August 31, 2014

Cancer Article at Savory Kitchen Table

Check out this article over at Savory Kitchen Table!  Must Read!

CANCER - ARE YOU SCREENING?: SEPTEMBER IS OVARIAN CANCER AWARENESS MONTH! I've always been a good girl and gotten my yearly well woman exams. I know my own...

August 30, 2014

Camera Critters: Watching and Waiting

Camera Critters
Shelby is up early this morning and waiting by the front door.
I told her she has a fur-friend coming to visit her today and as
you can see, she is watching for them. 
 photo Shelby08-30-2014_zpsa5c26816.jpg

August 29, 2014

Hate Vs Love Via BitStrips

“We are never very far from those we hate. 
For this very reason, we shall never be truly close to those we love.”
~Albert Sanchez Pinol © 2002

August 28, 2014

August 27, 2014

A Dog's Last Will & Testament: Support Rescue Dogs

Shared from
I made the pledge!
By taking the Pledge, you’ll help spread awareness of the joys of shelter adoption,
you’ll take a stand against commercial pet distribution,
and you’ll take the first step towards helping to prevent the millions of tragic euthanizations
that occur annually due to over-crowding at shelters.

Will you take the pledge?

August 26, 2014

Happy National Dog Day!

1. Adopt a dog from your local shelter or pure breed rescue organization. Volunteer at your local shelter and offer to walk a dog or play with a dog, clean cages or anything else they need help with.

2. Have a safety check of your home to make sure it's safe for your dog and others.

3. Donate blankets, food and toys to animal welfare organizations.

4. Organize a peaceful demonstration in front of your community pet store that sells puppies.

5. Write your Congressman and ask that he/she support the ban of Puppy Mills and Gas Chambers in your state.

6. Order an adorable dog shaped flower arrangement from and enjoy a 10% discount by using code DOG when placing your order!

7. Have a National Dog Day party and invite all your friends and their dogs!

8. Spend the day taking photos of your dog and then enter our photo contest!

9. Buy an official National Dog Day Tee here and sport it proudly!

10. Assist an ill or elderly neighbor by walking their dog.

11. Have a portrait painted of your dog to suspend the fleeting magic of dogdom.

12. Buy your dog a fun new dog toy....or two...or five.

13. Give your dog some fun exercise by taking him or her to a doggy play resort.

15. Brush your dog to eliminate excess fur.

16. Give your dog a massage or holistic spa treatment.

17. Teach your dog a new trick.

18. Buy your dog a fashionable collar and leash.

19. Hire a professional pet photographer for a fun photo shoot.

20. Take your dog to the beach.

List courtesy of National Dog Day!  You can also visit them on Facebook at

August 24, 2014

Unconscious Mutterings #604

Hosted by Luna Nina

Luna Nina says … and I think …
  1. Burp ::  FART
  2. Inseparable :: STAY AWAY
  3. Flights ::  LOST LUGGAGE
  4. Schedule ::  BUSY, BUSY, BUSY
  5. Bucket ::  WASH MY JEEP
  6. Divorce ::  SADNESS
  7. Office ::  PARTY
  8. Tweed ::  POLYESTER
  9. Mattress ::  BED TIME

August 23, 2014

Camera Critters: Chill-laxing

Camera Critters
Shelby loves to go for car rides.
In this photo she was in the truck with her daddy.
The truck offers her a lot of windows to look out of
all while laying down comfortably.
 photo Shelby8-15-2014_zps1d3bc4b1.jpg

August 22, 2014

Rotten eCard of the Week #50: Sassy Pants

 I don't always wear my sassy pants. 
But, when I do, I wear them classy with some smart assy.

August 21, 2014

Shannon is Much More Than Just A Name

S is for smile, it gives you face value.
H is for happy, your wonderful laugh.
A is for accomplished, in all that you do
N is for natural, the genuine side of you.
N is for neatness, your orderly way.
O is for openness, it's refreshing!
N is for nice, need we say more?

Found out your special story at

August 20, 2014

August 19, 2014

August 18, 2014

The Very Last Time


From the moment you hold your baby in your arms you will never be the same.

You might long for the person you were before, when you had freedom and time and nothing in particular to worry about.

You will know tiredness like you never knew it before, and days will run into days that are exactly the same, full of feedings and burping, nappy changes and crying, whining and fighting, naps or a lack of naps.

It might seem like a never-ending cycle.

But don’t forget….There is a last time for everything.

There will come a time when you will feed your baby for the very last time.

They will fall asleep on you after a long day, and it will be the last time you ever hold your sleeping child.

One day you will carry them on your hip then set them down, and never pick them up that way again.

You will scrub their hair in the bath one night, and from that day on they will want to bathe alone.

They will hold your hand to cross the road, then never reach for it again.

They will creep into your room at midnight for cuddles, and it will be the last night you ever wake to this.

One afternoon you will sing “the wheels on the bus” and do all the actions, then never sing them that song again.

They will kiss you goodbye at the school gate, the next day they will ask to walk to the gate alone.

You will read a final bedtime story and wipe your last dirty face.

They will run to you with arms raised for the very last time.

The thing is, you won’t even know it’s the last time until there are no more times, and even then, it will take you a while to realize.

So while you are living in these times, remember there are only so many of them and when they are gone, you will yearn for just one more day of them.

For one last time.

-Author Unknown

August 17, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Would You?

This week's Sunday Stealing comes from "A Place Of My Own" by L'Empress.

Would you ever cheat on someone if they cheated on you? No.  What is the point of stooping to their level?  I don't want to be a bad person and I will not go against my morals and values.

Would you ever consider becoming a teacher? No.

Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?

Would you ever try fasting for a whole week?
 No. I like food way too much.

Would you ever try to quit one of your addictions? Yes.

Would you ever dye your hair purple? 

Would you ever spend $100 for the best tasting hamburger in the world? 

Would you rather chew gum off the ground or kill a squirrel? I would rather chew gum off the ground.

Would you rather play Monopoly or Operation? Monopoly.

Would you rather eat chocolate or fruity candies? Chocolate

Would you rather listen to one CD forever or become deaf? I would rather listen to one CD forever.

Would you rather be deaf or blind? Neither!  But if I had to choose, I would rather be deaf.

Would you rather text or talk on the phone? Text

Would you rather spend a day with Lady Gaga or Miley Cyrus? Lady Gaga

Would you rather learn to play piano or guitar? Piano

Would you rather have a stomach-ache or headache? Headache

Would you rather be overly interesting or overly dull? Overly dull.

August 16, 2014

August 15, 2014

August 13, 2014

Don't Abandon Your Pets

"Woof!" I said as you started the car,
"Hooray!" I said, it's my first time afar.....
The scents we were passing were all new to me,
For it was my first introduction to this mystery.
As we got out of the car I embraced you with joy,
After all you remembered to bring my favourite toy!
You threw it once or twice, of which I retrieved,
But on the third it seemed you were ready to leave.
You threw it long and hard and I chased it like lightning,
But when I turned to bring it back I saw a sight quite frightening.
I gripped my toy hard as I tried to comprehend
What it was I did wrong to make our relationship end.
You walked back to your car as I sat there still loyal.
Why am I subservient and you so royal?
Your engine started, and you peeled out into the night,
You didn't even care about my overwhelming fright.
As I sat in my pose determined you would come back,
The sun faded behind me while the surroundings turned black.
Day after day I stayed in that park,
Lying... waiting... too feeble to bark.
As I lay there dying thinking of you master,
I asked myself how I got into this horrifying disaster.
With my last breath of life, I whispered your name
Then I collapsed in a heap overrun by pain.
Why didn't you love me master? Why didn't you care?
Had I no significance, was I just a clump of hair?
I stayed there master and I waited for you
I guess taking care of me was just too much to do.
I'm gone now master, no more You-and-I
But what I can't figure out is why you didn't even say goodbye...

-Author: Andrew Siegele-

DONT ABANDON YOUR PETS. You are their lives

August 9, 2014

Camera Critters: Shelby and Ruby

Camera Critters
Shelby (big dog) hanging out with Ruby last Saturday.
The puppy wore out the big dog!

August 8, 2014

Rotten eCard of the Week #48: I Keep Dreaming...

I keep dreaming of a future, a future with a long and healthy life, 
not lived in the shadow of cancer but in the light. 
~Patrick Swayze~

August 7, 2014

Throwback Thursday: 1991

My dad (Bill), my daughter (Vickie) and my brother (Brian).
Photo was taken by me in the Spring of 1991 in Ironton, Missouri.

August 6, 2014

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Steve and I got married four years ago today, aka our official anniversary.
However, we consider August 10, 2001 to be our special, unofficial anniversary
(it is the day we had our first day)!

Happy Anniversary Steve! I love you!

August 5, 2014

"Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd

"Wish You Were Here"

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

August 4, 2014

Cervical Cancer Awareness

Cervical cancer is cancer that forms in tissues of the cervix (the organ connecting the uterus and vagina). It is usually a slow-growing cancer that may not have symptoms but can be found with regular Pap tests (a procedure in which cells are scraped from the cervix and looked at under a microscope). Cervical cancer is almost always caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

Estimated new cases and deaths from cervical (uterine cervix) cancer in the United States in 2014:

New cases: 12,360
Deaths: 4,020

See the online booklet What You Need To Know About™ Cancer of the Cervix to learn about cervical cancer symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and questions to ask the doctor.


All women are at risk for cervical cancer. It occurs most often in women over age 30. Each year, approximately 12,000 women in the United States get cervical cancer

Two tests can help prevent cervical cancer—
  1. The Pap test (or Pap smear) looks for precancers, cell changes on the cervix that may become cervical cancer if they are not treated appropriately. You should start getting Pap tests at age 21.
  2. The human papillomavirus (HPV) test looks for the virus that can cause these cell changes.
The most important thing you can do to help prevent cervical cancer is to have regular screening tests starting at age 21.

August 3, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Fun Fifteen

This week's Sunday Stealing comes from the now-defunct, Friday Feast

1. You have been awarded the time off from work and an all-expenses paid week anywhere in the United States. The catch is that it must be somewhere you have not been before. Where do you choose to visit?

I have never been to Hawaii, so that will be my destination.

2. Name your guilty pleasures. 

"The Real Housewives" shows, ice cream, and splashing in puddles like a little kid.

3. The best kind of milkshake is: 


4. What do you value most in other people?

Honesty, Trustworthiness and loyalty.

5. Be honest. Do you sneak some raw cookie dough when you're baking cookies?

Of course!  Even though it is bad for me, I love raw cookie dough.

6. Have you ever looked back at your life and realized that something you thought was a bad thing was actually a blessing in disguise?

Yes, a few my ex-husband leaving the children and I.  His leaving was one of the best thing that happened to us.

7. What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited?

The Great Smoky Mountains.

8. Are you more of a thinker or a feeler?

I am more of a thinker. 

9. Name three things you are thankful for right now.

My children, my dog and my husband. 

10. Have you ever participated in a three-legged race?

Yes, many years ago. 

11. When you are at an event that plays the National Anthem, do you place your hand over your heart?

Of course!  I place my hand over my heart every time I hear the National Anthem. 

12. Have you ever been on the wrong side of the law?


13. When was the last time you unintentionally surprised someone else?

Last week at work. 

14. When was the last time you deliberately surprised someone else?

A few weeks ago. 

15. What was the last really funny movie you watched?

Yesterday.  I watched Sharknado 2.

August 2, 2014

Annabelle (Bella)...I Miss You

Two years ago today a piece of my heart left this world. 
I miss my Annabelle (Bella) today just as much as the day she left. 
I miss her bark, her cute little stubby tail wagging and her doggie kisses. 
I miss cuddling with her, taking her on car rides, 
her playing with tennis balls and her playing with all her stuffed babies. 
Bella was a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. 
She will be forever a part of me. I love you Bella forever and always!

August 1, 2014