April 26, 2008

Saturday Six: Shoes

Saturday Six - Episode 210
Hosted by Patrick- www.patrickkphillips.com/category/saturday-six/

1. How many pairs of shoes do you own right now? Over the course of a single week, how many of them are you likely to wear total? I only own three pairs of shoes...two for work and a pair of sneakers. During the week I only wear my work shoes and I usually wear them on the weekends also.

2. At what store do you buy the majority of your shoes?
I purchase a lot of shoes at Wal Mart since it is the only "big" store around here. I shop at the local shoe store now and then but they are overpriced.

3. How much did you pay for the most expensive pair of shoes you own? How much was the cheapest?
The cheapest pair of shoes I have ever owned cost a $1.00 from the local Thrift Store. The most expensive shoes I have ever owned were $180.00...I wore them for basketball games/practice in High School. I don't remember where we purchased them.

4. Take the quiz: What do your feet say about you?

What Your Feet Say About You:

You are pretty average in your expressiveness. You can express yourself well, but you don't always want to.
You are a very passionate person. You are highly charged and easily inspired.
You are an assertive and aggressive person. You are determined and not likely to ever give up.
You take a while to fall in love, but once you do, you stay pretty attached to your partner.
You are not easily frightened, but you have a few strong phobias.
You are very practical and down to earth. You're more concerned with action than thoughts.
You are an amazingly hard worker. You aren't spoiled and you don't mind getting your hands dirty.
You are not easily influenced by other people. You hold your ground and are true to your beliefs.

5. What’s your preference: dress, casual, sneaker, flip flop or sandal? I prefer casual shoes since they are more comfortable to walk in. Dress shoes hurt my feet and I don't like high heels.

6. Have you ever had or considered getting a pedicure?
I have never had a pedicure and I really don't want to get one. The thought of someone messing with my feet grosses me out.

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