April 17, 2008

Thursday Threesome - Visualize Whirled Peas

Onesome: Visualize-- Hmmm...How are you on maps and mapping? Are you one of those people who can translate the paper version to what you're seeing on the road? ...or do you rely on a 'trusy native guide' (or GPS unit) to get you around someplace you've never been?

I can read maps and I am good about getting where I am going just from reading them. I don't rely on a guide or a GPS Unit. However, GPS units do come in handy at times.

Twosome: Whirled-- about in your head: did you ever have a phrase or song lyric you "just got wrong"? You know, like that Hendix "Kiss this guy" malapropism...

None that I can think of right now but I am sure there are many.

Threesome: Peas-- porridge hot? Even though we're looking to the end of Winter (at least here in the Northern Hemisphere), what has been your favorite hot meal this past few months?

During the winter months I love home-made chili, vegetable soup, chicken noodle soup and beef stew. But I guess my favorite meal would be beef stew and biscuits! YUMMY!


  1. I'm with you on the malapopisms - there are probably many that I have confused in the past!

    Happy Threesome Thursday!


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