people to be able to trust me so I don't share their secrets and I don't tell people my own secrets. I tend to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself.

Salad: Describe your hair (color, texture, length).
I have dark brown hair with a little gray hair mixed in. It is a little longer than shoulder length and is very thick but soft.

Main Course: What kind of driver are you? Courteous? Aggressive? Slow?
I am a somewhat courteous driver. It takes a lot for other drivers to piss me off to the point of being aggressive. I tend to drive rather fast on the interstate but not on city/town/country roads.

Dessert: When was the last time you had a really bad week?
I have not really had a bad week in awhile. But I have at least one bad day during the week all the time...sometimes two or more day...but never an entire week.


  1. We almost have the same soup! And just like you, I also want my friends to trust me that they can keep secrets with me;) Mines up too!

  2. Hi Shannon! Great feast! I like your soup. I drive fast on the freeways, too, but only because everyone else is fast.

  3. I love Missouri... St. Louis is one of my favorite cities ever! My brother and his entire family live around St. Louis. After driving there many times in rush hour, you have to drive fast just to get to the next point of sitting and waiting (on the Interstate)! lol

    Glad your bad times are short! Here's hoping they stay that way!

    Please come and join my feast if you can!

    Just Some Thoughts

  4. I love driving on the freeways too! I'm mostly good driver but I had ticket for speeding one time when the police caught me on the way to work.
    Cooking and Baking

  5. It sounds like you live in the country but close to big towns if you need them. It was like that in MN too. Great feast!

  6. is always a good thing.

    Manny...everyone does drive fast, even in bad weather.

    Marsha...LOL Driving in St. Louis can be crazy at times.


    Ladyred...Were you late for work?

    Mitchypoo...I like being in the country but I like having the big towns nearby :)


Thank you for your comment! I appreciate you!