May 1, 2008

New Blog: Tummy Rumbling Recipes

Hello Everyone!

I have started a new blog!
If you have any recipes that you would like for me to add please email them to me or leave me a comment with your recipe and contact information in it.
If you don't mind me adding your recipes, please let me know how you would like me to give you credit for them.

Hugs and Thanks!


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for doing the Big Bang tag. I hope more bloggers will join us and make it a truly Big Bang endeavor.

    I have recently transferred to my own domain and I’d like to ask a favor. Can you please change my link in the Big Bang tag? I am #64 (Read my Mind). Please change it to my new domain, I would really appreciate it.

    Thanks in advance, and keep on blogging! More power!

  2. HI Monaco! I have updated your link and updated the Big Bang list!

    Have a great day :)

  3. Great idea for a new blog! I have a recipe blog on my site, but it is a bit stagnant right now!

    I've tagged you in the Saturday Social :-)

  4. i just saw something weird on your blog.. why is the date MAY 31? am i going nuts here? Haha! isnt' today the 3rd?

  5. LOL You are not going nuts. I did that to keep it posted near the top of my blog.


Thank you for your comment! I appreciate you!